Hey Rob... How does it look under the Democrat Bus?

Look moron, I've already explained it to you several times in this thread alone, why are you continuing to argue the point? It doesn't matter whether the page was a male or female, the emails sent by Foley were not indicative of pedophilia, and wouldn't have been, regardless of the gender of the page. Do you really want to establish this criteria for throwing people out of Congress? What is going to happen when Republicans point to some totally innocuous and harmless friendly email sent by a Democrat to a page, and insist that the Democrat relinquish his/her seat? Are you going to be "okay" with that when it happens? Something tells me you won't, particularly since your party doesn't seem to have a problem with Congressmen having actual sex with pages!

Can't you understand? We don't get to throw people out of their duly-elected seats in Congress, based on an over-friendly email! If Foley were emailing them, propositioning for sex or something, then you have a viable ethics violation and something actionable, as it stood, they didn't have this, they had Foley sending gay emails to young men, being "gay friendly" with them, and nothing more. Had republicans acted on what they had, the very FIRST charge made by Democrats, would have been that the Republicans are homophobes, and just wanted to get rid of the gay guy. You know this is true, you know I have a valid point, yet you continue to try and paint an argument that shouldn't even be dreamed up.

Can't you understand?

Those predatory emails to 16 year olds from Foley, in which some parents even complained about, DESERVED FURTHER INQUIRY, by the leadership of your party. If they WERE just friendly emails AS YOU SAY, then a further inqury would have NETTED NOTHING....

But your leadership CHOSE NOT TO PROTECT these teens by IGNORING these emails that were clearly emails of a 52 year old with an attraction to minor boys.....let alone his inappropriate behavior of going to the dorms of these boys when he was drunk...which your leadership was already aware of before the most recent emails in august of last year...

just give it up dixie.
I believe he has stated that the e-mails were not predatory, but the IMs were. That Hastert saw the e-mails, (not predatory per his opinion), and didn't have actionable evidence to ask him to leave. That it was the publishing of the IMs that he had not seen that caused Foley to resign...

I think he is asking you to post the portions of the e-mails that were "predatory" so that he can examine them and change his opinion as necessary....
You're correct Damo. Care can't apparently find anything in the emails which would indicate certain predatory behavior, and what I read, only indicates that Foley might be gay. You can't unseat an elected representative based on the fact he's gay, even IF he's a republican!
Who cares if there is legal grounds to unseat him Dix, the rightwingers sure don't need legal grounds to be homophobes ;) He already resigned anyway, and the republican backlash on Hastert and the others that his Foley, is a backlash of betrayal.
This is pretty funny to watch happen.
Who cares if there is legal grounds to unseat him Dix...

Well, I thought that was what all the hooplah was about! After all, he resigned his seat, and is gone from Congress. The Democrats continue to call for Hastert to go, based solely on the fact that he might have known Foley was gay. It's almost as if the Democrats are angry that Republicans didn't react in a typical homophobic way months ago, and throw Foley out for just being disgustingly gay!

The whole purpose of this thread, was to ask Rob how it looked beneath the Democrat Bus, where homosexuals have apparently been thrown, in the liberal lust to regain power. It's just sad that your party has to use dirty tricks, and sex scandals, to get elected... it says something for your ideology, when you can't win a race in the arena of ideas.
I believe he has stated that the e-mails were not predatory, but the IMs were. That Hastert saw the e-mails, (not predatory per his opinion), and didn't have actionable evidence to ask him to leave. That it was the publishing of the IMs that he had not seen that caused Foley to resign...

I think he is asking you to post the portions of the e-mails that were "predatory" so that he can examine them and change his opinion as necessary....

look damo, i am on fricking dial up, ready to shoot myself to remove the misery, connecting at 24.3k, i asked dixie to post these emails and i would point out the problems and inappropriate content of them...how about you...can you find them and post them so i could prperly point out what was said by this 52 yr old congressman to a 16 year old that many, many republicans in office felt were INAPPROPRIATE....? PRETTY PLEASE....:)

I did find a link, that took 4ever to load of a cnn article that has another link to go in to to get the actual verbage of these emails that sent red flags up to several congressmen...

it said...

In his e-mails, Foley purportedly asked the page to send a picture of himself to the congressman, asked the teen what he wanted for his birthday and made comments about another former page in which Foley allegedly said he acted "much older than his age" and was "in really great shape."

now, just from that ALONE, MAJOR RED FLAGS SHOULD HAVE GONE OFF IN ANY ADULT OR PARENT responsible for the welfare of a minor...it should have been looked in to further, questions should have been asked....in my, and many others, mind!

hardcore republicans like Dixie can spin and twist all they like. The fact of the matter is that their base is pissed and they will stay home.

Ah yes..... and it seems like only yesterday Dixie was stomping around like a bull elephant proclaiming the permanent minority status of the democratic party and how we would go the way of the whigs soon.

And all that bravado will only cost him $100...... if he has the ethics to actually honor his wagers. which I strongly doubt.
In his e-mails, Foley purportedly asked the page to send a picture of himself to the congressman, asked the teen what he wanted for his birthday and made comments about another former page in which Foley allegedly said he acted "much older than his age" and was "in really great shape."

now, just from that ALONE, MAJOR RED FLAGS SHOULD HAVE GONE OFF IN ANY ADULT OR PARENT responsible for the welfare of a minor...

Whoa... hang on just a sec... nothing in that is indicative of pedophilia, or unethically inappropriate. You simply can't unseat an elected official without something tangible, and that is not tangible. It might make you uncomfortable, it might seem creepy, it might even send off red flags to some, but unless you can show Foley soliciting these boys for sex, or making some lewd remarks, you can't kick him out of the Congress for what you've presented, nor can you launch a full-scale investigation into his conduct. You apparently live in some dream world where this is the case, but the reality is, regardless of whether Foley was Democrat or Republican, trying to boot him out of office on no more than "friendly" emails, is impossible.
look damo, i am on fricking dial up, ready to shoot myself to remove the misery, connecting at 24.3k, i asked dixie to post these emails and i would point out the problems and inappropriate content of them...how about you...can you find them and post them so i could prperly point out what was said by this 52 yr old congressman to a 16 year old that many, many republicans in office felt were INAPPROPRIATE....? PRETTY PLEASE....:)

I did find a link, that took 4ever to load of a cnn article that has another link to go in to to get the actual verbage of these emails that sent red flags up to several congressmen...

it said...

In his e-mails, Foley purportedly asked the page to send a picture of himself to the congressman, asked the teen what he wanted for his birthday and made comments about another former page in which Foley allegedly said he acted "much older than his age" and was "in really great shape."

now, just from that ALONE, MAJOR RED FLAGS SHOULD HAVE GONE OFF IN ANY ADULT OR PARENT responsible for the welfare of a minor...it should have been looked in to further, questions should have been asked....in my, and many others, mind!

aHHH... Well, I am sure somebody else can find something to post. I'm annoyed enough at this particular scandal. I can't believe that somebody wasn't more proactive...
In his e-mails, Foley purportedly asked the page to send a picture of himself to the congressman, asked the teen what he wanted for his birthday and made comments about another former page in which Foley allegedly said he acted "much older than his age" and was "in really great shape."

now, just from that ALONE, MAJOR RED FLAGS SHOULD HAVE GONE OFF IN ANY ADULT OR PARENT responsible for the welfare of a minor...

Whoa... hang on just a sec... nothing in that is indicative of pedophilia, or unethically inappropriate. You simply can't unseat an elected official without something tangible, and that is not tangible. It might make you uncomfortable, it might seem creepy, it might even send off red flags to some, but unless you can show Foley soliciting these boys for sex, or making some lewd remarks, you can't kick him out of the Congress for what you've presented, nor can you launch a full-scale investigation into his conduct. You apparently live in some dream world where this is the case, but the reality is, regardless of whether Foley was Democrat or Republican, trying to boot him out of office on no more than "friendly" emails, is impossible.

Why should he be kicked out of Congress? I hope he stays. It'll be more fun in the long run.

Saying though that the stuff in that email doesn't indicate he was trolling for children is either a lie or you are very naive and retarded.
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In his e-mails, Foley purportedly asked the page to send a picture of himself to the congressman, asked the teen what he wanted for his birthday and made comments about another former page in which Foley allegedly said he acted "much older than his age" and was "in really great shape."

now, just from that ALONE, MAJOR RED FLAGS SHOULD HAVE GONE OFF IN ANY ADULT OR PARENT responsible for the welfare of a minor...

Whoa... hang on just a sec... nothing in that is indicative of pedophilia, or unethically inappropriate. You simply can't unseat an elected official without something tangible, and that is not tangible. It might make you uncomfortable, it might seem creepy, it might even send off red flags to some, but unless you can show Foley soliciting these boys for sex, or making some lewd remarks, you can't kick him out of the Congress for what you've presented, nor can you launch a full-scale investigation into his conduct. You apparently live in some dream world where this is the case, but the reality is, regardless of whether Foley was Democrat or Republican, trying to boot him out of office on no more than "friendly" emails, is impossible.

an attraction to adolescents=hebephilia...

predators are KNOWN BY ALL to befriend their prey in this ''down to the teen's, childish manner'' ......

the teen himself recognized this for christmas sake, he said they were freaking him out, and that they were ''sic, sic, sic, sic, sic, sic, sic, sic....''

those email's and the child's own concerns SHOULD HAVE SET OFF A RED FLAG! PERIOD!
Why should he be kicked out of Congress? I hope he stays.


Saying though that the stuff in that email doesn't indicate he was trolling for children is either a lie or you are very naive and retarded.

It doesn't indicate actionable inappropriate behavior, and you've not demostrated that it did! You can sit here and cast uninformed judgements all day long, and claim this and that, but without some tangible and legitimate reason to boot an elected official out of office, you simply can't do it!
predators are KNOWN BY ALL to befriend their prey

And so do politicians, befriend young people interested in government! And so do gay men, who just want to be friendly with other gay men! What the fuck is your point? That everytime we notice someone being friendly, we should assume they are a sicko?
Lol I never said or asked for him to be fired lol. I never said anything he did was actionable. LOL

The only thing I said is that anyone who is not a retard can tell from those emails that he was trolling for the boy. Only total retards would not see that.

I realize Foley is gone I was talking about Hastert.
Look moron, I've already explained it to you several times in this thread alone, why are you continuing to argue the point? It doesn't matter whether the page was a male or female, the emails sent by Foley were not indicative of pedophilia, and wouldn't have been, regardless of the gender of the page. Do you really want to establish this criteria for throwing people out of Congress? What is going to happen when Republicans point to some totally innocuous and harmless friendly email sent by a Democrat to a page, and insist that the Democrat relinquish his/her seat? Are you going to be "okay" with that when it happens? Something tells me you won't, particularly since your party doesn't seem to have a problem with Congressmen having actual sex with pages!

Can't you understand? We don't get to throw people out of their duly-elected seats in Congress, based on an over-friendly email! If Foley were emailing them, propositioning for sex or something, then you have a viable ethics violation and something actionable, as it stood, they didn't have this, they had Foley sending gay emails to young men, being "gay friendly" with them, and nothing more. Had republicans acted on what they had, the very FIRST charge made by Democrats, would have been that the Republicans are homophobes, and just wanted to get rid of the gay guy. You know this is true, you know I have a valid point, yet you continue to try and paint an argument that shouldn't even be dreamed up.

No, all I wish was that the emails were shared with the voting public and let them decide if they were creapy enough to prevent his reelection or not! Instead, Republicans hid covered up these creapy emails. Had an adult emailed my sister, when she was 16, a message like the one Foley emailed those boys, I would have been discusted by it. My parents would likely have doen something about it. It was CREAPY and waranted further investigation! To say otherwise is pinheaded!
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what they should have done is inquired FURTHER...talked to others within the party that delt with him daily, review the OTHER INCIDENTS, that he HAD with the pages previously like when he went to the male pages dorms lookin' for some ''action'' in the middle of the night and capital police had to haul him away...., or review the OTHER emails that were in question about his behaviors with minors a few years earlier...


not just this ONE SIC, SIC, SIC, SIC, SIC, SIC....as the young 16 yr old said...

YOUR LEADERSHIP DID NOT LOOK FURTHER FOR POLITICAL GAIN ONLY....FOR FEAR OF WHAT ELSE THEY WOULD FIND, if they investigated, with scrutiny, his previous actions....

it was wrong...nuff said.
I never demanded that he be booted from COngress..... I do think that a more vigorous investigation of the numerous reports about his inappropriate behavior would have led ETHICAL politicians to do something about it other than ignore the warning signs and push for the guy's reelection anyway.
what they should have done is inquired FURTHER...

Based on WHAT?

You can't "inquire further" these days, without appearing to be a homohobe! The lame-ass argument that republicans should have taken action on nothing but the overly-friendly email correspondence, is just ludicrous! You are essentially saying, we should automatically suspect any homosexual of being a perverted pedophile! ....Tell you what, Care... let's have a look into Barney Frank's emails? Let's see if Barney has ever made any "friendly gay" comments to anyone, and if so, let's demand a full investigation into his personal life as a gay man! You wanna fucking do that? I didn't think so!

What you want is a double standard, as always! You want to have your gay Congressmen, or womanizing adulterer president, and we dare not mention anything about their private personal sex lives... but let a fucking Republican write a friendly email, and we are supposed to launch full-scale ethics investigations and ruin his political career!

This is about the most deceitful, disingenuous, bigoted, prejudiced, hypocritical bunch of partisan bullshit you've EVER come up with!