Hi, I'm Ted

you voted against a change in your state's constitution that would remove the language stating that interracial marriages were illegal.

Another LIE from the resident pervert! When that vote took place, I lived in Memphis, TN. Unless I violated federal election laws, it was impossible for me to have voted. Do you people have some sort of mental disorder that requires you to LIE at least three times daily to live? It seems that is about your running average here.

Looks like you're the one lying.

On fullpolitics, you admitted to voting against the measure:

DIXIE: "I voted against the measure because I didn't like the dishonesty, and I don't believe the people should ever cede their right to VOTE on tax increases. The segregation-era language was not relevant, it served no legal purpose" -- fullpolitics.com May 22. 2006
Looks like you're the one lying.

On fullpolitics, you admitted to voting against the measure:

DIXIE: "I voted against the measure because I didn't like the dishonesty, and I don't believe the people should ever cede their right to VOTE on tax increases. The segregation-era language was not relevant, it served no legal purpose" -- fullpolitics.com May 22. 2006

Jesus Christ.

It's like trying to keep track of bush. You need files.
Jesus Christ.

It's like trying to keep track of bush. You need files.

Oh Dixie is a shameless liar.

Do you remember his whopper about how he supposedly went over to Iraq to work for the US government?

After months of us hounding him to go fight in his war, Dixie made up a story about how he was hired as a contractor to go over and work in Qatar and Bagdad. And he later tried to pass off some stories about how he was heroically dodging IEDs around bagdad.

Only problem was, when I quizzed him about the Green Zone, it was immediately apparent he had no clue what the Green Zone was. Which is quite odd, given that he was in Bagdad dodging IED explosions.
Oh Dixie is a shameless liar.

Do you remember his whopper about how he supposedly went over to Iraq to work for the US government?

After months of us hounding him to go fight in his war, Dixie made up a story about how he was hired as a contractor to go over and work in Qatar and Bagdad. And he later tried to pass off some stories about how he was heroically dodging IEDs around bagdad.

Only problem was, when I quizzed him about the Green Zone, it was immediately apparent he had no clue what the Green Zone was. Which is quite odd, given that he was in Bagdad dodging IED explosions.

LOL. No I wasn't around for that, it sounds hysterical though. I needed the laugh!
Yeah he kept having to go offline in Iraq because the generals and such needed the conference room to hold briefings and such....
here Darla, this will crack you up.

This is the beginning and the "ending" of the actual adventure to iraq. Straight from the imagination of Dixie.

Note how he states he'd be gone at least six months, maybe even a year. But he shows up back "home" in four months.

-DIXIE, June, 2005: This might be my final thread....I am making my final plans for the assignment in Doha, Qatar. I will be leaving this weekend for a 2-week orientation and debriefing in NJ, and then I am headed to the middle east for at least 6 months, maybe up to a year. I am not going to have access to the Internet where I will be, but I might have an opportunity to visit an Internet Cafe or something, and if I do, I will check in from time to time.

-DIXIE, October 2005: I'm Baaaaaaaaack! I've been on a hell of an adventure the past few weeks, and I haven't been able to post because we bugged out of Doha early... went to Baghdad for the elections. It was a little unsettling, we were targets of a would-be suicide bomber, they got to him before he got to us.

I got back in the states yesterday, and I hope I'll get things settled back in by next week sometime. I will probably post more then, but I have to say, reading the board, I really don't have much use for this place anymore. I've about had it with the political shit-slinging, and propaganda, and people who are continuing to try and subvert our efforts in Iraq, just piss me off.
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here Darla, this will crack you up.

This is the beginning and the "ending" of the actual adventure to iraq. Straight from the imagination of Dixie.

Note how he states he'd be gone at least six months, maybe even a year. But he shows up back "home" in four months.

-DIXIE, June, 2005: This might be my final thread....I am making my final plans for the assignment in Doha, Qatar. I will be leaving this weekend for a 2-week orientation and debriefing in NJ, and then I am headed to the middle east for at least 6 months, maybe up to a year. I am not going to have access to the Internet where I will be, but I might have an opportunity to visit an Internet Cafe or something, and if I do, I will check in from time to time.

-DIXIE, October 2005: I'm Baaaaaaaaack! I've been on a hell of an adventure the past few weeks, and I haven't been able to post because we bugged out of Doha early... went to Baghdad for the elections. It was a little unsettling, we were targets of a would-be suicide bomber, they got to him before he got to us.

I got back in the states yesterday, and I hope I'll get things settled back in by next week sometime. I will probably post more then, but I have to say, reading the board, I really don't have much use for this place anymore. I've about had it with the political shit-slinging, and propaganda, and people who are continuing to try and subvert our efforts in Iraq, just piss me off.

I swear this was the funniest shit I've ever seen on a message board. Funnier even than any of the crap SJ said.

It's just to transparent, and so obviously a lie. He must have staye up two nights in a row, imagining up the details of this heroic trip to iraq.

Let's summarize: He was contracted to work in Qatar and Iraq for at least six months maybe up to a year, but he comes "home" after barely four months.

And while dodging suicide bombers and IED's in Badhdad, for some strange reason he didn't have the foggiest what the Green Zone was.
Gosh Dixie.... looks like Cypress caught your slanderous lying ass once again.

Just like he did when you claimed you'd never slandered ME...remember?

YOu really do need to go lie down on a train track...it would be such a gift to humanity.

Looks like you're the one lying.

On fullpolitics, you admitted to voting against the measure:

DIXIE: "I voted against the measure because I didn't like the dishonesty, and I don't believe the people should ever cede their right to VOTE on tax increases. The segregation-era language was not relevant, it served no legal purpose" -- fullpolitics.com May 22. 2006
how do you think he will get past this little mess? WIll he:

1. ignore this thread altogether?
2. create some whopper of an explanation?
3. stomp around blustering mightily and threaten to put us all on ignore?
Looks like you're the one lying.

On fullpolitics, you admitted to voting against the measure:

DIXIE: "I voted against the measure because I didn't like the dishonesty, and I don't believe the people should ever cede their right to VOTE on tax increases. The segregation-era language was not relevant, it served no legal purpose" -- fullpolitics.com May 22. 2006

Uhm, this is not about the vote on interracial marriage, sorry.
Now, unless one of you twerps want to post something I said indicating I voted to keep interracial marriage illegal, we can assume that YOU are the lying slanderous assholes.
Hmmm... how do I think Prissy and Mainey will get around this little "mess"...

1. ignore this thread altogether?
2. continue to slander and lie about something else?
3. send an IM to one of their buddies to come here and swear he saw me post it?

...or 4. all of the above?

One thing we can pretty much bet on, Prissy and Mainey will not admit they fucked up, or that they are the lying slandering assholes instead of me.
Yoo Hoo???
Where are you Prissy?
Scouring the pages of FullshitheadPolitics.com to see if you can cover your lying ass?
Save yourself the trouble, I have never did what Mainey claimed, he LIED too, like I said!
anyone who votes to keep the constitution of their state racist and requiring segregated schools, is a bigot. If my state's constitution said that, I have no doubt I would vote to change it.....but not you.

that makes you a racist. prima facie
I'm sorry Mainey, but school segregation ended in 1964.... 43 years ago!
I couldn't vote to require that if I wanted to. And I bet, if Maine had a similar constitution, and they wanted to remove the language along with commandeering all naval veteran's pensions, you would probably vote against that.

Now, let's get back to the LIE you told, Mainey...
"you voted against a change in your state's constitution that would remove the language stating that interracial marriages were illegal."

You plan on apologizing to me for this lie, or are you just going to tapdance away from it as usual? Come on, be the Big Man you claim to be and fess up! You lied, and your buddy lied, and you both got busted lying! Admit it and let's move on!