Hello Everyone

So Wake was banned from DP for posting that forum's stuff elsewhere? Then a DP moderator comes here and does what Wake was banned for. That's funny right there.

Do DP moderators usually follow banned members to their new forums?
So Wake was banned from DP for posting that forum's stuff elsewhere? Then a DP moderator comes here and does what Wake was banned for. That's funny right there.

Do DP moderators usually follow banned members to their new forums?

Hmm, it looks like it is easier to get out of the Cosa Nostra than DP.


If it were true, it would be sad actually.


Are you always this wrong about everything?

Are you always this insecure about what people outside of your forum say about your forum?

Wake may be lying (I can't read your thumbnail screenshot) and he may have deserved to be banned, but I don't understand what you are hoping to accomplish here. Frankly, it's a bit bizarre. I mean, by your admission you don't allow this sort of thing at your forum, yet you engage in it here. Is your dislike for this guy so strong that you want to ruin his whole internet experience?
Here is the PM you received:

View attachment 2010

You "do not lie" and yet you just did?

Wake, for the last time let this go. The further you go on about this, the worse you look. We are aware of who is feeding you information from DP and if this continues, that person will be dealt with as well. I'm going to give you some very good advice and I highly suggest you read it and follow it carefully.

You messed up at DP and we found it in our hearts to give you a 2nd chance. What you did to initiate the MPH was easily a "bannable" offense. Having said that, some took pity on you and we did not ban you and we did tell you that you needed to alter your behavior (see the screenshot above). You chose not to, whether intentionally or unintentionally (my money is on the latter because you lack self control). You may not think what you did was wrong, but it was in our minds and you were warned specifically to alter your behavior. So you get banned for not altering your behavior and you have the benefit of a fresh start at a new board (and a very good one at that) and instead of starting from scratch, you start off by bitching about how you got banned from your last board and then lying about it. You shouldn't waste any more time or energy defending yourself about what happened at DP as you've just been exposed for lying about what really happened. You should do what I told you before, let this go.

I wish you well and I hope that you can get past this and be a valuable member to your new board, JPP. It looks like a great place and I would hate to see you make the same mistakes here that you did at DP. I'm not going to respond to any more of your feeble attempts to prove that you were right and that we were wrong. As I've said before, let this go. Enjoy your new board and I hope that you learn from this rather than let it drag you down.

To Damocles, I apologize if I have disrupted your board. We don't let new members bad mouth their "old boards" at DP and as I told you once before I'm not here to cause trouble. If I have done that, I sincerely apologize but I did want to set the record straight. You have a great board here and I have no intention of further engaging Wake regarding DP. I've said my piece and I'm done with the self-inflicted drama that surrounds Wake.

Wait a minute, where does that picture that prove that I lied??

You say "alter your behavior," but what exacrtly did that mean? How was I to infer from that that I'd get banned for asking/persuing this issue with DP staff?

The following sentence states "if you ever do anything like this again." The second, newer forum was completely different!

If you were intending to ban me for persuing this issue with you while NOT acting until given permission, you should have made that CLEAR. If I said "screw you" and rushed to sig my new forum without staff consent a banning would be reasonable. You know as well as I do that "alter your behavior" is ambiguous, Red.

My behavior WAS altered for the better. The forum in question wasn't meant to get rid of unruly trolls like the first forum, and I had also came to you staff directly to clear it with you first.
Red, I don't mean to seem rude, but most of us couldn't care less about Wake's lying. We all know he's bee doing it, he's all but admitted it outright. But Wake will follow the rules, or he'll get banned. If he gets too obnoxious, posters will start banning him from their threads. There's no need for a presumption of guilt - JPP's rules are more lenient than yours. :)

Except I haven't lied.
So Wake was banned from DP for posting that forum's stuff elsewhere? Then a DP moderator comes here and does what Wake was banned for. That's funny right there.

Do DP moderators usually follow banned members to their new forums?

No. I was banned for persuing the issue straightforwardly with staff about getting permission to put my info forum in my sig. Because I pressed the issue, yet didn't act without say-so, I was banned. What makes it funny is that the forum I wanted to sig, which got me banned, never arrived on DP in any form. I trtied reasoning with them that this neutral data forum didn't reference DP at all, but by trying to reason with them I guess I "didn't alter my behavior," which doesn't make sense. If anything, I waited patiently for about a week for the issue to be cleared with them first.

Only after they banned me for that ridiculous reason did lines of communication get started here and proof get posted, to at least let my friends of 1+ years know what the hell actually happened.
says the obsessed stalker who ran to the mods getting people banned

Here is what she said before, denying any knowledge about it even though it was the nasty baggage who alerted the mods in the first place. She is such an effing liar.

Tom got banned and just because I was told about it, somehow it's my fault! Meanwhile i had nothing to do with it. He was banned from what I have heard just recently, for calling Howey a pedophile.

Are you always this insecure about what people outside of your forum say about your forum?

Wake may be lying (I can't read your thumbnail screenshot) and he may have deserved to be banned, but I don't understand what you are hoping to accomplish here. Frankly, it's a bit bizarre. I mean, by your admission you don't allow this sort of thing at your forum, yet you engage in it here. Is your dislike for this guy so strong that you want to ruin his whole internet experience?
Not insecure at all, just setting the record straight.

And you are right, to a small extent. My goal was merely to set the record straight and not attack other posters such as yourself. I don't dislike Wake at all and it appears as though my presence here has been misconstrued as something other than what it was, mostly my fault.

I apologize to you and to the staff here. I will now bow out of this discussion as I've said my piece, and I will not engage in any further discussion regarding Wake and/or DP. I may stick around, but as a mere member here and not as a "representative" of DP, which was not my goal to begin with.
Not insecure at all, just setting the record straight.

And you are right, to a small extent. My goal was merely to set the record straight and not attack other posters such as yourself. I don't dislike Wake at all and it appears as though my presence here has been misconstrued as something other than what it was, mostly my fault.

I apologize to you and to the staff here. I will now bow out of this discussion as I've said my piece, and I will not engage in any further discussion regarding Wake and/or DP. I may stick around, but as a mere member here and not as a "representative" of DP, which was not my goal to begin with.

I welcome new blood!
it doesn't really matter who reported what, you broke the rules. no one is to blame but yourself. accept some responsibility.

As to whether I broke the rules or not is one thing. What is undoubtedly clear is that she saw fit to lie about her involvement, to attempt to deny it speaks volumes about her duplicitious character and the ease with which she will lie for her own ends. You would do well to demonstrate that you are not firmly in her pocket, she should be telling people why she lied not using you to defend her!!
As to whether I broke the rules or not is one thing. What is undoubtedly clear is that she saw fit to lie about her involvement, to attempt to deny it speaks volumes about her duplicitious character and the ease with which she will lie for her own ends. You would do well to demonstrate that you are not firmly in her pocket, she should be telling people why she lied not using you to defend her!!

Oh shut up granny. Aren't you done making a fool out of yourself yet? I said that to piss you off. Which time did I say it to piss you off? BOTH! Maybe I reported it, maybe I didn't. Either way, I enjoyed your banning. Which YOU earned. There is no "whether' you broke the rules or not. You did. You were banned. Stop crying you crawling yellow belly and try and be a man.
Oh shut up granny. Aren't you done making a fool out of yourself yet? I said that to piss you off. Which time did I say it to piss you off? BOTH! Maybe I reported it, maybe I didn't. Either way, I enjoyed your banning. Which YOU earned. There is no "whether' you broke the rules or not. You did. You were banned. Stop crying you crawling yellow belly and try and be a man.

I am glad you've admitted that you lied, now everybody can see you for the mendacious baggage I know you to be. I get the distinct feeling that you lie even when you don't have to, just to keep in practice. You are a disgusting excuse for a human being.