Hey its me

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1) Mott has me down perfectly.
2) There's far too many asswholes around here for him to be even Top 10 (certainly top 15 material, though).
3) One guess from big hooters, beer, and revisionist history which is my favorite...

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Even though I don't get along with PiMP very well, he does show a wicked funny sense of humor from time to time.
They always loved my sermons. I actually had to make copies available after each service there were so many people who wanted to study it further during the week.
They always loved my sermons. I actually had to make copies available after each service there were so many people who wanted to study it further during the week.

Yeah, we've enjoyed your double talk parsing of words and bending word definitions here long enough to appreciate your 'sermons'.....personally, I think they suck.
Yeah, we've enjoyed your double talk parsing of words and bending word definitions here long enough to appreciate your 'sermons'.....personally, I think they suck.

then you probably wouldn't have enjoyed being a member of my church.

you have no idea how much sleep I am going to lose over that thought in the weeks and months to come!
Did you think I meant your sermons?

I don't care what you meant. My sermons were the only literary works of mine that I chose to - or was required to - share with my congregation. Do you think they should have been able to read the emails to my fiancé as well?
Yes. And I had a nice conversation with the conference minister about them... and a meeting with my local association, and while they were less than pleased with some of my word choices, they applauded my political activism and my fervent liberal views. That little event happened very early in my very successful two year ministry. Why are you so interested, by the way?
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