Hey Rob... How does it look under the Democrat Bus?

Every email perhaps, you forget the instant messages Dixie . Or perhaps you don't and are just intentionally attempting to mislead.
Every email perhaps, you forget the instant messages Dixie . Or perhaps you don't and are just intentionally attempting to mislead.
No, his whole point is that the e-mails were not as huge as the IMs and that Hastert only had access to the e-mails. That because he only had the e-mails then he only had evidence of his homosexuality...

correct me if I'm wrong, Dix. I'm pretty sure this was your whole point here.
Some people obviously find typical, routine, normal and friendly homosexual behavior to be "perverted".

Very true. You are learning the relative nature of such terms as perverted, sin, evil, good etc etc.
Uhh oh Any, that will probably get us about a 1/2 page response....

Hopefully. Be good to see Dixie challenging his sacred cows...
That won't happen Any. We will get back some kind of convoluted reasponse that dances around the real issue.
The point is that the creapy flirtatious nature of the emails waranted more investigation which would have led to the IM's. The sex of the 16 year old victim is illrelevant. The sexual orientation of Mr. Foley is illrelevant!
Some people obviously find typical, routine, normal and friendly homosexual behavior to be "perverted".

Very true. You are learning the relative nature of such terms as perverted, sin, evil, good etc etc.

Great point, but social conservatives usually dont understand the grey areas... they see only black and white!
Ahh but according to the polls it is not irrevelant to many right wing republican voters ;) I will take a win or two based on the other sides prejudice and biggotry causing them to shoot their own feet ;)
Ahh but according to the polls it is not irrevelant to many right wing republican voters ;) I will take a win or two based on the other sides prejudice and biggotry causing them to shoot their own feet ;)

You don't realize it, but you are making my point brilliantly. In order for Democrats to feign outrage over Foley's emails, they have to contradict their own principles regarding sexuality, because they feel that they can appeal to the homophobic republicans this way. That's the problem with their argument, they assume republicans are homophobic bigots, so they convey a message of homophobic bigotry, in hopes of swaying republicans. When called on it, they can't seem to do anything except bluster and spew more hypocritical rhetoric.

The emails indicated Foley was a gay man, nothing more. Had there been anything more, Republican leadership would have reacted the same way they did when the IM's became public. To pretend that something should, could, or would have been done differently, on nothing more than the emails, takes a profound and bigoted homophobic view, because nothing in the emails is abnormal for a gay man.
dixie your confusing (once again) pedophiles with homosexuality... not the same thing....

all people i know who are gay would find the actions of foley disgusting...

Rob, I am not confusing anything, I know the difference. Foley sent emails to 16-18 y.o. former pages, in them he asked, what they planned to do for their birthday, could he have a picture, and so-and-so has a nice body. Are any of those things considered taboo in the gay community? Do gay people consider gays who ask these things to be perverts? What part of the emails disgusted you, Rob? Democrats seem to want to claim this, Rob, not me. I am not gay, and I have to defer to your opinion here, but I really didn't think cordial and typical homosexual conversation was considered perverted.
Still avoiding the IM's Dixie ?

US, I have never argued anything regarding the IM's, in fact, I have openly said on numerous instances, the IM's revealed the inappropriate behavior, and as soon as they became public, Foley was gone, and well he should be. You are now trying to manipulate my argument into an argument supporting Foley, or his actions in the IM's, and that has never been part of my argument.
it is only a red flag when it is aimed at teenage boys under the care and supervision of congress.

and the republican leadership's failure to adaquately supervise and protect those teens, and to worry more about getting Foley reelected is what will keep the base home on election day.
US, I have never argued anything regarding the IM's, in fact, I have openly said on numerous instances, the IM's revealed the inappropriate behavior, and as soon as they became public, Foley was gone, and well he should be. You are now trying to manipulate my argument into an argument supporting Foley, or his actions in the IM's, and that has never been part of my argument.
LOL, don't accuse me of what you are already doing Dix.
the point is that the IM's are known by the Dems and just perhaps they have based their decisions on them as well. hmmm ?
LOL, don't accuse me of what you are already doing Dix.
the point is that the IM's are known by the Dems and just perhaps they have based their decisions on them as well. hmmm ?

Again, let me make this point vividly clear, I am not supporting Foley, I am not condoning what he did in any way, and I feel the appropriate action was taken in asking for his resignation. That is NOT my issue here, as much as you want to make it my issue, and if you just want to continue being ignorant of that and insisting otherwise, that's up to you, I have stated it several times in several different ways now, and I really don't fucking know what else to do to make that point any clearer.

We are talking about Hastert, the Republican leadership, and the emails they knew about before the IM's became public. Those emails do not indicate that Foley was anything other than a garden variety gay man! So, you can either take the position that the leadership could have reacted with homophobia and ruined his career over inoccuous emails, or they could have not reacted to his personal sex life and conduct related to his homosexuality. There is no other option here.
Ok, even on that score the emails constituted inappropriate behaviour in the workplace, quite possibly sexual harrasment. I know congress made themselves exempt from the sexual harrasment laws, and now we know why :)

Dixie it is all about perception with voters, reality has little provididence in their minds, it is all about perception. And some right winger gay biggots feel betrayed that Foley is gay.
Ok, even on that score the emails constituted inappropriate behaviour in the workplace, quite possibly sexual harrasment. I know congress made themselves exempt from the sexual harrasment laws, and now we know why :)

Dixie it is all about perception with voters, reality has little provididence in their minds, it is all about perception. And some right winger gay biggots feel betrayed that Foley is gay.

Right-winger gay bigots? Is there such a thing?

You are correct, it's all about perception. But I am thinking the perception may be that Democrats are homophobes, since they think "red flags" should have been acted upon, based on typical and normal homosexual behavior. You see, to establish this perception, they had to take a completely homophobic position on Foley's emails, and argue that typical homosexual conversation is reason enough to launch investigations and ruin Congressional political careers. The flawed and hypocritical position also assumes that, in doing this, they will appeal to republican homophobic bigots, who are probably satisfied that Foley resigned.