Hey Desh, Are you protesting the ACORN voter fraud?

OH, you saw them counting the votes? Or you saw people casting provisional ballots which may or may not be counted?


You are the Jackass, not me.

I saw what I said. People in line to vote, just like me, except... unlike me, they were not on the voter roll in the precinct they were voting in, or they didn't have identification to show who they were. It happened 3 times in 2002, and 2 times in 2004, in just the short time I was waiting in line, and with just the handful of people in front of me, I don't know how many of these type voters were given ballots and allowed to vote. Like I said, I don't know what the procedure was, but I do know it is Federal law to maintain confidentiality in your vote, so how would they know after the fact, who's vote was 'legitimate' and who's wasn't? I have no clue about that, didn't claim to. I just know what I witnessed with my own two eyes, and you butt munch morons can sit here and stubbornly insist I didn't see it all you like... I FUCKING SAW IT HAPPEN!
You claim that these people's votes were counted without them being registered to vote.

So why bother to register people? Why not just get them to go to the polls?

No, I don't believe it happens and I don't believe their votes were counted.
You claim that these people's votes were counted without them being registered to vote.

So why bother to register people? Why not just get them to go to the polls?

No, I don't believe it happens and I don't believe their votes were counted.

I never said their votes were counted moron, try reading what I posted again. They were ALLOWED TO VOTE!

Indeed, why bother going through a proper and legitimate registration? Apparently there is nothing against the law in registering hundreds of times under false names, with fake ID's, or fake addresses... ACORN registered 1.3 million like that! Now they will organize propaganda buses to take them to the polls while they pump them full of liberal jizz, and when they show up, they will be given a ballot and will be allowed to vote, regardless of ANY discrepancy!
...Liberal Democrat Democracy in Action!
I can't wait for Obama to steal the election and enslave you honkies. By the way, did you get your papers in order yet?

Onceler, because he has been such a housewhitey, is going to get to be overseer. I don't think the next few years are going to go well for Dixie.
Dixie, here are the requirements for casting a provisional ballot.


Among the requirements is that you fill out a Provisional Ballot Affidavit. That affidavit asks for your name, social security number, address, gender and date of birth.

So it is a matter of verification of the voter's eligibility to vote.

You can see the Provional Ballot Affidavit online.

Quit whining and making up facts to suit your argument.
I never said their votes were counted moron, try reading what I posted again. They were ALLOWED TO VOTE!

Indeed, why bother going through a proper and legitimate registration? Apparently there is nothing against the law in registering hundreds of times under false names, with fake ID's, or fake addresses... ACORN registered 1.3 million like that! Now they will organize propaganda buses to take them to the polls while they pump them full of liberal jizz, and when they show up, they will be given a ballot and will be allowed to vote, regardless of ANY discrepancy!
...Liberal Democrat Democracy in Action!

Bullshit. Yes, they will be given a provisional ballot and a provisional ballot affidavit. And IF their information is verified their vote will be counted.

But the affidavit requires they give their name, address, social security number and other information. If it doesn't checkout, their vote is not counted.
Bullshit. Yes, they will be given a provisional ballot and a provisional ballot affidavit. And IF their information is verified their vote will be counted.

But the affidavit requires they give their name, address, social security number and other information. If it doesn't checkout, their vote is not counted.

And that was ALL I said... they WERE allowed to vote!

Now.... what happened to their "vote" after that, I don't know, I wasn't there, and didn't witness that. I just saw people with no ID, or not on the rolls, given ballots and allowed to cast a vote. I didn't see them fill out any affidavit or have their ballots set aside in a special place for confirmation, I don't know what happened in that regard. I don't really understand how they could go back after the fact, and determine who's ballot was who's, since your ballot doesn't have your name on it, but maybe they did this! I don't know... just know what I saw, and I stated it truthfully here.
Onceler, because he has been such a housewhitey, is going to get to be overseer. I don't think the next few years are going to go well for Dixie.

Can you two stop letting your flagrant and obvious RACISM spew over into my thread. It's really annoying to me, not that it bothers me you are completely off-topic, or being the racists we all know you are, but because you seem to not be aware you are doing it.
*********THREAD SUMMARY***********

Agents of ACORN are not responsible for any fraudulent activies they participated in because they are inept.
No because the courts and prosecutors have never found them involved in teh fraud.

Its all been perpitrated by employees who ACORN then promptly turns in.

If you work at walmart and you steal from them ,then walmart catches you and turns you in to the police the police dont charge walmart for anything, GET IT!
No because the courts and prosecutors have never found them involved in teh fraud.

Its all been perpitrated by employees who ACORN then promptly turns in.

If you work at walmart and you steal from them ,then walmart catches you and turns you in to the police the police dont charge walmart for anything, GET IT!

That analogy about Walmart is so far off the mark it doesn't deserve a reply....

what a moron........!
If you work at walmart and you steal from them ,then walmart catches you and turns you in to the police the police dont charge walmart for anything, GET IT!

LOL nice analogy.
If an agent of Walmart was caught stealing from an entity other than Walmart, Walmart would be responsible for damages if they did nothing to stop the agent working under their name.
In the case of provisionals, it does take a corrupt elections dept. rather than an organization like Acorn to wreck havoc. Luckily for my fellow Washingtonians, we had the Elections Dept. of King County to fill that void in 2004. Acorn got 5 of its people sent to prison, but the only thing that happened to KC was that Exec. Ron Sims had to bow to public demand and fire Director Dean Logan whom he had appointed and vouched for.
If you work at walmart and you steal from them ,then walmart catches you and turns you in to the police the police dont charge walmart for anything, GET IT!

LOL nice analogy.
If an agent of Walmart was caught stealing from an entity other than Walmart, Walmart would be responsible for damages if they did nothing to stop the agent working under their name.

Ok there you go If a walmart employee goes and hangs outside in the parking lot instead of doing the job they were hired for and then steals from peoples cars ,then walmart see it on the security cams and turns the guy in to the police then Walmart has done nothing wrong right?

Which is way the police would not then prosecute walmart.

That is an equivelant case stir.