Hey Rob... How does it look under the Democrat Bus?

I'm just curious, since you, as a gay man, have spent more time under the Democrat Bus than most anyone. You will recall, the first thing Democrats blamed the 2004 presidential loss on, was Karl Rove's 'brilliance' in having Gay Marriage issues on the ballots. If only the Democrats hadn't been such ardent supporters of the unpopular initiatives, perhaps things would have been different... at least, that was the implication.

Then there is the Mark Foley deal, where Republican leadership is being harshly criticized by Democrats, for not recognizing Foley's homosexual tendencies and realizing he was a perverted pedophile. Again, the implication is, because Foley had a fondness for the physical attributes of young men, it should have been obvious he was a pervert, or at least prompted further investigation into his personal life.

Finally, there is the recent revelation of "The List" that Democrat operatives have prepared, to "out" homosexual republicans, just before the election. It seems the "intolerant" republicans have a few homosexuals in their midst, and this is seen as unacceptable by the "more tolerant" Democrats.

I realize that it's election season, and Democrats are desperate to regain some level of power in Washington, but I am really surprised at how well the gay/lesbian community is taking being thrown under the bus for political gain.
well to be fair you don't differentiate pedo from being gay... but i also saw the same thing on Foxnews, saw it on the daily show where republicans back in the day of newt didn't want to offend gay people by addressing foley or something like that, but you have to know that there is a difference between being gay and pedofiles... i like people my age...

republicans and democrats alike like to link us to besastilty and pedopylse etc... its not really a fair comparison and the sooner both republicans and democrats realize this issue the safer everyone will be...

its disgusting what this guy did to these kids.
His sister spoke at our State Assembly in 2004. She is very articulate and actually quite funny.
well to be fair you don't differentiate pedo from being gay... but i also saw the same thing on Foxnews, saw it on the daily show where republicans back in the day of newt didn't want to offend gay people by addressing foley or something like that, but you have to know that there is a difference between being gay and pedofiles... i like people my age...

republicans and democrats alike like to link us to besastilty and pedopylse etc... its not really a fair comparison and the sooner both republicans and democrats realize this issue the safer everyone will be...

its disgusting what this guy did to these kids.

Do you not see inherent bigotry in the Democrats presumptions that republicans should have known about Foley's behavior, based solely on emails that indicated he was a homosexual? Does it bother you that they blamed their 2004 loss on their support of gay initiatives? And what about the "dirty trick" they supposedly plan to pull, of "outing" homosexuals in the republican party? Is this just typical politics, or are they using these people's personal sexual preferences, to infer a negative perception upon republicans?

I've just been thinking about this, and it would really bother me if I were gay, to think that the Democrats look at gay people as a tool to use against their opponents like that. I just wondered what your take was.
Do you not see inherent bigotry in the Democrats presumptions that republicans should have known about Foley's behavior, based solely on emails that indicated he was a homosexual? Does it bother you that they blamed their 2004 loss on their support of gay initiatives? And what about the "dirty trick" they supposedly plan to pull, of "outing" homosexuals in the republican party? Is this just typical politics, or are they using these people's personal sexual preferences, to infer a negative perception upon republicans?

I've just been thinking about this, and it would really bother me if I were gay, to think that the Democrats look at gay people as a tool to use against their opponents like that. I just wondered what your take was.

Did you even READ the FRICKING emails, the ones that congress haqd, even the one back to 2000, not just this one where Foley is hitting on the Louisianna kid?

YOu and YOur party leaders ar FULL OF SHIT, calling these original emails as "freiendly" emails...

you are an idiot and they are too, for them NOT TO SEE THE PROBLEM WITH THEM....these emails showed VERY CLEAR SIGNS OF A PREDATOR...

FRIENDLY is, ''hi how are you, hope all is going well with you since you were in DC, and if there is anything i can do to help you with your career let me know....''


JUST SHUT UP Dixie....you look like an ass on this....

Do you not see inherent bigotry in the Democrats presumptions that republicans should have known about Foley's behavior, based solely on emails that indicated he was a homosexual? Does it bother you that they blamed their 2004 loss on their support of gay initiatives? And what about the "dirty trick" they supposedly plan to pull, of "outing" homosexuals in the republican party? Is this just typical politics, or are they using these people's personal sexual preferences, to infer a negative perception upon republicans?

I've just been thinking about this, and it would really bother me if I were gay, to think that the Democrats look at gay people as a tool to use against their opponents like that. I just wondered what your take was.

well i happen to agree that the democrats lost b/c of gay issues... i think people like maineman and jeepers (hard core leftists) are more insulting than conservatives... maines called me some pretty choice words with regard to my sexuality... but claims he's for gay rights... i don't understand it and i don't care to either... everyone gets used dixie by politicians, even the religiouis right gets used by republicans...
well i happen to agree that the democrats lost b/c of gay issues... i think people like maineman and jeepers (hard core leftists) are more insulting than conservatives... maines called me some pretty choice words with regard to my sexuality... but claims he's for gay rights... i don't understand it and i don't care to either... everyone gets used dixie by politicians, even the religiouis right gets used by republicans...
I'll agree that everyone gets used by politicians. That's a given. Two points I'd like you to consider though:

1) I think it's fair to say that far more homosexual Americans are generally liberal than are generally conservative. I submit that this is not a coincidence.

2) Whatever you may have experienced from individuals, consider where most of the really ugly, virulently anti-gay organizations are on the political spectrum. Fred Phelps, obviously, but also the slightly less insane but even more dangerous Focus on Family and the like.
there are +/- 20 states that have initiatives to ban gay marriage in this november's election to pull the religious right out to vote and another dozen or so states that have banning abortion initiatives on the ballot....

this is the republican campaign leadership that got these controversial things on the ballot because THEY KNOW THEY CAN ''USE'' the supposedly ''religious'' voters for their purpose.....
but you have to know that there is a difference between being gay and pedofiles...

Not according to Democrats, they think Republicans should have seen "red flags" on Foley, based solely on emails which suggested he might have a fondness for young men. Because he was "overly-friendly" to former pages, not because he was saying suggestive things, or even in a sexual nature, just the fact that he was curiously friendly toward young men. Granted, the sick perverted instant messages were evidence of pedophilia, but those only surfaced recently, the Democrats claim Republican leadership should have known about Foley, based on his supposed homosexuality alone.

Let me make something else clear here, I have never likened homosexuals to pedophiles, with the exception of both conditions being considered 'deviant' sexual behavior from a clinical standpoint. I stand behind that analysis, because it is correct, there are many deviant sexual behaviors in humans, and none of them are totally by choice. People who like kids, didn't just choose to be that way, there is something inside of them that causes this to be their sexual attraction, and in general, people do not have much control over what turns them on. Sometimes it might be the result of genetics, childhood experience, or circumstances of life that are just beyond their control.

We establish certain laws based on human decency, like laws against pedophilia, public masturbation, or sex slavery. We also allow laws to protect certain rights to be individual and enjoy our personal preferences. Homosexuality is a personal lifestyle choice for many, and society is acceptance of it, because it doesn't seemingly harm anyone. Societal acceptance of a behavior or condition, does not change or alter what that behavior or condition is, or why it happens. Laws or lack of law, doesn't change what a behavior is, or why it occurs. Necrophilia, Pedophilia, Bestiality and Homosexuality, are all human sexual behaviors which deviate from the clinical norm, and it doesn't matter that society is accepting or non-accepting of them.

Now, am I comparing Homosexuals to Necrophiliacs? No, because society has established the boundaries of decent human behavior, and there is a distinct difference between these two behaviors. There is also a distinct difference between Homosexuals and Pedophiles, and I am sure there are probably just as many Peds as Homos in the world, and some who are both. Pedophilia is similar to Homosexuality, in that it's a sexual preference that can't be suppressed, people can't help that they have those feelings sexually, they can only chose to act upon them or not. Choosing to act upon a sexual feeling that is illegal, is much less likely than acting upon a sexual feeling that isn't illegal, for obvious reasons. Society has constructed the boundaries and laws, but it doesn't alter human sexuality or desires within individual humans, that still remains. So we see a society that is accepting of 'victimless' deviance, like homosexuality, or general sexual promiscuity, nymphomania, whips & chains, etc... yet, non-accepting of deviant human sexual behaviors which might cause harm or trauma to others.

I know of no one, who thinks gays are pedophiles, except Democrats. I don't see anyone comparing gays to perverts, except Democrats. I am open-minded and honest enough to recognize homosexuality for what it is, and not try to hide behind some false pretense or politically correct testament. I am also open-minded enough to accept societal boundaries on decent human behavior, and have no problem allowing individuals the right to enjoy their indulgent sexual desires, as long as no one is getting hurt by it.
but you have to know that there is a difference between being gay and pedofiles...

Not according to Democrats, they think Republicans should have seen "red flags" on Foley, based solely on emails which suggested he might have a fondness for young men. Because he was "overly-friendly" to former pages, not because he was saying suggestive things, or even in a sexual nature, just the fact that he was curiously friendly toward young men. Granted, the sick perverted instant messages were evidence of pedophilia, but those only surfaced recently, the Democrats claim Republican leadership should have known about Foley, based on his supposed homosexuality alone.

Let me make something else clear here, I have never likened homosexuals to pedophiles, with the exception of both conditions being considered 'deviant' sexual behavior from a clinical standpoint. I stand behind that analysis, because it is correct, there are many deviant sexual behaviors in humans, and none of them are totally by choice. People who like kids, didn't just choose to be that way, there is something inside of them that causes this to be their sexual attraction, and in general, people do not have much control over what turns them on. Sometimes it might be the result of genetics, childhood experience, or circumstances of life that are just beyond their control.

We establish certain laws based on human decency, like laws against pedophilia, public masturbation, or sex slavery. We also allow laws to protect certain rights to be individual and enjoy our personal preferences. Homosexuality is a personal lifestyle choice for many, and society is acceptance of it, because it doesn't seemingly harm anyone. Societal acceptance of a behavior or condition, does not change or alter what that behavior or condition is, or why it happens. Laws or lack of law, doesn't change what a behavior is, or why it occurs. Necrophilia, Pedophilia, Bestiality and Homosexuality, are all human sexual behaviors which deviate from the clinical norm, and it doesn't matter that society is accepting or non-accepting of them.

Now, am I comparing Homosexuals to Necrophiliacs? No, because society has established the boundaries of decent human behavior, and there is a distinct difference between these two behaviors. There is also a distinct difference between Homosexuals and Pedophiles, and I am sure there are probably just as many Peds as Homos in the world, and some who are both. Pedophilia is similar to Homosexuality, in that it's a sexual preference that can't be suppressed, people can't help that they have those feelings sexually, they can only chose to act upon them or not. Choosing to act upon a sexual feeling that is illegal, is much less likely than acting upon a sexual feeling that isn't illegal, for obvious reasons. Society has constructed the boundaries and laws, but it doesn't alter human sexuality or desires within individual humans, that still remains. So we see a society that is accepting of 'victimless' deviance, like homosexuality, or general sexual promiscuity, nymphomania, whips & chains, etc... yet, non-accepting of deviant human sexual behaviors which might cause harm or trauma to others.

I know of no one, who thinks gays are pedophiles, except Democrats. I don't see anyone comparing gays to perverts, except Democrats. I am open-minded and honest enough to recognize homosexuality for what it is, and not try to hide behind some false pretense or politically correct testament. I am also open-minded enough to accept societal boundaries on decent human behavior, and have no problem allowing individuals the right to enjoy their indulgent sexual desires, as long as no one is getting hurt by it.

He took two underage Pages on a FRICKING CAMPING TRIP with him....

He was not sending "friendly" emails, he was sending predatory emails to them....AND IF YOU do not KNOW the FRICKING difference, then you are a real DUMB SHIT, to say the least....

So, when we find out that Foley and these Pages on the camping trip engaged in sex....know that the Repubs DID THIS to them and to their families.....

Republicans = Political, CORRUPT WHORES......especially the fricking LIAR Hastert!

AND IF YOU do not KNOW the FRICKING difference, then you are a real DUMB SHIT, to say the least....

What is the difference between predatory homosexual behavior and friendly homosexual behavior? Can you describe this with a specific? They don't teach these things down here in the South, but I would like to know. What was it, in Mark Foley's emails, that made you believe he was being predatory and not friendly? What is it about taking young boys camping, that is supposed to automatically mean Foley is a pedophile? Are all campers pedophiles, or just Republican gay ones?