Hey Desh, Are you protesting the ACORN voter fraud?

I'll try to make clear why some have a problem with ACORN issues:

1. They have no vetting procedure on whom they sign up, legal? Illegal? No matter.

2. Registered before? No matter, register again, 100 times, no problem.

3. Some states, register and vote via absentee ballot. No review, no confirmation legal. If wrong, maybe it will be caught, most likely not.

1) What possible vetting procedure could they have? They aren't experts and the people that they hire to do this stuff are no exactly experts either. They're typically lower class unemployed folks trying to make a few bucks. Also, they're in no position to test the qualification of voters, that's what the Secretary of State is for. Finally, and most importantly, they are required by law to submit all applications they receive regardless of how ridiculous they are. So, even if they vetted the registrations they couldn't toss out the bad ones.

2) Who gives a shit if the same person registers to vote more than once. It doesn't matter at all. They still get only one vote.

3) This is the silliest of your objections. The place that have vote-by-mail require the person requesting to vote by mail to get the ballot from the elections board or Secretary of State's office. ACORN doesn't have these ballot sitting around at the local office.
Well Desh, the election is still 22 days away, there hasn't actually been any voter fraud yet, unless it was in the absentee voting. The point is, what would be the purpose of flooding the voter roles with all of these ineligible voters? I mean, if there is nothing wrong with this, maybe we can organize some 'right-wing' group to go out and illegally register republicans by the buttload? Is that okay?

Why do people submit false registrations? Because they can and it is easier than getting real people to sign up.

Sure, Republicans can go illegally register Republicans. You could start with former members of congress with felony convictions.
Well Desh, the election is still 22 days away, there hasn't actually been any voter fraud yet, unless it was in the absentee voting. The point is, what would be the purpose of flooding the voter roles with all of these ineligible voters? I mean, if there is nothing wrong with this, maybe we can organize some 'right-wing' group to go out and illegally register republicans by the buttload? Is that okay?

Dixie, if you can get republicans to register to vote by the buttload I applaud you.

Although I am confused on why you call anyone a democrat or republican if they haven't been registered to vote.

ACORN Is flooding the voter registration offices, that much is true. I feel sorry for the employees of the voter registration office for them being so over worked.

But do we protest that?
Dixie, exactly what would you have someone protest?

Would you like for them to protest someone doing their job badly? Since ACORN hired temp workers to do the actual handing out of forms, I am certain they didn't get the top of the line workers.

But, since we have already explained that any registration form that is filled out MUST be turned in, you cannot be asking that we protest ACORN turning the sheets in.

Unless you are under the impression that filling out a registration card automatically casts a vote, having all these extra registration cards isn't much of an issue.

Did you see in the original article where they talked about Social Security numbers and Driver's Licence numbers that won't verify, and addresses that do not exist. This means they check the new registrations against DMV, SS adminstration and a database of physical addresses.

So, unless ID theft is part of the scam, the new voters that are being signed up are only going to get one vote, just like you and I.

The last two times I voted, they were allowing people to cast a vote if they showed up to vote. It didn't matter if they were even on the roles. There was so much emphasis and fear placed on them regarding 'disenfranchisement' they didn't dare turn anyone away.

Now, it's like I said, I can really only see one possible purpose for registering millions of illegal voters, and that is to cast millions of illegal ballots. You haven't really given me any other reason for this. But hey, if that is all okay with you guys, we can organize some right-wing group, to go out there and register every Republican two, three, forty-six times... as long as it's fair.

TALLAHASSEE - Fourteen months after a campaign to increase Florida's minimum wage drew allegations of voter fraud, a federal judge in South Florida has ruled at least some of those accusations against grass roots political group ACORN were so baseless they amount to defamation.

U.S. District Judge James King has dismissed a lawsuit brought by Mac Stuart, a former ACORN employee, saying Stuart never provided evidence to support his claim that he was fired because he uncovered voter fraud.

Stuart alleged that ACORN improperly handled registration forms when it conducted voter registration drives, including not submitting Republican registrations to election officials.

The judge upheld ACORN's counterclaim that Stuart's lack of evidence made his allegations libel and slander. The group has always claimed it fired Stuart for insubordination.

An investigation by the Florida Department of Law Enforcement also found no evidence of criminal activity at ACORN, department officials confirmed Wednesday.

The resolution comes more than a year after ACORN outmaneuvered Florida's business community and Republican leadership to place a successful citizen petition on the ballot to raise Florida's minimum wage in May from $5.15 to $6.15 an hour.

The state constitutional amendment, approved by 71 percent of voters, also sets a process to adjust the wage annually for inflation.

But a month before voters went to the polls, criticism of ACORN mounted. Stuart filed his lawsuit; the Department of Law Enforcement took the unusual step of publicizing the fact it was investigating ACORN; and another lawsuit filed in state court in Tallahassee, but later withdrawn, alleged the group committed fraud in collecting petitions for the ballot measure.

Last month, U.S. District Judge Jose Martinez dismissed with prejudice a third lawsuit, which also had ties to Stuart.

The 12 plaintiffs alleged ACORN had failed to file their voter registration applications, which made them ineligible to vote in 2004. Stuart had provided the plaintiffs' attorneys with the applications.

Martinez dismissed the suit after 10 plaintiffs withdrew and the only remaining ones were a felon, not allowed to vote under Florida law, and a person who had moved to New Jersey, said ACORN attorney Brian Koch of Miami.

...ACORN, which stands for Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now, claims to have registered more than 1.1-million voters nationwide in 2004, 210,000 of them in Florida.
The last two times I voted, they were allowing people to cast a vote if they showed up to vote. It didn't matter if they were even on the roles. There was so much emphasis and fear placed on them regarding 'disenfranchisement' they didn't dare turn anyone away.

Now, it's like I said, I can really only see one possible purpose for registering millions of illegal voters, and that is to cast millions of illegal ballots. You haven't really given me any other reason for this. But hey, if that is all okay with you guys, we can organize some right-wing group, to go out there and register every Republican two, three, forty-six times... as long as it's fair.

I have been voting since 1978. Every time I have been to the polls I have seen people being turned away because they are not on the voter rolls.

I believe you are making that up.

You can only see one possible purpose? I can only see one as well. But mine is much easier. ACORN hired temps. The people either turned in voter registrations or they didn't get paid. So they pressed hard to get more cards filled out (regardless of accuracy) so they could keep getting a check.

That is a far simpler and more rational explanation than you idea that these duplicates are somehow going to bypass the safeguards of the system because of their sheer number.
Why do people submit false registrations? Because they can and it is easier than getting real people to sign up.

Sure, Republicans can go illegally register Republicans. You could start with former members of congress with felony convictions.

"Because they can," is not a reason, neither is "because it's easier" because that doesn't give the purpose. Yes, it is easier to register the same person 100 times and count him as 100 registered voters for Obama, but it also makes it easier for that person to vote 100 times for Obama, the way I see it. But hey, if this is all legitimate and fair, and you guys have no problems with it (and it seems you don't) then you won't mind us allowing all Republicans to register 100 times.
Fourteen months after a campaign to increase Florida's minimum wage drew allegations of voter fraud, a federal judge in South Florida has ruled at least some of those accusations against grass roots political group ACORN were so baseless they amount to defamation.

U.S. District Judge James King has dismissed a lawsuit brought by Mac Stuart, a former ACORN employee, saying Stuart never provided evidence to support his claim that he was fired because he uncovered voter fraud.
"Because they can," is not a reason, neither is "because it's easier" because that doesn't give the purpose. Yes, it is easier to register the same person 100 times and count him as 100 registered voters for Obama, but it also makes it easier for that person to vote 100 times for Obama, the way I see it. But hey, if this is all legitimate and fair, and you guys have no problems with it (and it seems you don't) then you won't mind us allowing all Republicans to register 100 times.

Dixie, you are making up facts that don't exist.

People filled out 100 voter registration cards. People were NOT registered to vote 100 times.

If I get you to fill out the forms for a Driver's Licence 100 times, and yet the computer process for vetting the licences only gives you ONE drivers licence, WHY would anyone be angry?

The voter registration cards ask for drivers licence numbers, social security numbers and physical homes addresses.

If any of those cannot be verified they person is not registered to vote.

ACORN is just creating mountains of paperwork, they are not creating thousands or millions of registered voters that don't exist.
Dixie, if you can get republicans to register to vote by the buttload I applaud you.

Although I am confused on why you call anyone a democrat or republican if they haven't been registered to vote.

ACORN Is flooding the voter registration offices, that much is true. I feel sorry for the employees of the voter registration office for them being so over worked.

But do we protest that?

Think about the high success rate that ACORN has in getting lawful voters registered to vote. It submitted 1.3 million voter registrations. We're hearing about a few hundred allegedly false registrations. That's a very high success rate.
I have been voting since 1978. Every time I have been to the polls I have seen people being turned away because they are not on the voter rolls.

I believe you are making that up.

Nope, I am not making it up. After the 2000 elections, the poll officials have been mandated to accept your vote, regardless of the circumstance. Now, maybe they put your ballot in some special box and go back later to try and confirm your vote was eligible, but since your name isn't on your ballot, I don't see how that is possible, but they were indeed accepting everyone who was in line to vote, they didn't turn down anyone for any reason. I saw it happen in 2002 and 2004, and like you, I have been voting since 1978, but this is something that only recently began happening. I can remember not getting to vote in the mid-terms once, because I had moved and was living in a different precinct, but the requirements have been relaxed since the great 'voter disenfranchisement' of 2000.
"Because they can," is not a reason, neither is "because it's easier" because that doesn't give the purpose. Yes, it is easier to register the same person 100 times and count him as 100 registered voters for Obama, but it also makes it easier for that person to vote 100 times for Obama, the way I see it. But hey, if this is all legitimate and fair, and you guys have no problems with it (and it seems you don't) then you won't mind us allowing all Republicans to register 100 times.

Hilarious. Rammer Jammer Yellow Hammer . . .
Dixie, you are making up facts that don't exist.

People filled out 100 voter registration cards. People were NOT registered to vote 100 times.

If I get you to fill out the forms for a Driver's Licence 100 times, and yet the computer process for vetting the licences only gives you ONE drivers licence, WHY would anyone be angry?

The voter registration cards ask for drivers licence numbers, social security numbers and physical homes addresses.

If any of those cannot be verified they person is not registered to vote.

ACORN is just creating mountains of paperwork, they are not creating thousands or millions of registered voters that don't exist.

He doesn't care. He doesn't care about the thousands of minorities disenfranchised every year either.

He doesn't want likely democratic voters to be allowed to vote, period. And the ones you can stop, are minorities and the poor.
Nope, I am not making it up. After the 2000 elections, the poll officials have been mandated to accept your vote, regardless of the circumstance. Now, maybe they put your ballot in some special box and go back later to try and confirm your vote was eligible, but since your name isn't on your ballot, I don't see how that is possible, but they were indeed accepting everyone who was in line to vote, they didn't turn down anyone for any reason. I saw it happen in 2002 and 2004, and like you, I have been voting since 1978, but this is something that only recently began happening. I can remember not getting to vote in the mid-terms once, because I had moved and was living in a different precinct, but the requirements have been relaxed since the great 'voter disenfranchisement' of 2000.

Negative. It doesn't happen that way. At all. Particularly in swing states. If they refuse to allow you to vote, they allow you to cast a provisional ballot. That doesn't mean that your vote will be counted, even if you really are a lawful voter.
Think about the high success rate that ACORN has in getting lawful voters registered to vote. It submitted 1.3 million voter registrations. We're hearing about a few hundred allegedly false registrations. That's a very high success rate.

LOL... I believe the count is somewhere in the neighborhood of 200k in Ohio alone, they are also investigating it in Missouri and Colorado, as well as 9 other states. No telling how many of that 1.3 million are not actually eligible voters. No telling how many are duplicates. This is FRAUD, plain and simple! But because you know it will help Obama steal this election, you are all okay with it! You're all busting your asses to defend it! That's what this election has come down to! You don't give a damn about election integrity or democracy at all! You care about your Liberal winning the election, by hook or crook, you don't care!
Negative. It doesn't happen that way. At all. Particularly in swing states. If they refuse to allow you to vote, they allow you to cast a provisional ballot. That doesn't mean that your vote will be counted, even if you really are a lawful voter.

I fucking SAW it happening! Stop telling me it DOESN'T!
LOL... I believe the count is somewhere in the neighborhood of 200k in Ohio alone, they are also investigating it in Missouri and Colorado, as well as 9 other states. No telling how many of that 1.3 million are not actually eligible voters. No telling how many are duplicates. This is FRAUD, plain and simple! But because you know it will help Obama steal this election, you are all okay with it! You're all busting your asses to defend it! That's what this election has come down to! You don't give a damn about election integrity or democracy at all! You care about your Liberal winning the election, by hook or crook, you don't care!

I can't wait for Obama to steal the election and enslave you honkies. By the way, did you get your papers in order yet?