Hey Desh, Are you protesting the ACORN voter fraud?

Again, your mental retardation gets in the way of your comprehensive ability. The act of filing out a registration card, IS "registering" to vote! QUOTE]

You are an idiot.

Filling out a card does NOTHING but start the process.

You are not registered to vote until is is verified.

ACORN cannot grant anyone the ability to vote. ONLY the state can do that.
Again, your mental retardation gets in the way of your comprehensive ability. The act of filing out a registration card, IS "registering" to vote!
You are an idiot.

Filling out a card does NOTHING but start the process.

You are not registered to vote until is is verified.

ACORN cannot grant anyone the ability to vote. ONLY the state can do that.

Solitary, regardless of how much you try to spin it, these fucks are knowingly submitting fraudulent cards. They're overloading the system with their fake bullshit. Maybe it's not violating the letter of the law, but it's clearly violating the spirit.
Again, your mental retardation gets in the way of your comprehensive ability. The act of filing out a registration card, IS "registering" to vote!

Solitary, regardless of how much you try to spin it, these fucks are knowingly submitting fraudulent cards. They're overloading the system with their fake bullshit. Maybe it's not violating the letter of the law, but it's clearly violating the spirit.


You don't like it? Fine, change the rules. If it isn't breaking the rules then its not fraud.

Is it the fault of ACORN that the voter registration offices cannot keep up?

This is not the first voter registration drive that has happened. Its just that ACORN has gone out and gotten more registration cards filled out than people did before.

This is the same sort of arguments that went on in Philadelphia Mississippi or in Walton County Georgia when they registered blacks to vote back in the day.

I am not spinning anything. I expect the government to do their job. I don't expect EITHER side of a hottly contested election to be honest. I am not that naive.

But lets say that ACORN brings in 250,000 registration cards. Do we throw them ALL out at the first sign of duplicates?

yeah, thats a great plan. Lets restrict the votes to ONLY those who happen to register at a place where no mistakes or dishonesty happens.

You don't like it? Fine, change the rules. If it isn't breaking the rules then its not fraud.

Is it the fault of ACORN that the voter registration offices cannot keep up?

This is not the first voter registration drive that has happened. Its just that ACORN has gone out and gotten more registration cards filled out than people did before.

This is the same sort of arguments that went on in Philadelphia Mississippi or in Walton County Georgia when they registered blacks to vote back in the day.

I am not spinning anything. I expect the government to do their job. I don't expect EITHER side of a hottly contested election to be honest. I am not that naive.

But lets say that ACORN brings in 250,000 registration cards. Do we throw them ALL out at the first sign of duplicates?

yeah, thats a great plan. Lets restrict the votes to ONLY those who happen to register at a place where no mistakes or dishonesty happens.

You're pathetic.

It's also the letter of the law that people should be purged when they lose their residence, but we all know it's scummy and sick. You're a moral disgrace to humanity.
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Ok, you want to call me pathetic, and yet you obviously have only the information provided by politcal hacks.

Here is a website that addresses the issues brought up.


Go there and then try and keep spouting your tripe.

For someone who claims to be against the fascists you certainly don't mind keeping the masses away from the polls.
Ok, you want to call me pathetic, and yet you obviously have only the information provided by politcal hacks.

Here is a website that addresses the issues brought up.


Go there and then try and keep spouting your tripe.

For someone who claims to be against the fascists you certainly don't mind keeping the masses away from the polls.

I believe dead people should be kept away from the polls, you dishonest, shit-eating goon.
Oh, it's fine and fucking dandy Sol, I am going lobby Rush, Sean, O'Reilly, Boortz, Beck, and Savage, to instruct all Republicans to flood the state offices with dozens of erroneous registrations. We'll gum up the works with millions of fraudulent voter registrations, and let the states weed through them all between now and election time. We'll fucking see how well you take that, how understanding and apathetic you are then! What a total piece of shit! You know goddamn well this is wrong, on so many fucking levels, yet you will honestly sit here and have the fucking gall to defend it and excuse it, like the pathetic retarded moron you are!
Gee; sure looks like Dix is "having fun." I was wrong to doubt him...

You're just plain fucking wrong, it has nothing to do with doubting me.

Yes, I am having the time of my life, Onzies.

Cussing out worthless piece of shit liberals who have no sense of ethics or morals, is very therapeutic for me!
Sol, you mental midget, let me ask you this.... IF there is absolutely nothing wrong in what has happened, how come 13 states are investigating it? Seems to me, someone thinks something wrong has been done, otherwise, why would they investigate a perfectly legitimate practice?
Ok, you want to call me pathetic, and yet you obviously have only the information provided by politcal hacks.

Here is a website that addresses the issues brought up.


Go there and then try and keep spouting your tripe.

For someone who claims to be against the fascists you certainly don't mind keeping the masses away from the polls.
I've seen Middie quote that blog, so it can't be too great, although in an economics discussion between you and Asshate, I'm with you 100%.
I've seen Middie quote that blog, so it can't be too great, although in an economics discussion between you and Asshate, I'm with you 100%.

Yes, I admit I got that link from midcan's thread.

But I still see nothing seriously wrong with what ACORN has done. Perhaps some more oversight would be good, but its not something that I am worried about.

The closest thing to a problem would be the flooding of the registration offices and clogging up the system. But that is a problem with any bureacracy. And could be resolved by shifting manpower and resources within the government offices.
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ACORNs "problem" is GOP attempts to keep newly registered voters who will likely vote Dem from voting.

Just like what the DOJ scandal shows and what the History fo the republican party shows.
The investigation into Palin's "Troopergate" was a politically motivated witch hunt according to some people.

And these same people claim that the ACORN fiasco is not politically motivated, but is a search for justice.

Now a judge has determined the GOP is acting illegally to supress votes and no one here is concerned about that?

Wow ,just wow.
Now a judge has determined the GOP is acting illegally to supress votes and no one here is concerned about that?

Wow ,just wow.
Desh, that there is nobody in there attempting to defend it doesn't mean that there is no concern, it in fact means the opposite.

In one thread it doesn't matter how much fraud is discovered it is defended, in another nobody even attempts to defend the action. That tells me much.
Desh, that there is nobody in there attempting to defend it doesn't mean that there is no concern, it in fact means the opposite.

In one thread it doesn't matter how much fraud is discovered it is defended, in another nobody even attempts to defend the action. That tells me much.

That post of yours tells me you're a moron.

Quick fact: no fraud was discovered in this thread. Dixie even went so far as to continually lie about what ACORN did to try to pass it off as fraudulent actions on the part of the company.
That post of yours tells me you're a moron.

Quick fact: no fraud was discovered in this thread. Dixie even went so far as to continually lie about what ACORN did to try to pass it off as fraudulent actions on the part of the company.

Don't be so quick to call others morons before you understand what they are talking about. Damo is talking about another thread Desh started this morning.
That post of yours tells me you're a moron.

Quick fact: no fraud was discovered in this thread. Dixie even went so far as to continually lie about what ACORN did to try to pass it off as fraudulent actions on the part of the company.
Quick fact: Fraud was discovered in this thread, that nobody yet has linked it directly to the policy and procedures of the company doesn't change that.

Pretending it is just those bad employees that do this while ignoring the fact that it is widespread and unlikely to be just a few bad eggs is just partisan hackery.

Once again, no matter how much is discovered you guys will be in here defending it.
They're called facts, and they're stubborn things. We're on here correcting the record, constantly being muddied by you and the other idiots on here.

The only fraud committed was done by the individual registerers who did it for personal gain. ACORN gains nothing by sending in a bunch of bad registrations. They're required to do it, as it was pointed out, by law.

The biggest criticism I think you can level at them is for having a retarded business model.