Hi -- New here.

Shouldn't that be "are" always right, teach?

I know, right? We should be thoughtful and kind though. Toxic had a very hellish and terrible day. Her valiant efforts to have me banned have again fallen -- alas! -- on deaf ears. Note above where she tells Frank why she's here, since she doesn't discuss politics. She's here to get ppl banned... specifically me, Mason, and Jade Dragon. Maybe you too since you get along with us. So once again, another day of futility. So sad.
Hi Frank...don't forget to thank the girl gang for "answering" for you...Personally, I don't think you need help, but I guess they think you do:(
that being said, you don't cry & whine....you sure do rant & rave, though....

"Hi Frank",give me attention,I'm a attention whore!
Top's claim to fame
I told you why I'm here....;) Remember, you offered to help;)
You're ranting and raving is entertaining....I wouldn't respond to you if it did...
I skip on by the ones who are bothersome or offensive...don't you?

You're here to see who you can get banned.Sadly I think Frank's on to you!:(
You mean shes a "verbose blowhard" because she's a liberal. You've never called out "verbose blowhard" Ralph for his verbosely blowharded posts, amirite?

Oneuli's a "verbose blowhard" because she handed StarGeezer her well-toasted ass on a cedar plank, while simultaneously discussing multiple subjects with factual and articulate clarity, and whipping up a crème brûlée in her well-appointed kitchen. If there's one thing a pseudo-smart conservatard can't stand, it's being exposed for the moron she is.
Oneili is a verbose blowhard and you, a crybaby.

Oneuli (not Oneili) is an intelligent, cogent poster who backs up everything she writes...and she is so severely kicking the asses of American conservatives posting here...I suspect most of you assholes have nose bleeds.

Learn from your betters.

I do. I am, for instance, learning a lot from Oneuli.

If you think you or any of these pathetic Trump apologists are my betters...you are as sadly mistaken as you are about the abomination, Donald Trump.
Oneuli (not Oneili) is an intelligent, cogent poster who backs up everything she writes...and she is so severely kicking the asses of American conservatives posting here...I suspect most of you assholes have nose bleeds.

I do. I am, for instance, learning a lot from Oneuli.

If you think you or any of these pathetic Trump apologists are my betters...you are as sadly mistaken as you are about the abomination, Donald Trump.
Where did that happen? Writing a bunch of words isn't hard but eliminating the unnecessary ones, is.

Now go cry some more.
Oneuli's a "verbose blowhard" because she handed StarGeezer her well-toasted ass on a cedar plank, while simultaneously discussing multiple subjects with factual and articulate clarity, and whipping up a crème brûlée in her well-appointed kitchen. If there's one thing a pseudo-smart conservatard can't stand, it's being exposed for the moron she is.
She is a verbose blowhard because she uses too many words to make a simple observation.

You think you 'sound smart'. You don't.
You might as well give it up, TrumpsterDiver. I don't read your posts. They contain nothing of value. Besides, I detest racists. You are a racist.
Ditto, racist. Nothing's changed in the last 13 minutes. Not going to, either.

ETA: A picture's said to be worth one thousand words. Here's yours:

Where did that happen?

Where did what happen, Asshole? You didn't use enough words to make your question coherent.

Writing a bunch of words isn't hard but eliminating the unnecessary ones, is.

You are correct...anybody can write a bunch of words. You often do.

But you ought to try writing words in coherent sentences and paragraphs.

Eventually you will get the hang of it.

Now go cry some more.

No crying being done on my part, Stargazer...although I hear lots of it coming from you. You really ought to have more respect for your betters...of which, I and Oneuli, are both a part.
My lord. All those posts spent bitchin about how many or how few words another poster uses.

Some on here focus on the minutia while ignoring the big picture.

Trump sucks. :awesome:
Sweet Jesus Mother of God!

(holding head) How fucking long, I mean just how fucking long have I been told TOP is on 'Ignore'? Then THIS!

Ditto, racist. Nothing's changed in the last 13 minutes. Not going to, either.

ETA: A picture's said to be worth one thousand words. Here's yours:

Sweet Jesus Mother of God!

(holding head) How fucking long, I mean just how fucking long have I been told TOP is on 'Ignore'? Then THIS!

Maybe you should do something about those voices in your head, Jackoff. No one's said that Toxic is on ignore. Oh no, I want to savor every sweet drop of her envy, desperation, anxiety, despair, frustration, and anger that she can't do what she says she's here for -- get me banned. It's especially delicious to watch her get punched out every day, chase after Frank and Christiefan and Phantasmal only to be spurned, and see her eyes bug out when you throw her under the bus like you do all the time. Ask her how your anecdote about her cyber bud in NJ, Sheila something, coming to visit but being turned away, turned out for her! It's weird that she "thanks" your posts and follows you everywhere, even though you constantly degrade and humiliate her in front of everyone. What's wrong with you, that you treat friends that way? Are you sick or something?