Hi from Santa Clara

don't be frightened away, Julie......they sound fierce, but once you learn that between them they don't have enough brains to present a single logical argument you realize they are as harmless as cockroaches........
Hi all! My name is Julie and I am new to the forum. I am a member of conservative party and so happy to be here to make friends with you guys.

Watch out for Stormfront wanderers. Text Drivers Are Killers, CFM, Praisekek, Rob Larrkin,Truth Detector,etc.
Hi all! My name is Julie and I am new to the forum. I am a member of conservative party and so happy to be here to make friends with you guys.

Also ignore Yaya. He is a cranky Maltese, that nips at most peoples heels, and spazzes out on them for nothing. Across party lines here, that is one of the few easily agreeable things here.
I think skateboards were invented in santa clara
was that santa cruz ? nevermind. santa cruz is just a skate product brand. you crazies scared the girl away. sorry Julie about the zoo conditions here. jpp males are like a bunch of feces flinging apes.
Well, Julie. After reading all this ... I guess it was nice meeting you ... and come by anytime and visit. :(
Why not use them here...in your direction. They fit like a glove.

I didn't say you did.

I mentioned that you did not even bother to say, "Hi."

You still haven't. Perhaps that is because I trigger you so easily...you forget that kind of thing.

I've got an idea...why don't you call out whomever you want...I will call out whomever I want?

Jesus...you are getting too easy, RB. Tighten up your game. I don't want to feel I'm picking on unskilled opponents.

Ahhh...just a partisan hack you are. You're too easy, Frank. Stick to golf.
Ahhh...just a partisan hack you are. You're too easy, Frank. Stick to golf.

Best you can do????

You can't even be original...just borrow stuff.

And "partisan?"

I am one of the least partisan people here...a capital "I" Independent. But of course, someone like you would think opposition to the abomination makes me partisan.

Now if you had said that I am a golf hack...I would have had to find lots of merit in that. My game is in the toilet right now. But I always come back.
Best you can do????

You can't even be original...just borrow stuff.

And "partisan?"

I am one of the least partisan people here...a capital "I" Independent. But of course, someone like you would think opposition to the abomination makes me partisan.

Now if you had said that I am a golf hack...I would have had to find lots of merit in that. My game is in the toilet right now. But I always come back.

Who are you trying to fool, Frank? I read your posts, you're as hateful and partisan as they come.
Who are you trying to fool, Frank? I read your posts, you're as hateful and partisan as they come.

I am not hateful...although I do return hateful comments in kind. Didn't used to do that...but it seems the way things go here...and I don't want to be rude and break the cycle.

As for "partisan"...I most assuredly am not...in any meaningful sense of that word.

But...for someone like you, I guess it is best to hang on to as much fiction as possible.
I am not hateful...although I do return hateful comments in kind. Didn't used to do that...but it seems the way things go here...and I don't want to be rude and break the cycle.

As for "partisan"...I most assuredly am not...in any meaningful sense of that word.

But...for someone like you, I guess it is best to hang on to as much fiction as possible.

Frank, drink another cup of coffee, you're still a bit weary this morning.
I am not hateful...although I do return hateful comments in kind. Didn't used to do that...but it seems the way things go here...and I don't want to be rude and break the cycle.

As for "partisan"...I most assuredly am not...in any meaningful sense of that word.

But...for someone like you, I guess it is best to hang on to as much fiction as possible.
You have to admit...you say a great deal of pretty hateful things about the President and those who you seem to be sure support him without question. And those are not comments that are a "reply" in kind....
You have to admit...you say a great deal of pretty hateful things about the President and those who you seem to be sure support him without question. And those are not comments that are a "reply" in kind....

Most ARE replies in kind, TOP.

Take a look at the comments from the people to whom I direct them.

My comments about the abomination are certainly "mean spirited"...but I do value honesty...and love of country, so they are almost necessary with him.

In the meantime, if I have allowed the truly mean-spiritedness of this forum to cause me to be "hateful"...I apologize. That should not be...no matter what.
I don't drink coffee...and I am not weary.

Wanna try that "partisan" shit again?

Partisan - definition of partisan by The Free Dictionary
par·ti·san 1 (pär′tĭ-zən) n. 1. A fervent, sometimes militant supporter or proponent of a party, cause, faction, person, or idea.

Obviously you are a proponent (hater) of Trump ("person" as described above) and those who elected him. Your posts reflect that time after time.
Partisan - definition of partisan by The Free Dictionary
par·ti·san 1 (pär′tĭ-zən) n. 1. A fervent, sometimes militant supporter or proponent of a party, cause, faction, person, or idea.

Obviously you are a proponent (hater) of Trump ("person" as described above) and those who elected him. Your posts reflect that time after time.

Obviously you do not understand the word "proponent"...but that is understandable. You apparently do not understand the meaning of many words.

Anyway...saying that Donald Trump is a boorish, ignorant, narcissistic, inept, arrogant, immature, lying abomination who barks at the moon...is not an expression of hatred...it is simply a (in my opinion) fairly accurate assessment of him. (Okay, the "bark at the moon" part may be a stretch. I'll concede that.)

Stick with me on this, RB. You are so much more helpful than some of these other guys.
Most ARE replies in kind, TOP.
Take a look at the comments from the people to whom I direct them.
My comments about the abomination are certainly "mean spirited"...but I do value honesty...and love of country, so they are almost necessary with him.
In the meantime, if I have allowed the truly mean-spiritedness of this forum to cause me to be "hateful"...I apologize. That should not be...no matter what.

Too bad she deleted her reply to this. You received a stern lecture and a lot of self-righteousness about how she never supports those kinds of posts, and you don't want to be "part of that group" and how "terribly mean spirited and very dishonest and often vile and completely inappropriate..." this forum is, tsk tsk tsk. Makes you wonder why she is here all day, every day, when it's such a horrible place. Kind of an interesting post from someone who is bff with some of those "vile" posters like RB 60 and Eagle Eye/Chumpy who write as hatefully at times as CFM, PraiseKek, et al. She even eggs them on and puts "thanks" on their posts when they write nasty shit to ppl she hates. I got essentially the same virtue-signalling responses when I first joined Amazon's politics forum years ago. She tried desperately to schmooze and guilt me into joining her clique. Didn't work.

Some contards try to win you over to their POV by beating you over the head with it. Some, like Toxic TOP, try to guilt you into it. But few ever try logic. I guess because there is no way to logically explain why they believe what they believe.

Here it is, preserved for posterity. Why delete such a masterpiece? lol
