Hey Rob... How does it look under the Democrat Bus?

and damo...as a further good faith gesture on my part, you will notice that I have removed the incriminating Dixie quotation from my signature line.
I pretty much have..... I respond to him now.... he needs to do the right thing and apologize to me and accept my apologies to him and then get back to getting his ass kicked by me in debates regularly.

Thinking of it that way, however...one can see why he might be reluctant to settle the grievance. ;)
aww don't worry about him Maine. I believe you expect too much from Dix. I doubt that he will ever admit to being wrong. Unless he wrangles it around so he was right by being wrong :)
You want an apology, asshole? Here goes...

I am deeply and profoundly sorry that my example using the rumors that you are a pedophile, to make the point that it's not fair to judge based on rumors, was taken completely out of context by you. I am sorry that you lack the moral character to be honest with yourself as well as the people on this board, about the facts of what I say and mean by my remarks. I am sorry that this egotistic obsession you seem to have with being apologized to, has turned you into the kind of perverted pond scum who would threaten to rape my daughter at gunpoint, then claim it was the booze talking. I am sorry that you feel the need for an apology from me, after saying the things you said about my daughter, and continuing to drag my personal life onto the message board. I'm sorry that I don't live near Maine, where I could make a personal visit to you and settle this matter face to face, and cure your habit of threatening people's kids. I'm sorry that you don't consider yourself fortunate to be alive after threatening my family the way you did, and instead, insist on being apologized to. And I am sorry that you apparently don't realize, your continued protests only lend credibility to the charges of your pedophilia sickness, and you would have been better served to just let this die, as you've been repeatedly advised to do.

But mostly, I am truly sorry that I have devoted this much time and energy posting on this matter, or even acknowledging your pathetic existence.

There's your fucking apology!
These inproprieties of his, had to do with PREYING on MINOR AGED Pages, and the republican leadership being told about it OVER AND OVER AGAIN, and the leadership IGNORING IT.....

That is just plain factually incorrect. There was no evidence of Foley "preying" on anyone. There were some cordial and friendly emails, which could be construed as Foley being a homosexual, and nothing more. Last I checked, Foley being a homo is not a reason to launch a full-scale investigation into his personal sex life.... (you guys haven't changed that policy have you?) As soon as it became public that Foley had engaged in inappropriate behavior, he was asked to resign and an investigation was launched. You're trying to score a few extra points by claiming repubs should have been more "homophobic" about Foley, and questioned his behavior a long time ago, but you can't support that argument with anything that could have been legitimately questioned, other than the man's sexuality. In other words, you are all a bunch of bigoted homophobic hypocrites, who think that homosexuality is "creepy" and "disgusting."

just a tidbit for YOU, mr. lie through your teeth...for the sake of your partisanship...

Sources: House clerk warned GOP about Foley years ago
POSTED: 12:07 a.m. EDT, October 19, 2006

WASHINGTON (CNN) -- Former House Clerk Jeff Trandahl repeatedly raised red flags about former Rep. Mark Foley years before GOP leaders said they knew about Foley's inappropriate conduct with pages, sources said.

Trandahl's lawyers said he is scheduled to testify Thursday before the House Ethics Committee, which is investigating the Foley case.

Two sources close to Trandahl told CNN that he had been monitoring Foley's interaction with pages after being told of troubling behavior by the congressman in the House cloakroom and elsewhere. Trandahl took his concerns to Kirk Fordham, Foley's former chief of staff, many times, the sources said.

Fordham testified last week that he warned House Speaker Dennis Hastert's chief of staff, Scott Palmer, at least three years ago about Foley's conduct, according to a source familiar with Fordham's version of events.
Care, I warned you over a year ago about Maineman's obsession with kids, he even posted his sick perverted fantasies on the board for all to see! Have you taken any action yet? I don't see anyone condeming him, or holding him accountable for his actions, in fact, you all think he's one of your greatest voices. Maybe we should hold ethics hearings on you, and find out why you've failed to act, knowing the details of Maines behavior?
how can you have "warned" anyone over a year ago, when you yourself have stated that you have never suggested that I was a pedophile? Why do you persist in this slander of me? All I ever asked was that you retract that slander and apologize for it, yet here you are continuing to spew your lies!
Care, I warned you over a year ago about Maineman's obsession with kids, he even posted his sick perverted fantasies on the board for all to see! Have you taken any action yet? I don't see anyone condeming him, or holding him accountable for his actions, in fact, you all think he's one of your greatest voices. Maybe we should hold ethics hearings on you, and find out why you've failed to act, knowing the details of Maines behavior?

1) THIS IS NOT THE Congress of the United States.

2) You are a known Liar, Foley's acusers were not.

3) You have nuthing to back up your baseless allegations about Maineman.

4) If this were the United States Senate, I am sure Maineman would have been investigated and cleared of your baseless slander by now!