Hey Team Israel, It's No Surprise!

The facts only matter if one cares about Palestinian savages who danced in the streets on 09/11/2001.

Otherwise, you just want the Israelis to help them become extinct and find merciful peace that way.

It's a shame. I'm sure that there are many innocent middle eastern Muslims.
They were destined to become collateral damage, thanks to the leaders that they couldn't control.
A bad break if you will.
The facts only matter if one cares about Palestinian savages who danced in the streets on 09/11/2001.

Otherwise, you just want the Israelis to help them become extinct and find merciful peace that way.

It's a shame. I'm sure that there are many innocent middle eastern Muslims.
They were destined to become collateral damage, thanks to the leaders that they couldn't control.
A bad break if you will.
Over 2 million jews have already fled Israel, with quite a few returning home to Brooklyn. The IGF gave them guns and protection to squat on Palestinian land in the West Bank. Hezbollah, Hamas, and Houthis are kicking Bibi, Biden, and Blinken genocidal ass.
Over 2 million jews have already fled Israel, with quite a few returning home to Brooklyn. The IGF gave them guns and protection to squat on Palestinian land in the West Bank. Hezbollah, Hamas, and Houthis are kicking Bibi, Biden, and Blinken genocidal ass.

Do you love the towelheads directly or indirectly through Putin?
The facts only matter if one cares about Palestinian savages who danced in the streets on 09/11/2001.

Otherwise, you just want the Israelis to help them become extinct and find merciful peace that way.

It's a shame. I'm sure that there are many innocent middle eastern Muslims.
They were destined to become collateral damage, thanks to the leaders that they couldn't control.
A bad break if you will.
Believe what you will, Phan, but I know two things.

One, Israelis or any other Jews didn't knock down the World Trade Center.
Two, the ugly ass "Freedom Tower" that's there now just makes my blood boil further every time I see it.

I can't make you stop caring about the poor Palestinians,
and you can't make me start.

Let's agree that that's where we are now.
No need to lie though, you’re entitled to your opinion, but lying is another thing.
No need to lie though, you’re entitled to your opinion, but lying is another thing.

Items one and two are definitely not lies.

As for 2001, if I believe something inaccurate, that's a mistake, not a deliberate lie.
I've heard credible arguments from both perspectives about the street dancing.
Items one and two are definitely not lies.

As for 2001, if I believe something inaccurate, that's a mistake, not a deliberate lie.
I've heard credible arguments from both perspectives about the street dancing.
You obviously ignored the article, willful ignorance, not a good look.
I have always been on team life. I don't need adhoms to express myself.

I'll admit to not having a clue what "team life" means.

I will say this, however.

I've never advocated nor celebrated racism.
I think it would be nice if it didn't exist.

I've merely observed, accurately, that it's universal in all multi-cultural contexts.
Thus, at humanity's present level of evolution, it must be manifest within human DNA.

Everybody doesn't admit it, but everybody very definitely doesn't like somebody.
I don't like jihadists, trumpanzees, or Putin cock-holsters, and I don't apologize for it.
I didn't draw my own blueprint. That's what I've got to work with.
I can't make you stop caring about the poor Palestinians,and you can't make me start. Let's agree that that's where we are now.
Sure. So we have you down as officially being gleeful at the slaughter of thousands of children, who were alive and well at the beginning of October.

Thank you for being candid.
... except when Israel is being driven by racism to slaughter Arab children, then you celebrate racism because Palestinians are the ones being eradicated. Got it.

So is murder and rape.

Poor analogy. Murder and rape are prevalent in homogeneous cultures as well.
It's about genocide, i.e. Holocaust 2.0

How I know is immaterial. The fact that you presume that Israel can do no wrong, despite perpetrating a genocide right in front of you, just shows that you are an immoral shit. Why are thousands of children, killed by Israel's indiscriminant air strikes, somehow Al Qassam militants? Because Israel directs you to believe such? (yes).

Iran attacked Israel via their proxy the Al Qassam brigades. Israel did not attack Iran and bomb and displace Iranians. Why not? Because Israelis HATE Arabs, not Persians. Israel isn't looking to eradicate Persians; they want to rid the world of Arabs. Gazans are lawful noncombatants that were supposed to be protected by Israel the moment the IDF invaded Gaza. Instead, Israel seized the opportunity to commence with Holocaust 2.0, and you are yucking it up like a hyena because you are an immoral shit.

Yep, in the small, tiny, low IQ minds of uneducated, lying, immoral shits, it's those poor heroes of the Old Testament, i.e. the Israelites, who are always the victims and who can do no wrong, even when all Israel wants/does is ethnically cleanse the world of Philistines and other Arabs. What other peoples are you hoping become extinct? How many children are you hoping Israel slaughters?

More lie filled terrorist propaganda malarky. I don't think you can post without bullshit and looking like a despicable dumbass.
Our founders were considered terrorists for rejecting servitude to the crown.

Equivalency fallacy. They were fighting for liberty from Royal abuse. The Hamas terrorists are trying to eradicate Jews in another holocaust genocide.

I do wish you were smarter. Really I do.
Otherwise, you just want the Israelis to help them become extinct and find merciful peace that way.

It's Hamas and their Arab enablers who are trying to eradicate the Jews, not the other way around. :palm:

Do you ever tire of looking stupid and uninformed? That was rhetorical of course.
Over 2 million jews have already fled Israel, with quite a few returning home to Brooklyn. The IGF gave them guns and protection to squat on Palestinian land in the West Bank. Hezbollah, Hamas, and Houthis are kicking Bibi, Biden, and Blinken genocidal ass.

Lie filled terrorist propaganda. The Palestinian claims are based on lies. There never was a nation called Palestine. These are antisemitic Jew hating Arabs. Nothing more.