Hey Rob... How does it look under the Democrat Bus?

Its creapy for a man in his 40's to ask a 16 year old for a picturea and what he/she wants for his/her birthday!

You would not be susposous if a man in his 40's was asking those things of your 16 year old kid?

Not if it was a U.S. Congressman my kid had worked for. Asking for a photo, doesn't mean anything sexual unless you make it sexual in your mind. Nothing in the emails is the least bit creepy, until you know Foley is a gay man who talked dirty to boys on the IM. That is when the emails become creepy to you. The reason none of you will post anything from the emails, is because you know I am right, there was nothing sexual about them, unless typical friendly gay behavior is sexual. Foley was nice, Foley was sweet, but that doesn't make him a pedophile or pervert, it makes him a gay man!

The challenge still stands, show me something from the emails that denotes certain perversion or pedophilia, or is even inappropriate sexual innuendo, because I have yet to see that. When you take Foley's sexuality out of the equation, the emails could be interpreted as nothing more than cordial and friendly emails from a mentor to a subordinate, which is done all the time in the real world. It's when you know that Foley is gay, and that he cybered with guys on the IM, that you form your opinion here, and being his homosexuality is the determining factor for you, it makes your viewpoint purely homophobic.

Come on, of corse you would be conserned, you are being silly now.
what dix meant to say ....Not if it was a Republican U.S. Congressman .......

I am trying to imagine a scenario where my kid would be working for a Democrat................. maybe as a Spy? Nevertheless, it wouldn't matter, unless I knew the Congressman was gay and had talked dirty on the IM. There is nothing in the emails that "creeps me out" or "sets off red flags" on their face, it's only after knowing about the IM's and Foley's sexuality, that the emails become questionable. As I said, take the test... read the emails as you pretend that you know for certain Foley is straight... does it have the same conotation? Not in the least!
Yes, and we know that ALL Christians HATE Gays! Which is precisely why Democrats think Republicans should have booted a six-term Congressman, because they discovered he was gay. Fortunately Republicans have the Democrats to remind them how intolerant and bigoted they are.

I'm really glad we've established this new guideline for booting people out of Congress... Now, when we disclose the cordial and friendly emails from Nancy Pelosi to a former female page, we can immediately boot her ass out of Congress on the presumption that she is guilty of being a pedophile. It's a relief to know, we don't really need any actionable evidence, just suspicion alone is enough. Ahh ha!... there's a "red flag" she said she liked her pretty smile! Buh-Bye, Nancy!

Seriously, you need to really think about the parameters and criteria you are trying to establish here, I don't think you really want to go down this road, because it can get real ugly fast.

Your idiocy astounds me.... EVERYONE KNEW THAT FOLEY WAS GAY in congress....him being gay NEVER caused an uproar with the Democratic or republicans in Congress....it was WELL KNOWN.....

These inproprieties of his, had to do with PREYING on MINOR AGED Pages, and the republican leadership being told about it OVER AND OVER AGAIN, and the leadership IGNORING IT.....

your song and a dance won't ever change those facts Dixie...

Though I will say it has been QUITE INTERESTING to see how your "twisted" mind works... ;)

Hello? Virtually every gay man I know, has a fondness for young men! Are ALL gay men creepy to you, Black?

Just as young adult women and men who look physically mature have the ability to turn straight women and men on..American Beauty anyone? anyone here who would deny this is full of shit. Foley has problems..yes indeed, but the Democrats and anyone else who have repsonded to this thread by implying that the republicans are the only ones who have politicised this issue.. are not only full of shit... they are bursting at the seams. Dixie is right on in this thread and has kicked ass.
These inproprieties of his, had to do with PREYING on MINOR AGED Pages, and the republican leadership being told about it OVER AND OVER AGAIN, and the leadership IGNORING IT.....

That is just plain factually incorrect. There was no evidence of Foley "preying" on anyone. There were some cordial and friendly emails, which could be construed as Foley being a homosexual, and nothing more. Last I checked, Foley being a homo is not a reason to launch a full-scale investigation into his personal sex life.... (you guys haven't changed that policy have you?) As soon as it became public that Foley had engaged in inappropriate behavior, he was asked to resign and an investigation was launched. You're trying to score a few extra points by claiming repubs should have been more "homophobic" about Foley, and questioned his behavior a long time ago, but you can't support that argument with anything that could have been legitimately questioned, other than the man's sexuality. In other words, you are all a bunch of bigoted homophobic hypocrites, who think that homosexuality is "creepy" and "disgusting."
Well that is wise of you, because, not only could my kids whip your candy ass, they are vastly more intelligent than you as well.

How typical, I be nice and you act like the redneck asshole that you are ;)
I remember that my dog can whip your dog tune from about 3rd grade.
Too bad your son couldn't stay away from you for years.

of course, my sons would disagree.... we have very normal and supportive relationships.

but you wouldn't know anything about them, and it is clear you wouldn't know a normal supportive relationship if one jumped up and bit you.

Why WAS it that you didn't even know your daughter's whereabouts for more than a decade? Where I come from, that's not the way good fathers operate.
How typical, I be nice and you act like the redneck asshole that you are ;)
I remember that my dog can whip your dog tune from about 3rd grade.

Hey, just stating the facts. If it makes you feel any better, they can probably whip my ass too! I damn sure wouldn't mess with my oldest, the black belt. Of course, they aren't as smart as I am, they are pretty damn close, but having their mother's genes is a handicap for them. I still think they are vastly smarter than you, or most anyone on this board.
Just enjoy them, and leave them off the board. Both Maine and Dix need to end this. There are better things to argue about on a poli-board.
and Dixie knows exactly what needs to occur for me to do my part to "end this"

it really is quite simple: just apologize - as I already did to him long ago - for saying terrible things about me and my sons.

I deserve that.
As I said, somebody needs to be the hero and just end it. Dix, you wanna step up to that?