Hi from Santa Clara

Yup, good analysis. She's followed me around literally for *years* doing exactly this sort of thing and trying to drive wedges between myself and anyone I get along with. As you can see, it's been quite frustrating for her. I did an experiment last week where I completely ignored her posts no matter how much she brought me up to others. The tagging along and re-posting of my comments in other threads increased exponentially. She'll never reply directly to me; only *about* me. I feel sorry for the sick, damaged soul. Evince is in her crosshairs now, as are Christiefan and Phantasmal, you, Frank, Bourbon, TTQ64, BAC.

There are a surprising number of these types of obsessive, resentful haters on the interwebs. It is a prime area for psychological research!

In my opinion, nothing says "loser" more than the internet dunce who follows you around, reads your posts, gossips about you, and spends an inordinate amount of time thinking about somebody they have never even met. Depending one one's point of view, it is either super creepy....or freakishly comical!
There we go....meltdown #5....what did I tell you Christie?
She owns you....you have lots of company if it makes you feel better...most of them are socks or have been banned a bunch though...
Who gets threads banned on Goodreads? I'll bet that was a first...lol

Any "meltdown" you see is a figment of your imagination. We get it, you don't like Owl and she doesn't like you. Yet you're the one who shows up on the threads with the snarky comments every freaking day. It would be a refreshing change to see you go a single day without a personal attack.

Furthermore, nobody "owns" me, that's just another of your delusions. You're really not very good at communicating with most posters except for your poodles. You take that preachy tone with people you disagree with and it's as annoying as hell.

I don't give a crap about Goodreads except for my own book lists; that's your obsession that you're trying to drag others into.
Even harder to understand why she calls out people for name-calling yet has no hesitation in doing the same: Fowl Woman, Christiecrite, Crypiss, etc. ... and Y O U give her a pass. :|

I have Lesion on ignore so can't see if Toxic is putting "thanks" on his posts, but it wouldn't surprise me. She seems to like Mott the Hoople and gets along okay with him. She also follows Lesion and "thanks" his nastier posts to ppl she hates. I wonder if she saw what Lesion was saying the other night about Mott's wife? I wonder if she chided *him* for being "vile" and "hateful" and "perversiony"?

I bet not.
I have Lesion on ignore so can't see if Toxic is putting "thanks" on his posts, but it wouldn't surprise me. She seems to like Mott the Hoople and gets along okay with him. She also follows Lesion and "thanks" his nastier posts to ppl she hates. I wonder if she saw what Lesion was saying the other night about Mott's wife? I wonder if she chided *him* for being "vile" and "hateful" and "perversiony"?

I bet not.

She thanks him in words because he has the buttons disabled. She thanks yurt all the time when he insults you and Jade so she has no room to talk about others.
She thanks him in words because he has the buttons disabled. She thanks yurt all the time when he insults you and Jade so she has no room to talk about others.

I'm just shocked. lol

She also thanks Angry Grump and RubberButt 60 when they say vile and nasty things to me, Jade, and others she doesn't like. I think on some level she really did realize how hypocritical her post to Frank Apisa was, and that's why she deleted it. She knew it would come back to bite her in the ass, and so it was. Must suck to wake up each morning with that much anger, and have to rush here to fling it at someone.
There are a surprising number of these types of obsessive, resentful haters on the interwebs. It is a prime area for psychological research!

In my opinion, nothing says "loser" more than the internet dunce who follows you around, reads your posts, gossips about you, and spends an inordinate amount of time thinking about somebody they have never even met. Depending one one's point of view, it is either super creepy....or freakishly comical!

Good point! There are quite a few of those types here. What is surprising to me is how many are men.