Hi from Santa Clara

Too bad she deleted her reply to this. You received a stern lecture and a lot of self-righteousness about how she never supports those kinds of posts, and you don't want to be "part of that group" and how "terribly mean spirited and very dishonest and often vile and completely inappropriate..." this forum is, tsk tsk tsk. Makes you wonder why she is here all day, every day, when it's such a horrible place. Kind of an interesting post from someone who is bff with some of those "vile" posters like RB 60 and Eagle Eye/Chumpy who write as hatefully at times as CFM, PraiseKek, et al. She even eggs them on and puts "thanks" on their posts when they write nasty shit to ppl she hates. I got essentially the same virtue-signalling responses when I first joined Amazon's politics forum years ago. She tried desperately to schmooze and guilt me into joining her clique. Didn't work.

Some contards try to win you over to their POV by beating you over the head with it. Some, like Toxic TOP, try to guilt you into it. But few ever try logic. I guess because there is no way to logically explain why they believe what they believe.

Here it is, preserved for posterity. Why delete such a masterpiece? lol


^ Serious TOP obsession ^
Too bad she deleted her reply to this. You received a stern lecture and a lot of self-righteousness about how she never supports those kinds of posts, and you don't want to be "part of that group" and how "terribly mean spirited and very dishonest and often vile and completely inappropriate..." this forum is, tsk tsk tsk. Makes you wonder why she is here all day, every day, when it's such a horrible place. Kind of an interesting post from someone who is bff with some of those "vile" posters like RB 60 and Eagle Eye/Chumpy who write as hatefully at times as CFM, PraiseKek, et al. She even eggs them on and puts "thanks" on their posts when they write nasty shit to ppl she hates. I got essentially the same virtue-signalling responses when I first joined Amazon's politics forum years ago. She tried desperately to schmooze and guilt me into joining her clique. Didn't work.

Some contards try to win you over to their POV by beating you over the head with it. Some, like Toxic TOP, try to guilt you into it. But few ever try logic. I guess because there is no way to logically explain why they believe what they believe.

Here it is, preserved for posterity. Why delete such a masterpiece? lol


Frank had time to read my reply before I deleted it....so I decided to see who was lurking and obsessing...and guess what? :laugh:
It's just so easy....

<cue Toxic pity crumbs>Poor thing. You deleted it because at some level you realized how hypocritical, pathetic, and ridiculous it made you look. You even went back and edited it for extra faux outrage. No one buys your claims that you posted it and edited, and then deleted it to see "who was lurking." Hahahaha. Damn, double down on the dumb! We've all seen how you egg on your stable of geldings to ever greater heights of nastiness, especially when one of them is attacking Christiefan, Phantasmal, me, or Evince. We've seen you put "thanks" on the forum's worst racists' posts. You were right about one thing -- your hypocrisy and sucking up deserve slamming. Nice meltdown, btw! It's almost as good as yesterday's! Ta-Ta, twatlette! Have a nice evening with Jack.</toxic pity crumbs>
Poor Fowl.... love the meltdown....what narrative will follow?:)
It's just so darn easy:)
<cue Toxic pity crumbs>Poor thing. You deleted it because at some level you realized how hypocritical, pathetic, and ridiculous it made you look. You even went back and edited it for extra faux outrage. No one buys your claims that you posted it and edited, and then deleted it to see "who was lurking." Hahahaha. Damn, double down on the dumb! We've all seen how you egg on your stable of geldings to ever greater heights of nastiness, especially when one of them is attacking Christiefan, Phantasmal, me, or Evince. We've seen you put "thanks" on the forum's worst racists' posts. You were right about one thing -- your hypocrisy and sucking up deserve slamming. Nice meltdown, btw! It's almost as good as yesterday's! Ta-Ta, twatlette! Have a nice evening with Jack.</toxic pity crumbs>

She writes "You have to admit...you say a great deal of pretty hateful things about the President and those who you seem to be sure support him without question..."

My question is, how on god's green earth can anyone not say hateful things about that vicious, spiteful, thin-skinned lying orange lunatic? This ignoramus uses some of the nastiest language this country has ever heard to describe people:

Donald J. Trump‏Verified account @realDonaldTrump
Infest our country? That's divisive dictator language the schmuck uses to appease his base, and to hell with everyone else.

Maybe somebody who's reading this can post when trump ever said something positive about Democrats and others who aren't part of his fawning cult.
She writes "You have to admit...you say a great deal of pretty hateful things about the President and those who you seem to be sure support him without question..."

My question is, how on god's green earth can anyone not say hateful things about that vicious, spiteful, thin-skinned lying orange lunatic? This ignoramus uses some of the nastiest language this country has ever heard to describe people:

Infest our country? That's divisive dictator language the schmuck uses to appease his base, and to hell with everyone else.

Maybe somebody who's reading this can post when trump ever said something positive about Democrats and others who aren't part of his fawning cult.

Ugh, that word salad from the "teacher". Make it stop, it hurts.

I know, right? How anyone who claims to have compassion for animals and people, who claims to be a Christian, who claims to have "American values" (whatever the fuck *those* are anymore) can support that vile bastard is beyond me. Have you noticed the JPP contards' penchant for using the word "hate" whenever Trump is criticized? As if only some person devoid of anything but hate could see anything wrong in the crap he says/does.

This country is doomed.
There's meltdown #3...love that you're still putting teacher in quotation marks...why is that?;)
Ugh, that word salad from the "teacher". Make it stop, it hurts.

I know, right? How anyone who claims to have compassion for animals and people, who claims to be a Christian, who claims to have "American values" (whatever the fuck *those* are anymore) can support that vile bastard is beyond me. Have you noticed the JPP contards' penchant for using the word "hate" whenever Trump is criticized? As if only some person devoid of anything but hate could see anything wrong in the crap he says/does.

This country is doomed.

They rely on words like "hate" and "un-American" because they can't make a reasoned argument without RW memes. I've asked more than once for someone to explain in detail what it means to be un-American, and the only replies were snarky ad homs. It especially makes me gnash my teeth when they say "Obama hates America" yet can't give examples of his so-called hate.