Hi from Santa Clara

At least you're not from Hoboken, can you sing?

Yeah, I can sing. Although the Glee Club director used to ask me to just mime the words...so maybe what I sing doesn't sound all that hot.

I am still thinking of the three Jeopardy! contestants last week who guessed Newark, Trenton, and Atlantic City as Sinatra's birthplace! All over New Jersey you could hear people yelling, "Hoboken you jerkoffs!"

I've been to one of the homes where Sinatra lived...although his birth home burned down long ago.

A home he once lived in just sold for a million and a half.


I wrote an essay on Sinatra that was published in several newspapers. I think I'll revive it for JPP...and post a link here.
RB 60 really pointed out what a hypocrite Bowel Woman is. I can't understand how some people like Phantasmal can turn a blind eye to her posts. I guess that is what being a liberal is all about, support fellow liberals at all costs.

Christiecrite admitted it.
I'm perfectly capable of making up my own mind regarding who to engage and who to avoid.
