Hey its me

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Excellent descriptions of Grind, Billy, and 3D btw. I concur, sadly 3D is the sanest of the lot, in fact he is probably the only sane one among them, and Grind probably is what you say. I can't say I think Billy is a good guy, considering that he insists he's dead serious about wanting most of us to burn to death in front of our families for the holidays, or die of cancer this year. (and who knows, maybe one of us will).

But you know how we feminists have "no sense of humor".

darla admits I am charismatic. sweet.
I am new here, and would like to introduce myself.

Who I am....

I am a 48 year old guy who likes to work with my hands, use tools, and mostly keep quiet and think about things. I have 5 Children, Elizabeth who is 23, Joel who is 20, Joanna is 17, Daniel is 15, and Christina is 12. We live in Columbus, Ohio, and all 5 of my children have different political views. Elizabeth is a social conservative and a fiscal moderate, with a real concern for the rights of the homeless. Joel was hardcore conservative Republican, but of late his long term liberal girlfriend has changed his viewpoint on several issues. Joanna is fiscally conservative but openly gay, so she is very liberal on social issues. Daniel is an Eagle Scout who goes to a very liberal high school that is oriented towards the artistically gifted-his political views tend to favor both fiscal conservatism and maintaining the environment. Christina is very pro environment and a fiscal moderate. We have lots of interesting discussions around the dinner tale.

I like most of the people I am represented by, although I disagree with all of them on quite a few issues. I find Obama to be a very good president, and I like both Sherod Brown and Rob Portman, my senators. My congressman, Steve Stivers, is actually a military veteran who seems to ahve high ethical standards-even though I tend to be more liberal than he is, I like the guy. Our governor, John K, is actually a person I do not really trust or like on the other hand.

Enough about politics....me personally....

I love Reading, auto racing, and woodworking. Specifically I raced a Mazda Miata in Sports Car Club of America, Buckeye Miata Club, and Porsche Club of America racing in a form of racing called autocross. Right now that is kind of on Hiatus, as I focus on spending time with my family. Woodworking wise, I really enjoy working with quarter sawn oak and building mission style furniture. In terms of reading, right now I am enjoying books about environmentalism and military history more than anything else.

I am married to my college sweetheart, Kim...she was 18 and I was 19 when we started dating....hmmmm...what else....

I work for a religious institution (Capital University, which is Lutheran) and attend a Presbyterian church, but I am not very religious.

Looking forward to being part of the forum, and sorry if my intro was long winded!



welcome chris

I love your straight forwardness and your ability to listen to differing opinions.

you seem like a great addition to the site.

welcome again
1) Mott has me down perfectly.
2) There's far too many asswholes around here for him to be even Top 10 (certainly top 15 material, though).
3) One guess from big hooters, beer, and revisionist history which is my favorite...


sucking dick?
Not only am I a steelers fan I have two sons who are steelers fans, most of my automotive friends are steelers fans, my boss is a steelers fan...not hard to keep that in mind at all.

Woo-hoo! It don't get any better than this! We have a football pool on the Sports thread, stick around and play next year. No money involved, just bragging rights.
Happy New Years Darla. Glad to see you back. Will you be going to NYC to watch the ball drop tonight?

if she was, she would already be there. You seriously need to stand around for like...ever to be in times square on new years.

not to mention it's like the biggest terrorist hotspot. I mean if you are a terrorist, blowing up time square on new years, even if it's just like with one of those propane bombs that the boston marathon bombers used, I mean that just seems like one of the biggest targets possible. I would stay the fuccck away from there.

(hi nsa)
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