Hey Desh, Are you protesting the ACORN voter fraud?

As reports pile up of voter registration fraud connected to ACORN -- the Association of Community Organizers for Reform Now, a group that advocates for low-income voters – the campaign of Sen. Barack Obama, D-Ill., has sought to downplay his past ties with the group.

But in their efforts to do, Obama campaign officials found themselves forced last week to correct an erroneous assertion made on the campaign’s “Fight the Smears” webpage that “Barack was never an ACORN trainer and never worked for ACORN in any other capacity.”

That wasn’t true.

In fact, ACORN spokesman Lewis Goldberg told the New York Times that Obama conducted two unpaid leadership training sessions for ACORN’s Chicago affiliate in the late 1990s.


Desh, I was just curious as to whether you are protesting this, I haven't seen a single post from you, regarding ACORN. I know you are 'militantly active' over vote and election fraud, and I would think this is just the sort of thing you would be all over, but.... crickets are chirping. I figure, it's just because you were not aware of it, but I think ACORN is now under investigation in 13 states, for illegal voter registrations. I know that you are fair and bipartisan enough on this issue, to not be concerned with how much money ACORN has contributed to the Obama campaign. I know you are smart enough to understand there would only be one reason for illegally registering millions of ineligible voters for this election. As you have often said, we ALL need to stand up and fight against this sort of thing NOW! After the election, it is kind of pointless, we won't be able to fix it, but if we all join together now, we can keep these illegal votes from being counted and keep the integrity of the electorate intact! ....Are you with me on this???
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KANSAS CITY, Mo. (AP) — Officials in Missouri, a hard-fought jewel in the presidential race, are sifting through possibly hundreds of questionable or duplicate voter-registration forms submitted by an advocacy group that has been accused of election fraud in other states.

Charlene Davis, co-director of the election board in Jackson County, where Kansas City is, said the fraudulent registration forms came from the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now, or ACORN. She said they were bogging down work Wednesday, the final day Missourians could register to vote.

"I don't even know the entire scope of it because registrations are coming in so heavy," Davis said. "We have identified about 100 duplicates, and probably 280 addresses that don't exist, people who have driver's license numbers that won't verify or Social Security numbers that won't verify. Some have no address at all."

The nonpartisan group works to recruit low-income voters, who tend to lean Democratic. Polls show Republican presidential candidate John McCain with an edge in bellwether Missouri, but Democrat Barack Obama continues to put up a strong fight.
As someone has pointed out, the laws in most states REQUIRE that any voter registration form that is filled out MUST be turned in to the state office.

If you were collecting voter registrations, and I filled on out under the name Donald Duck and listed Disneyland as my home address, you are required by law to turn that form in to the voter registration office. You cannot throw it away.

If ACORN were breaking the law, why has there been no large scale prosecution?

All I have seen is sour grapes from people who have not benefitted from the surge in voter registrations.

But I am curious, Dixie, are you actively protesting it? Or are you just posting on forums and thinking that makes a difference?
Yeah, this is probably nothing... The 15-year-old boy ACORN registered in Michigan... they originally said had been registered 76 times, ACORN says he was only registered 17... but Michigan Board of Elections confirms at least 46 illegal registrations so far. I think if they can get it below 20, we can make this a 'non-story' pretty much, huh?
As someone has pointed out, the laws in most states REQUIRE that any voter registration form that is filled out MUST be turned in to the state office.

If you were collecting voter registrations, and I filled on out under the name Donald Duck and listed Disneyland as my home address, you are required by law to turn that form in to the voter registration office. You cannot throw it away.

If ACORN were breaking the law, why has there been no large scale prosecution?

All I have seen is sour grapes from people who have not benefitted from the surge in voter registrations.

But I am curious, Dixie, are you actively protesting it? Or are you just posting on forums and thinking that makes a difference?

Good argument for past rules, not so good now. When one can sign up and vote absentee, immediately, break downs are likely to occur, regardless of nonsense registrations.

Couple that with the hyper aggressive ACORN workers, disaster.
how can I answer when I wasnt fucking here to see the posts asswipes?

ACORN has never been convicted or indicted for any infraction.

Out of the thousands upon thousands of temp workers they have hired from the communities they serve a handfull have cheated ACORN by sitting on their asses and not doing the work. To cover for not working they have filled out the reg forms with famous football players names and the like. ACORN turns in these regs to the proper authorities and fires the employees. Now dont you find it interesting that all the toss up states with R election officials raid the ACORN offices and accuse them of doing this on purpose yet all the other states PRAISE ACORN for their due dillligence.

Interesting stuff huh?

Considereing the republicans partys KNOWN history of disenfranching poor voters who often happen to be black ( they have been caught and punished for such) it does seem to smell to high heaven huh?
As someone has pointed out, the laws in most states REQUIRE that any voter registration form that is filled out MUST be turned in to the state office.

If you were collecting voter registrations, and I filled on out under the name Donald Duck and listed Disneyland as my home address, you are required by law to turn that form in to the voter registration office. You cannot throw it away.

If ACORN were breaking the law, why has there been no large scale prosecution?

All I have seen is sour grapes from people who have not benefitted from the surge in voter registrations.

But I am curious, Dixie, are you actively protesting it? Or are you just posting on forums and thinking that makes a difference?

Holy shit, a voice of sanity!

In any event, I find it interesting that the NY Times has actual disenfranchisement of registered voters occurring in several swing states whereas the submitting false registration forms does not deprive anyone anywhere of the right to vote.
Good argument for past rules, not so good now. When one can sign up and vote absentee, immediately, break downs are likely to occur, regardless of nonsense registrations.

Couple that with the hyper aggressive ACORN workers, disaster.

That makes no sense whatsoever.

ACORN is legally obligated to submit the forms they receive regardless of whether it is clear that they registration is false. What does this have to do with "past rules" and whether one can sign up and vote absentee (if you are suggesting that ACORN workers walk around with absentee ballots and registration forms and has people sign up and vote at the same time you have serious issues)?
As someone has pointed out, the laws in most states REQUIRE that any voter registration form that is filled out MUST be turned in to the state office.

If you were collecting voter registrations, and I filled on out under the name Donald Duck and listed Disneyland as my home address, you are required by law to turn that form in to the voter registration office. You cannot throw it away.

Maybe I am missing something, but what would be the purpose of illegally registering fraudulent voters? I can only think of one reason, but I am sure your massive brain can articulate a number of perfectly legitimate reasons for ACORN to be padding the roles with excessive fraudulently registered voters.

If ACORN were breaking the law, why has there been no large scale prosecution?

Uhm, I believe that is probably because this matter is still "under investigation" and it may take some time to get around to indictments and actual prosecution will follow that. Again, I am not as smart as you, maybe you understand something about the law and these matters that I have failed to consider.

All I have seen is sour grapes from people who have not benefitted from the surge in voter registrations.

Yeah, it's sour grapes! Us McCainites want just as many fraudulent ineligible multi-voters as Obama, dammit! It's only fair!

But I am curious, Dixie, are you actively protesting it? Or are you just posting on forums and thinking that makes a difference?

I'm waiting for the tempera paint to dry on my posters! I just wanted to come here and grab Desh before we set out on a coast-to-coast march! She is much more experienced with how to do this 'protest' stuff, I am a conservative, so I don't really know how to go about it. I figured, with Desh by my side on this, maybe I can get something done.

all these years when some clown fills out a registration in some famous persons name( not likely to get someone an extra vote huh) and turns it into ACORN and you guys wet your pullups ACORN has never even had charges brought against them.

Two DOJ lawyers were FIRED for not falsely prosecuting them though.

It seems all the targetihng of ACORN by the GOP just aint going anywhere so they are trying to scare people away from ACORN with false accusations
I'll try to make clear why some have a problem with ACORN issues:

1. They have no vetting procedure on whom they sign up, legal? Illegal? No matter.

2. Registered before? No matter, register again, 100 times, no problem.

3. Some states, register and vote via absentee ballot. No review, no confirmation legal. If wrong, maybe it will be caught, most likely not.

all these years when some clown fills out a registration in some famous persons name( not likely to get someone an extra vote huh) and turns it into ACORN and you guys wet your pullups ACORN has never even had charges brought against them.

Two DOJ lawyers were FIRED for not falsely prosecuting them though.

It seems all the targetihng of ACORN by the GOP just aint going anywhere so they are trying to scare people away from ACORN with false accusations

Well Desh, it seems to me, no one in Ohio was ever prosecuted for buying those shitty Diebold machines either. No one in Florida was ever prosecuted for designing those butterfly ballots which tricked senior citizens into voting for Pat Buchanan instead of Al Gore. You can't really go by who has been prosecuted for what, if that is your criteria for fighting voter fraud, we'll never get anything done about it.

Let me just say, I am very disappointed in you here. I was just sure that you of all people, would be with me on this, ready to don the metal combat helmet and go after these fraudulent vote-rigging bastards! But, you seem to be offering 'explanations' and 'excuses' instead. It's almost like you have some 'political motivation' to defend voter fraud in this case. I really thought you cared about this issue, you claimed you did, but you aren't willing to join me in condemning this, so I guess that was just a lie. I'm so disappointed!
You guys just refuse to absorb the real facts huh?

Dixie, exactly what would you have someone protest?

Would you like for them to protest someone doing their job badly? Since ACORN hired temp workers to do the actual handing out of forms, I am certain they didn't get the top of the line workers.

But, since we have already explained that any registration form that is filled out MUST be turned in, you cannot be asking that we protest ACORN turning the sheets in.

Unless you are under the impression that filling out a registration card automatically casts a vote, having all these extra registration cards isn't much of an issue.

Did you see in the original article where they talked about Social Security numbers and Driver's Licence numbers that won't verify, and addresses that do not exist. This means they check the new registrations against DMV, SS adminstration and a database of physical addresses.

So, unless ID theft is part of the scam, the new voters that are being signed up are only going to get one vote, just like you and I.
You guys just refuse to absorb the real facts huh?


Well Desh, the election is still 22 days away, there hasn't actually been any voter fraud yet, unless it was in the absentee voting. The point is, what would be the purpose of flooding the voter roles with all of these ineligible voters? I mean, if there is nothing wrong with this, maybe we can organize some 'right-wing' group to go out and illegally register republicans by the buttload? Is that okay?