Hey Rob... How does it look under the Democrat Bus?

Care, I warned you over a year ago about.....

Dixie do you actually think anyone takes you seriously ?

Probably what Republican leadership said to whoever was sounding warning alarms and sending up red flags on Foley, years before anyone had any knowledge of his behavior. Which WAS my point. Thanks!
why wouldn't the republican leadership take seriously the warnings of the Clerk of the House and the Chief of Staff of the congressman involved?

if they did say that to those individuals, that alone is proof of negligence!
Care, I warned you over a year ago about Maineman's obsession with kids, he even posted his sick perverted fantasies on the board for all to see! Have you taken any action yet? I don't see anyone condeming him, or holding him accountable for his actions, in fact, you all think he's one of your greatest voices. Maybe we should hold ethics hearings on you, and find out why you've failed to act, knowing the details of Maines behavior?

were you born with your stupidity or is this some sort of characteristic that you developed and perfected over the decades of practice?

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were you born with your stupidity or is this some sort of chatacteristic that you developed and perfected over the decades of practice?


Oh, it's not stupidity, it's your very same logic, applied to a different situation. I'm surprised you didn't recognize it. You see, logic should apply across the board, if something is a good approach in one instance, it should be a good approach in every instance, if it is based on sound logical principles. So, if it is fair to hold Danny Hastert accountable because some people "warned" him about Foley, it's fair to hold you accountable for the child predator you've been "warned" about as well.
Oh, it's not stupidity, it's your very same logic, applied to a different situation. I'm surprised you didn't recognize it. You see, logic should apply across the board, if something is a good approach in one instance, it should be a good approach in every instance, if it is based on sound logical principles. So, if it is fair to hold Danny Hastert accountable because some people "warned" him about Foley, it's fair to hold you accountable for the child predator you've been "warned" about as well.

Mentally deficient and morally bankrupt.
and the slander continues.

It's not slander at all. When you get drunk, and post predatory comments about someones kid, it has consequences. Should I repost what SR deleted from his site? The stuff that was so deplorable, even your liberal ass-wipe friends were calling you to task over? The intricate details of how you wanted my daughter to be gang-raped by disease-infested bikers as you ejaculated on her face at gunpoint? Shall we revisit all the sordid details of your posts about this subject? Or should we behave like adults and drop the petty fawning for apologies, move on, and grow the fuck up?
Cypress has already posted your horrid comments about me that you deny ever happened or claim happened as a response to anything I ever said about your daughter when the timeline makes no sense. It is certainly slander to call me a child predator or a pedophile when you know that such is not the case. Now why don't YOU behave like a gentleman and apologize for slandering me for months on end?
Its creapy for a man in his 40's to ask a 16 year old for a picturea and what he/she wants for his/her birthday!

You would not be susposous if a man in his 40's was asking those things of your 16 year old kid?

Not if it was a U.S. Congressman my kid had worked for. Asking for a photo, doesn't mean anything sexual unless you make it sexual in your mind. Nothing in the emails is the least bit creepy, until you know Foley is a gay man who talked dirty to boys on the IM. That is when the emails become creepy to you.

No, they were creepy when he was asking the kid what he wanted for his birthday & asked him for a picture. Would that be enough to convict him of anything, no. Was it creepy? Yes. Did the boy feel creepy? Yes I believe he called it, "sick". So, once again, I'll have to believe the person it actually happened to over Dixie.

Shocker, I know.
No, they were creepy when he was asking the kid what he wanted for his birthday & asked him for a picture. Would that be enough to convict him of anything, no. Was it creepy? Yes. Did the boy feel creepy? Yes I believe he called it, "sick". So, once again, I'll have to believe the person it actually happened to over Dixie.

Oh, no doubt, typical routine homosexual behavior is "creepy" to a lot of people. I just wanted to get that on record from the people who supposedly support the homosexual community. Until the IM's were discovered, nothing in Foley's behavior was atypical of an average gay man, yet this is what you believe Republicans should have reacted to. I happen to disagree, I think Republicans needed more than typical routine gay behavior, to boot a six-term duly elected representative of the people out of Congress.
average gay men in their fifties do not send emails like that to teenagers. The age difference makes it creepy...and, I would imagine, that the page in question read the email in the context of having been previously subjected to Foley's attentions in person. That would tend to reinforce the creepiness, I would imagine.

I can only surmise that, if the gay men you know who are in their fifties are hitting on teenagers so often that you think that is typical of average gay men, that the gays you hang around with are just as sick and perverse as you are.
I am fully supportive of gay rights.... but I do not personally approve of gay men in their fifties hitting on teenage boys anymore than I personally approve of straight men in their fifties hitting on teenage girls.
I agree maine. If they have to do that they can do like Rush and go to the Dominican Republic.
They just need to be sure they have a prescription for their Viagra.

I agree with Maine also. The only real issue is the sexual predation on teenagers, not the gender of the teenagers.
and not just any teenangers...but teenagers placed under THEIR care and responsibility.

Foley is a dirtbag and all the republicans who were warned and did nothing will cause the religious right to stay home come election day.