

New member
I'll keep this simple and maybe sweet!

Where is a great place where you won't be censored for speaking your mind? I am sure it is here. I just joined a few hours ago. But I have been reading a lot of the posts/comments so I can get a feel what I am getting myself into. It's hard to find the Truth, when folks on both sides bicker and really don't solve any problems. Everyone wants Truth. But also, everyone has their own version of what the Truth lies. Especially, when it comes to President Trump, Covid-19, the riots and George Floyd. But at the same time, people "think" that they can get sources they rely as Truth. But is it really the Truth? Especially, when one person uses the same source over and over - I mean, as a biased sense.

I am here to find the Truth. In everything we all do in life. That includes in the political spectrum of the internet. Of course, I take everyone's "truth" with a grain of salt. As I should. What you tell me is true...I always investigate. Not because, I don't believe you. It's because, I don't always believe in the source that is provided as such.

I welcome all comments - as long as they are respectful and decent thinking.

For now, you can all call me "Ichigo". Hope to "meet" some great people and minds here.

This is essentially /pol/ where anyone can say almost anything without being censored and where everyone knows they're talking to the same people.

Welcome to JPP!!!
I'll keep this simple and maybe sweet!

Where is a great place where you won't be censored for speaking your mind? I am sure it is here. I just joined a few hours ago. But I have been reading a lot of the posts/comments so I can get a feel what I am getting myself into. It's hard to find the Truth, when folks on both sides bicker and really don't solve any problems. Everyone wants Truth. But also, everyone has their own version of what the Truth lies. Especially, when it comes to President Trump, Covid-19, the riots and George Floyd. But at the same time, people "think" that they can get sources they rely as Truth. But is it really the Truth? Especially, when one person uses the same source over and over - I mean, as a biased sense.

I am here to find the Truth. In everything we all do in life. That includes in the political spectrum of the internet. Of course, I take everyone's "truth" with a grain of salt. As I should. What you tell me is true...I always investigate. Not because, I don't believe you. It's because, I don't always believe in the source that is provided as such.

I welcome all comments - as long as they are respectful and decent thinking.

For now, you can all call me "Ichigo". Hope to "meet" some great people and minds here.


Welcome to the site, Ichigo. I believe you'll enjoy it here. We have quite a few VERY intelligent folks that post on here, and some, I'd rather NOT get into that. The most important thing is to have FUN on here. I'll be looking forward to seeing your posts!
I'll keep this simple and maybe sweet!

Where is a great place where you won't be censored for speaking your mind? I am sure it is here. I just joined a few hours ago. But I have been reading a lot of the posts/comments so I can get a feel what I am getting myself into. It's hard to find the Truth, when folks on both sides bicker and really don't solve any problems. Everyone wants Truth. But also, everyone has their own version of what the Truth lies. Especially, when it comes to President Trump, Covid-19, the riots and George Floyd. But at the same time, people "think" that they can get sources they rely as Truth. But is it really the Truth? Especially, when one person uses the same source over and over - I mean, as a biased sense.

I am here to find the Truth. In everything we all do in life. That includes in the political spectrum of the internet. Of course, I take everyone's "truth" with a grain of salt. As I should. What you tell me is true...I always investigate. Not because, I don't believe you. It's because, I don't always believe in the source that is provided as such.

I welcome all comments - as long as they are respectful and decent thinking.

For now, you can all call me "Ichigo". Hope to "meet" some great people and minds here.

Welcome, be sure to read our rules.
Someone actually joined here to find the truth?

I'll keep this simple and maybe sweet!

Where is a great place where you won't be censored for speaking your mind? I am sure it is here. I just joined a few hours ago. But I have been reading a lot of the posts/comments so I can get a feel what I am getting myself into. It's hard to find the Truth, when folks on both sides bicker and really don't solve any problems. Everyone wants Truth. But also, everyone has their own version of what the Truth lies. Especially, when it comes to President Trump, Covid-19, the riots and George Floyd. But at the same time, people "think" that they can get sources they rely as Truth. But is it really the Truth? Especially, when one person uses the same source over and over - I mean, as a biased sense.

I am here to find the Truth. In everything we all do in life. That includes in the political spectrum of the internet. Of course, I take everyone's "truth" with a grain of salt. As I should. What you tell me is true...I always investigate. Not because, I don't believe you. It's because, I don't always believe in the source that is provided as such.

I welcome all comments - as long as they are respectful and decent thinking.

For now, you can all call me "Ichigo". Hope to "meet" some great people and minds here.


Bleach fan?
Yes, I am! That is how I got this name. I have watched every episode of Bleach and the movies, as well. :)

They were supposed to be animating the final saga of Bleach but it got sidetracked by Covid-19. The thousand year blood war ark was so brutal I hope they don't butcher it for television. It's about time they finished the saga since the cancellation. Maybe they learned a lesson about filler material.
I'll keep this simple and maybe sweet!

Where is a great place where you won't be censored for speaking your mind? I am sure it is here. I just joined a few hours ago. But I have been reading a lot of the posts/comments so I can get a feel what I am getting myself into. It's hard to find the Truth, when folks on both sides bicker and really don't solve any problems. Everyone wants Truth. But also, everyone has their own version of what the Truth lies. Especially, when it comes to President Trump, Covid-19, the riots and George Floyd. But at the same time, people "think" that they can get sources they rely as Truth. But is it really the Truth? Especially, when one person uses the same source over and over - I mean, as a biased sense.

I am here to find the Truth. In everything we all do in life. That includes in the political spectrum of the internet. Of course, I take everyone's "truth" with a grain of salt. As I should. What you tell me is true...I always investigate. Not because, I don't believe you. It's because, I don't always believe in the source that is provided as such.

I welcome all comments - as long as they are respectful and decent thinking.

For now, you can all call me "Ichigo". Hope to "meet" some great people and minds here.


Let's catch you up on the discussions and cut to the chase! Because these were all Thread topics here of late!

Let's get your feet wet!

Who do you think is a liar? Donald Trump or Joe Biden?

Do you want a liar to be your president?

Do you now, or did you ever believe that the Corona Virus only infected one American, and that he would get well in a couple of days, the virus would disappear, and we would all live happily ever after?

Do you believe that we should treat the virus patients by injecting disinfectants into their lungs- or that disinfectants should be used as an internal medicine in any capacity?

Do you believe that Russia tried to help Donald Trump win the 2016 election?

Do you believe Donald Trump should reveal his taxes like every President has done before him?

Do you believe that everyone's vote should count in elections?

Do you believe in Democracy? Do you believe that America should represent a good example of Democracy to the world?

Do you believe in Free Trade or Tariffs?

Do you believe America should GO IT ALONE?

Do you believe everyone's lives matters- INCLUDING BLACK PEOPLE?

Does the fact that 110,000 Americans have died as a result of the Corona Virus surprise you, upset you, sadden you?

Do you even believe 110,000 Americans have died as a result of this virus- or is just Fake News that the EVIL MEDIA just made up to make Donald Trump look bad?

Do you believe the Democrats created this virus to destroy the economy to make Donald Trump look bad so he would lose the election?

Do you believe Donald Trump when he says the Media is evil?

Do you believe it when Donald Trump calls Democrats Evil?

Do you believe it when Donald Trump calls the FBI evil?

Do you believe Donald Trump when he calls General Mattis stupid?

Do you approve of it when Donald Trump calls Female White House News Correspondents NASTY?

Do you believe Donald Trump calling Hillary a Nasty Woman was accurate?

Do you believe Donald Trump when he called Hillary Crooked Hillary?

Do you believe Obama should have never been president because he was born in Africa?

Do you believe that Michelle Obama is a transvestite or an Orangutan?

Do you think Donald Trump is an impeached president- and will go down in history as an impeached president?

Do you think the House Of Representatives that Impeached him should have impeached him?

Do you believe that a president should take funds approved by congress and earmarked to help an ally to defend themselves from invasions of their country, and use that money as a Bribe to a foreign nation, to help get himself elected in the upcoming election?

Do you believe he even did that?

Do you believe that a president is above the law?

Do you believe that the Judicial Branch, The executive Branch, and the Legislative branch were supposed to be a check and balance system of our government and that that is what our forefathers put in place to guarantee it?

Do you believe that the Senate should be a cover for the executive branch to break the law?

Do you believe that many American Lives could have been saved had Donald Trump, our president, took actions sooner, instead of lying to us about the virus to begin with.

Do you even believe that Donald Trump was warned by the CSA, The Intelligence community, and people on his own Administrative staff, that if we do not take proper preventive actions, that 500,000 Americans could be infected with the pandemic coming our way?

These questions should be sufficient to get your feet wet here and get your personal perspective on these subjects known throughout the Forum Community!

Feel free at any time to just jump right in!
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Let's catch you up on the discussions and cut to the chase! Because these were all Thread topics here of late!

Let's get your feet wet!

Who do you think is a liar? Donald Trump or Joe Biden?

Do you want a liar to be your president?

Do you now, or did you ever believe that the Corona Virus only infected one American, and that he would get well in a couple of days, the virus would disappear, and we would all live happily ever after?

Do you believe that we should treat the virus patients by injecting disinfectants into their lungs- or that disinfectants should be used as an internal medicine in any capacity?

Do you believe that Russia tried to help Donald Trump win the 2016 election?

Do you believe Donald Trump should reveal his taxes like every President has done before him?

Do you believe that everyone's vote should count in elections?

Do you believe everyone's lives matters- INCLUDING BLACK PEOPLE?

Does the fact that 110,000 Americans have died as a result of the Corona Virus surprise you, upset you, sadden you?

Do you even believe 110,000 Americans have died as a result of this virus- or is this something that the EVIL MEDIA just made up to make Donald Trump look bad?

Do you believe Donald Trump when he says the Media is evil?

Do you believe it when Donald Trump calls Democrats Evil?

Do you believe it when Donald Trump calls the FBI evil?

Do you believe Donald Trump when he calls General Mattis stupid?

Do you approve of it when Donald Trump calls Female White House News Correspondents NASTY?

Do you believe Donald Trump calling Hillary a Nasty Woman was accurate?

Do you believe Donald Trump when he called Hillary Crooked Hillary?

Do you believe Obama should have never been president because he was born in Africa?

Do you believe that Michelle Obama is a transvestite or an Orangutan?

Do you think Donald Trump is an impeached president- and will go down in history as an impeached president?

Do you think the House Of Representatives that Impeached him should have impeached him?

Do you believe that a president should take funds approved by congress and earmarked to help an ally to defend themselves from invasions of their country, and use that money as a Bribe to a foreign nation, to help get himself elected in the upcoming election?

Do you believe he even did that?

Do you believe that many American Lives could have been saved had Donald Trump, our president, took actions sooner, instead of lying to us about the virus to begin with.

Do you even believe that Donald Trump was warned by the CSA, The Intelligence community, and people on his own Administrative staff, that if we do not take proper preventive actions, that 500,000 Americans could be infected with the pandemic coming our way?

These questions should be sufficient to get your feet wet here and get your personal perspective on these subjects known throughout the Forum Community!

Feel free at any time to just jump right in!

Wow, there are some REALLY loaded questions on your lengthy list. And you SHOULD know by now, EVERY politician lies. It's just the way it is.;)
Wow, there are some REALLY loaded questions on your lengthy list. And you SHOULD know by now, EVERY politician lies. It's just the way it is.;)

I am ready for anyone to tell us a lie that Biden has intentionally told to mislead anyone!

Be sure to post the proof that warrants it as a lie- and the proof that he intentionally lied about it!

Loaded questions?

These are just simple yes or no questions!

All they require are simple yes or no answers,

I think you are confusing loaded questions with important questions!

The problem that Donald Trump and his supporters have, are these are questions that they don't want to be asked- because the answers to these questions make the president look bad.

There are never wrong questions- But the answers to them can be very wrong!
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I'll keep this simple and maybe sweet!

Where is a great place where you won't be censored for speaking your mind? I am sure it is here. I just joined a few hours ago. But I have been reading a lot of the posts/comments so I can get a feel what I am getting myself into. It's hard to find the Truth, when folks on both sides bicker and really don't solve any problems. Everyone wants Truth. But also, everyone has their own version of what the Truth lies. Especially, when it comes to President Trump, Covid-19, the riots and George Floyd. But at the same time, people "think" that they can get sources they rely as Truth. But is it really the Truth? Especially, when one person uses the same source over and over - I mean, as a biased sense.

I am here to find the Truth. In everything we all do in life. That includes in the political spectrum of the internet. Of course, I take everyone's "truth" with a grain of salt. As I should. What you tell me is true...I always investigate. Not because, I don't believe you. It's because, I don't always believe in the source that is provided as such.

I welcome all comments - as long as they are respectful and decent thinking.

For now, you can all call me "Ichigo". Hope to "meet" some great people and minds here.


No actually, a huge number of your peers have no interest in the truth,,,,,we who speak truth and advocate for free minds are a vanishingly small breed.
Here is a simple question and it only needs a simple answer....

If we get to a point where we cannot believe our president- WHO SHOULD WE BELIEVE?