Hello Everyone

Nope, I made a joke that anybody, without an axe to grind, could see was not meant to be taken seriously. Anyway I've had my say and I'm done.

Dude, I certainly didn't take it as a joke and I'm pretty sure I've stated I hope Howey dies in a fire.

Seriously, anything else is fine. Like my sentence above. Just leave kids out of it. You know this.
I think he does but he is more diplomatic than most.

You think he does, you think Soc does, you claim SF thinks Grind is an "appalling brownoser"...I guess you are just going to speak for everyone. You're delusional and a total weirdo. I am thrilled with your latest meltdown. You should see the Pm's I've been getting about you today. Good work Tom, you make it so easy for me.
Well I respect you Billy so I guess I will take your word for it. Of course that only leaves Damo and you. If it was Howey that reported me then I can only say that the toerag got his just desserts.

I'm surreeeee it couldn't have been Damo! LMAO

Man you made such a damned fool out of yourself here. I am going to reread my PM's about this, I am still laughing. Love it tom thanks!
So Wake was banned from DP for posting that forum's stuff elsewhere? Then a DP moderator comes here and does what Wake was banned for. That's funny right there.

Do DP moderators usually follow banned members to their new forums?

Sounds like the mob. You can't just walk away. :lol:
Oops, read your post after I submitted mine. :(

Yes, I was just going to remind you. Leave there and you can be expecting to swim with the fishes soon enough. They do have one or two good ideas though, namely a technical forum and one devoted to International Politics. My God, they even have an Abortion forum!!
No that's exactly what Damo meant, thank you for reminding me of this.

Since we are on the subject yellowbelly, why don't you tell me why you lied and claimed that Damo believes I'm "unhinged" ??

Don't take that as an insult. Some of my most cherished memories involve gals whom others thought were unhinged! :D