Hey Team Israel, It's No Surprise!

... and you shouldn't start one at all. But if you do ...
We keep coming back to yourself delusion that Gazan civilians who never attacked Israel ... nonetheless attacked Israel. You have to delude yourself in this manner or Team Israel will disown you.

Armies are not police forces.
Meaningless statement. They have to follow the law. Your implication that Israel's army somehow doesn't have to obey the law is stupid.

They do not exist to "bring the enemy to justice"

The Geneva convention is no more than a gentleman's agreement.
Incorrect. All countries are signatories. That means that Israel is a signatory, i.e. they agreed that they would never commit genocide and that they would forever protect the lawful noncombatants wherever they invade.

Your ignorance of this does not take Israel off the hook.

I don't see Israel systematically killing off any Palestinian they run into
That's a choice on your part to not look. The photos of IDF's slaughter available on the internet are legion. You are clearly supporting an immoral Nazi state just because they are your team.

It's a clear-cut case of genocide. Holcaust 2.0. Nakba 2.0 Israel is killin Arabs because Israelis HATE Arabs and you support Israel in that regard. Instead of being OK with demanding accountability, you struggle tooth-n-nail to ensure Israel is never held accountable for any of their child-killing binges.
Why does it matter than Gazan civilians suffering now were not the ones who attacked Israel?
The Israeli victims of the Hamas attack did not attack Palestinians either.

When you allow others to represent you, you inherit their just Karma.
That's how this imperfect world works.

If America allows Trump to represent us, for example,
we'll have well-earned the inevitable dystopia.
For all of you Team Israel genocide deniers, how do you explain, after having killed tens of thousands of innocent, lawful noncombatant civilians as collective punishment, after having leveled Gaza into a parking lot, and after having forcibly displaced 80% of Gazans to effect the second Nakba out of pure racial HATRED for Arabs, Israel's move to forcibly remove the remaining 20% of Gazans ... if all Israel was ever supposedly doing was going after the Al Qassam terrorists who attacked Israel?

In fact, hoping that the world will forget about Iran's attack on Israel on Oct 7th, Israel is building on their genocide success in Gaza to branch out and kill Arabs in Lebanon. Israel just began launching air strikes in Lebanon declaring that they are going after "Hezbollah" because they know that such claims work so well on Team Israel. IDF airstrikes killed two lawful noncombatant civilian Lebanese workers in a food warehouse. I'm waiting for the official Israeli announcement declaring the entire warehouse and staff a commissary for Hezbollah and an existential threat that had to be taken out immediately.

It comes as no surprise that the IDF never had any intention of going after those who perpetrated the attack on Israel on 7 October. It is clear that Israel just wants to kill as many Arabs as they possibly can, and they aren't going to get the numbers if they hamstring themselves with adherence to the Geneva Conventions. Team Israel continues to applaud. Sickening.

One more time: Israel is bombing Lebanon. The IDF just made a seamless transition from killing all the Gazan Arabs they could ... to killing fresh new batches of Arabs via illegal incursions into Lebanon. Team Israel is giving the IDF the good ol' "nudge-nudge, wink-wink."

"For all of you Team Israel genocide deniers, how do you explain, after having killed tens of thousands of innocent, lawful noncombatant civilians as collective punishment,"

"For all of you Team Israel genocide deniers, how do you explain, after having killed tens of thousands of innocent, lawful noncombatant civilians as collective punishment,"


So that Islam "death to the infidels" Mohammed Valhalla pedophilia martyrdom HAMAS ! exerted on Israel depriving military & civilians of medical care to death is no different from Christian Nation SCOTUS Fourth Reich July "what is 9/11 ?" Freudian slip where George Washington University Hospital Washington, D.C. born USA citizens are Islam while Christiananality pedophilia witholds medical care in that "serve the Pope or die" not so master race not so master plan of "one nation under God with equal justice under law".....
So that Islam "death to the infidels" Mohammed Valhalla pedophilia martyrdom HAMAS ! exerted on Israel depriving military & civilians of medical care to death is no different from Christian Nation SCOTUS Fourth Reich July "what is 9/11 ?" Freudian slip where George Washington University Hospital Washington, D.C. born USA citizens are Islam while Christiananality pedophilia witholds medical care in that "serve the Pope or die" not so master race not so master plan of "one nation under God with equal justice under law".....

I've no idea what you're saying here.
We keep coming back to yourself delusion that Gazan civilians who never attacked Israel ... nonetheless attacked Israel. You have to delude yourself in this manner or Team Israel will disown you.

Meaningless statement. They have to follow the law. Your implication that Israel's army somehow doesn't have to obey the law is stupid.

Israel doesn't have to do anything. There is no one to force them to obey whatever law(s) you mean in that statement. Oh, you mean some useless debating society like the UN or the International court in the Hague that has ZERO enforcement power will. Yea, sure...


So you actually believe that militaries are nothing more than heavily armed police departments hum?

Incorrect. All countries are signatories. That means that Israel is a signatory, i.e. they agreed that they would never commit genocide and that they would forever protect the lawful noncombatants wherever they invade.

All nations are not signatories. Regardless, any treaty between nations is only as good as both nations decide to try and follow it or each nation's ability to force the other party(s) to follow it. Nations have only rarely, very rarely, gone to war over other nations internal handling of their population, so don't hold your breath for this time to be any different.

That's a choice on your part to not look. The photos of IDF's slaughter available on the internet are legion. You are clearly supporting an immoral Nazi state just because they are your team.

It's a clear-cut case of genocide. Holcaust 2.0. Nakba 2.0 Israel is killin Arabs because Israelis HATE Arabs and you support Israel in that regard. Instead of being OK with demanding accountability, you struggle tooth-n-nail to ensure Israel is never held accountable for any of their child-killing binges.

Good luck trying to get anyone to do anything about it. History shows your version is highly unlikely to occur...
Israel doesn't have to do anything.
Israel is bound to adhere to the Geneva Conventions which they signed and ratified.

There is no one to force them to obey whatever law(s) you mean in that statement.
There is no one to prevent you from breaking any contractual agreement you have with anyone. You will nonetheless have to answer for it in court later down the road.

So you actually believe that militaries are nothing more than heavily armed police departments hum?
I didn't say that. You are the one who asserts that activities are somehow partitioned between militaries and law enforcement. This is a bizarre delusion on your part. Police do, in fact, have SWAT teams, and militaries have security/military police. Federal agents conduct raids and militaries effect police actions. Your assertion is utterly rejected.

All nations are not signatories.
Correct, but I wrote that all countries, not nations, are signatories, and that is true. Israel is a signatory.

Regardless, any treaty between nations is only as good as both nations decide to try and follow it or each nation's ability to force the other party(s) to follow it.
You used the word "both." There are more than two signatories to the Geneva Conventions.

Nations have only rarely, very rarely, gone to war over other nations internal handling of their population, so don't hold your breath for this time to be any different.
I don't need to hold my breath. While Israel is violating the fourth Geneva Convention with reckless abandon, the IDF is single-handedly incriminating all of its members in violation of the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide. When this is over, MANY Israelis will have much for which to answer, and it could/should be very grave (no pun intended).

Good luck trying to get anyone to do anything about it. History shows your version is highly unlikely to occur...
I will nonetheless demand accountability while you cheer on genocide.
Israel is bound to adhere to the Geneva Conventions which they signed and ratified.

There is no one to prevent you from breaking any contractual agreement you have with anyone. You will nonetheless have to answer for it in court later down the road.

I didn't say that. You are the one who asserts that activities are somehow partitioned between militaries and law enforcement. This is a bizarre delusion on your part. Police do, in fact, have SWAT teams, and militaries have security/military police. Federal agents conduct raids and militaries effect police actions. Your assertion is utterly rejected.

Correct, but I wrote that all countries, not nations, are signatories, and that is true. Israel is a signatory.

You used the word "both." There are more than two signatories to the Geneva Conventions.

I don't need to hold my breath. While Israel is violating the fourth Geneva Convention with reckless abandon, the IDF is single-handedly incriminating all of its members in violation of the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide. When this is over, MANY Israelis will have much for which to answer, and it could/should be very grave (no pun intended).

I will nonetheless demand accountability while you cheer on genocide.

HA MAS ! of that more perfect union Mohammed Valhalla pedophilia martyrdom and Christian Nation SCOTUS Fourth Reich July "what is 9/11 ?" Freudian slip where George Washington University Hospital Washington, D.C. born USA citizens are Islam Christiananality pedophilia diatribe of thieving US Constitution Bill of Rights arsonists as Oct 6 terrorists employ Mengel "Angel of Death" baptize thine eyes by urinations "serve the Pope or die" depriving a retired WW II Pentagon Staff Sergeant of medical care as Israel October 6 victims while those crooks on Capital Hill support Federal Lynching KKK churchstate of hate fiefdom drug trafficking enforcement of that human reproduction medical pseudoscience immaculate virgin Mary son of Allah Jesus the Christ conception crusade - jihad.....