Hello Everyone

I think what Damo meant to say is "What the fuck are you talking about?". But I could be wrong.

No that's exactly what Damo meant, thank you for reminding me of this.

Since we are on the subject yellowbelly, why don't you tell me why you lied and claimed that Damo believes I'm "unhinged"??
So why don't you butt out? Are you missing Damn Yankee?

Picking a fight with winterborn now. Anything to create a diversion. You will do anything not to address the fact that YOU stated that Damocles thinks I'm "unhinged" and he doesn't know what the hell you are talking about.

Another one of your invisible friends who fervently agree with you no doubt. Fabulist.
So why don't you butt out? Are you missing Damn Yankee?

Why don't I butt out? Why should I? I have been on this board for a very long time, and I am not asking anything unusual.

I simply think the feuds from other boards should stay on other boards. You have a problem with that? Is the point of your visits here to partake of the petty nonsense or to debate?
Picking a fight with winterborn now. Anything to create a diversion. You will do anything not to address the fact that YOU stated that Damocles thinks I'm "unhinged" and he doesn't know what the hell you are talking about.

Another one of your invisible friends who fervently agree with you no doubt. Fabulist.

Of course he has no proof that Damo thinks you are "unhinged". It just makes a better drama if only Grind likes you.
Why don't I butt out? Why should I? I have been on this board for a very long time, and I am not asking anything unusual.

I simply think the feuds from other boards should stay on other boards. You have a problem with that? Is the point of your visits here to partake of the petty nonsense or to debate?

Yes so do I but the feud is on this board and not AOL. If you paid attention more you would know that rather than just jumping in the middle like a knight in shining armour to save the poor distressed damsel.
Yes so do I but the feud is on this board and not AOL. If you paid attention more you would know that rather than just jumping in the middle like a knight in shining armour to save the poor distressed damsel.

In the middle? Have I not been on this board the entire time y'all have been having this feud?

I'm sure you prefer it to be all of your little buddies against Darla. That makes you feel righteous and noble. But we both know that is bullshit.
In the middle? Have I not been on this board the entire time y'all have been having this feud?

I'm sure you prefer it to be all of your little buddies against Darla. That makes you feel righteous and noble. But we both know that is bullshit.

Further discourse on this matter is fruitless.
You would do well to demonstrate that you are not firmly in her pocket, she should be telling people why she lied not using you to defend her!!

1) I don't have to demonstrate shit to you.

2) You have no proof she reported the post. You are getting trolled by darla because you are so weakminded. All darla has to do is throw out a smile-y face or a one off comment and you go batshit with rage and wont shut up about things for days on end.

3) You assume I immediately know off the top of my head who reports stuff, when in fact we usually don't even pay attention to the name of who reported what, we just see the violation and act accordingly. A violation that is now almost 11-12 days old when we get reports usually every dayish.

4) talking about who reported what is bad because it would discourage people from reporting stuff in the future for fear of being "called out"
1) I don't have to demonstrate shit to you.

2) You have no proof she reported the post. You are getting trolled by darla because you are so weakminded. All darla has to do is throw out a smile-y face or a one off comment and you go batshit with rage and wont shut up about things for days on end.

3) You assume I immediately know off the top of my head who reports stuff, when in fact we usually don't even pay attention to the name of who reported what, we just see the violation and act accordingly. A violation that is now almost 11-12 days old when we get reports usually every dayish.

4) talking about who reported what is bad because it would discourage people from reporting stuff in the future for fear of being "calledhttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_U.S._minimum_wages out"

Look sunshine, don't take me for a fool. I saw the post she sent just minutes after I posted and which you had conveniently deleted. I wish that I had saved a copy now. I must admit I sort of half admire your gall for even pretending that it might not be her, nice try.
Look sunshine, don't take me for a fool. I saw the post she sent just minutes after I posted and which you had conveniently deleted. I wish that I had saved a copy now. I must admit I sort of half admire your gall for even pretending that it might not be her, nice try.

It wasn't Darla who reported it Tom, and it wasn't Grind who wanted to ban you.
Look sunshine, don't take me for a fool. I saw the post she sent just minutes after I posted and which you had conveniently deleted. I wish that I had saved a copy now. I must admit I sort of half admire your gall for even pretending that it might not be her, nice try.

you are missing the point entirely. I am not saying one way or the other. I am outlining why we don't always have the answers for you (mostly because we can't be bothered over petty bullshit) and also explained why it's best not to confirm or deny anyway, as it would discourage reports in the future from people if they thought that a thread would be made about it and their name would get dragged into it.
I was just about to apologise to you but I deleted it.

you broke the rules, I have no problem banning rule breakers... especially when we have so few rules to begin with.

You prob should still apologize for being so thick-headed though.
you broke the rules, I have no problem banning rule breakers... especially when we have so few rules to begin with.

You prob should still apologize for being so thick-headed though.

Nope, I made a joke that anybody, without an axe to grind, could see was not meant to be taken seriously. Anyway I've had my say and I'm done.
Picking a fight with winterborn now. Anything to create a diversion. You will do anything not to address the fact that YOU stated that Damocles thinks I'm "unhinged" and he doesn't know what the hell you are talking about.

Another one of your invisible friends who fervently agree with you no doubt. Fabulist.

Any of his responses to you, after your last WerWolf melt down, wouid qualify as him thinking you're unhinged.