Hi from Santa Clara

Good point! There are quite a few of those types here. What is surprising to me is how many are men.

The internet taught me years ago that there are a remarkable number of grown men who indulge in scurrilous gossip -- more than I even remember teenage mean girls in middle school doing. And you know what? Most of these dudes are rightwingers for some weird reason!

Too bad she deleted her reply to this. You received a stern lecture and a lot of self-righteousness about how she never supports those kinds of posts, and you don't want to be "part of that group" and how "terribly mean spirited and very dishonest and often vile and completely inappropriate..." this forum is, tsk tsk tsk. Makes you wonder why she is here all day, every day, when it's such a horrible place. Kind of an interesting post from someone who is bff with some of those "vile" posters like RB 60 and Eagle Eye/Chumpy who write as hatefully at times as CFM, PraiseKek, et al. She even eggs them on and puts "thanks" on their posts when they write nasty shit to ppl she hates. I got essentially the same virtue-signalling responses when I first joined Amazon's politics forum years ago. She tried desperately to schmooze and guilt me into joining her clique. Didn't work.

Some contards try to win you over to their POV by beating you over the head with it. Some, like Toxic TOP, try to guilt you into it. But few ever try logic. I guess because there is no way to logically explain why they believe what they believe.

...this from one of JPP's most vile hypocrites!

You call gun owners "gun humpers" all the while saying you and your husband are gun owners.
Isn't it ironic you have then stated there's a difference between "gun humpers" and hunters who
own guns for hunting and target shooting? Hmmm...I own them for both. Am I also a "sports car
humper" because I own an expensive sports car? Am I a "pool cue humper" because I own an
expensive custom made pool cue? Care to call me a "humper" of the many other "toys" I own for
recreation and enjoyment?
How many vile names have you called those who voted for Trump? Care to count?
What about all the vile names you've called Trump? I guess in your mind they aren't vile?
Mean spirited? Has anyone you've criticized above attacked one of your deceased family members
like you attacked my deceased father for "flying his flag on a stripper pole seeking attention"?
(Yeah, I do become extremely offended when my family members are attacked, especially my father)

Your hypocrisy and vile posts are just as bad (often worse) than those you agree with, yet I have never
seen you attack them, yet you often "thank" them. Why is that? Care to answer?
Face the fact that YOU are nothing short of a vile hypocrite in it's truest definition.
Hey, TOP.

Gonna leave for the course in about a half hour. Nice and cool right now. Last two days have been scorchers in New Jersey...so my group is hoping for some clouds today.
I hear you...as soon as it gets light...be there...clouds don't help much when it's this humid, so just get done early...have fun!
...this from one of JPP's most vile hypocrites!

You call gun owners "gun humpers" all the while saying you and your husband are gun owners.
Isn't it ironic you have then stated there's a difference between "gun humpers" and hunters who
own guns for hunting and target shooting? Hmmm...I own them for both. Am I also a "sports car
humper" because I own an expensive sports car? Am I a "pool cue humper" because I own an
expensive custom made pool cue? Care to call me a "humper" of the many other "toys" I own for
recreation and enjoyment?
How many vile names have you called those who voted for Trump? Care to count?
What about all the vile names you've called Trump? I guess in your mind they aren't vile?
Mean spirited? Has anyone you've criticized above attacked one of your deceased family members
like you attacked my deceased father for "flying his flag on a stripper pole seeking attention"?
(Yeah, I do become extremely offended when my family members are attacked, especially my father)

Your hypocrisy and vile posts are just as bad (often worse) than those you agree with, yet I have never
seen you attack them, yet you often "thank" them. Why is that? Care to answer?
Face the fact that YOU are nothing short of a vile hypocrite in it's truest definition.
I'll just keep bumping this until she replies.....or one of the GCC club says it's just not true and tells us why....lol
...this from one of JPP's most vile hypocrites!

You call gun owners "gun humpers" all the while saying you and your husband are gun owners.
Isn't it ironic you have then stated there's a difference between "gun humpers" and hunters who
own guns for hunting and target shooting? Hmmm...I own them for both. Am I also a "sports car
humper" because I own an expensive sports car? Am I a "pool cue humper" because I own an
expensive custom made pool cue? Care to call me a "humper" of the many other "toys" I own for
recreation and enjoyment?
How many vile names have you called those who voted for Trump? Care to count?
What about all the vile names you've called Trump? I guess in your mind they aren't vile?
Mean spirited? Has anyone you've criticized above attacked one of your deceased family members
like you attacked my deceased father for "flying his flag on a stripper pole seeking attention"?
(Yeah, I do become extremely offended when my family members are attacked, especially my father)

Your hypocrisy and vile posts are just as bad (often worse) than those you agree with, yet I have never
seen you attack them, yet you often "thank" them. Why is that? Care to answer?
Face the fact that YOU are nothing short of a vile hypocrite in it's truest definition.

Excellent post! Well said.
I'll just keep bumping this until she replies.....or one of the GCC club says it's just not true and tells us why....lol

RB 60 really pointed out what a hypocrite Bowel Woman is. I can't understand how some people like Phantasmal can turn a blind eye to her posts. I guess that is what being a liberal is all about, support fellow liberals at all costs.
Any "meltdown" you see is a figment of your imagination. We get it, you don't like Owl and she doesn't like you. Yet you're the one who shows up on the threads with the snarky comments every freaking day. It would be a refreshing change to see you go a single day without a personal attack.

Furthermore, nobody "owns" me, that's just another of your delusions. You're really not very good at communicating with most posters except for your poodles. You take that preachy tone with people you disagree with and it's as annoying as hell.

I don't give a crap about Goodreads except for my own book lists; that's your obsession that you're trying to drag others into.

That is what Owl does. Poor HEATHER.
Hi all! My name is Julie and I am new to the forum. I am a member of conservative party and so happy to be here to make friends with you guys.

Hi Julie. I’m Mott and you’re not.

I don’t believe in placing myself in the conservative or liberal box. Im by no means a libertarian either as I actually accomplish things in life.

My general political philosophy is that if your average Joe Q. Public Red Neck is for it then it must be a horribly half baked asinine idea intended with malice, anger and fear with little thought to outcomes or consequences and thus an incredibly bad idea.

You know? Like invading Iraq.

So though many place me in the Liberal camp I reject the label unless it’s meant in the classical sense. I get labeled that mainly because I view most grass roots common folk traditional conservative populism to be as worthless as teets on a boar hog.

So if I was to characterize myself I’d say I’m a psuedo intellectual horses ass but that wouldn’t be the truth.

The truth is I’m a garden variety asshole.

Pleased to meet you. :)
Hi Julie. I’m Mott and you’re not.

I don’t believe in placing myself in the conservative or liberal box. Im by no means a libertarian either as I actually accomplish things in life.

My general political philosophy is that if your average Joe Q. Public Red Neck is for it then it must be a horribly half baked asinine idea intended with malice, anger and fear with little thought to outcomes or consequences and thus an incredibly bad idea.

You know? Like invading Iraq.

So though many place me in the Liberal camp I reject the label unless it’s meant in the classical sense. I get labeled that mainly because I view most grass roots common folk traditional conservatism to be as worthless as teets on a boar hog.

So if I was to characterize myself I’d say I’m a psuedo intellectual horses ass but that wouldn’t be the truth.

The truth is I’m a garden variety asshole.

Pleased to meet you. :)
I don't think "Julie" is with us anymore;(
You are a fucking punk. Make that FUCKING PUNK.

Google me, Punk.

No one will ever find out anything about you, though...you fucking coward. You are nothing but a big mouth...hiding behind disguises and aliases...calling others names.

So anyway, Punk...hope all is well with you.

Fucking punk.

Are you a made man?
Are you a made man?

No...but I am a man.

I know, I know...some people think everyone from New Jersey is connected.

I'm not.

Fact is, there are probably more cops, detectives, and sherrif's deputies in my family...than there are hoods in the Corleone family.
No...but I am a man.

I know, I know...some people think everyone from New Jersey is connected.

I'm not.

Fact is, there are probably more cops, detectives, and sherrif's deputies in my family...than there are hoods in the Corleone family.

At least you're not from Hoboken, can you sing?

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