hey cowgirl lets discuss elections

It's just common sense to me that you should verify who you are as a legal citizen if you want to vote for the people that will be in control of our country. I wouldn't want someone from Kansas coming to Texas to vote in our primary for example and so checking IDs would make it so that just Texans can vote for Texas leadership. The same goes for a presidential election. Only Americans citizens should be able to vote for the American president and so a simple check of a valid ID would ensure that sort of thing.
the problem with that argument is you have met that requirement when you register to vote. Adding additional requirements only serve to discourage voter turn out and serves no practical purpose. Considering the miniscule rate of voter fraud, which isn't even statistically significant, it is a solution in search of a problem. Besides ones identity is easily verified, when you vote, by your signature.

The intent is clear that these laws are intended to discourage voting.
the problem with that argument is you have met that requirement when you register to vote. Adding additional requirements only serve to discourage voter turn out and serves no practical purpose. Considering the miniscule rate of voter fraud, which isn't even statistically significant, it is a solution in search of a problem. Besides ones identity is easily verified, when you vote, by your signature.

The intent is clear that these laws are intended to discourage voting.

People's signatures can change, due to time (age) or illness.
Why not issued a voter ID, with the person's picture on it?
from cowgirl

I was wondering what your ideas would be for reducing any cheating, intimidation or fraud that happens with elections. For example when people vote twice or when someone feels pressured or when ballots are "lost", things like that. Disclaimer, I will be voting in my first elections next year for the primary and the main election and so I cant share any personal examples or give first hand experience but here are some things that I think could help.

1. Making ID's mandatory and matching that ID with your address that the state has on file.
2. Make voting machines identical across the country so that there arent areas that have confusion. So test a variety of machines and use the one that performed the best
3. It would be great if you could vote online but I think hackers could easily manipulate that, but it would still be cool to consider.

What do you think?

In post one I quoted her from another thread to start this thread.

she at he time was named cowgirl

ask her
now again

there is NO evidence that the type of fraud ID laws are designed to prevent effect elections.

why waste tax dollars on a non exsistant problem that will place barriers for voters to vote?

to keep people from voting

there is evidence that that saves fucking lives you complete lie filled can of rat ass droppings

but facts and evidence have no use in your fucking lie filled made up reality huh you fucking traitor to this nation
there is evidence that that saves fucking lives you complete lie filled can of rat ass droppings

but facts and evidence have no use in your fucking lie filled made up reality huh you fucking traitor to this nation

So wait a minute, checking ID doesn't work, but it does work? What is that supposed to mean?
are you admitting you only like It because it keeps legal American voters from being able to vote?
You might have a valid point if one had to pre-register (and prove identity) months in advance of a purchase.
You are not very bright.

Maybe you could expand on that a little. How does preregistration and proof of ID make identification actually less accurate?
Maybe you could expand on that a little. How does preregistration and proof of ID make identification actually less accurate?

I will gladly answer this question if you clarify it.
I have no idea what you are trying to say.