Hi -- New here.

You're close to NYC, Frank..you know lots of people...can you help her get a job? ‘Then she wouldn't get picked on, because she wouldn't have so much free time ....
(btw...didn't you say you were air force? The Medal of Honor was given posthumously to an airman...first one since vietnam...it was a lovely ceremony-just now over-look for it.... wonderful courageous story......)

<Racist Attention Whore Chow>Whazzamatter, Toxic? Afraid to say anything to Oneuli directly? Why? You're terrified and so envious of her, aren't you? Even your dim "intellect" knows a superior being when encountered. Afraid she'll tear your seventh-grade mean-girl snark to shreds? We can see why. </attention whore crumbs>
Oneuli is doing just fine...and I doubt she needs any help in finding a job. She seems to be using her "fee time" to good advantage.
I might add...she is doing MUCH better than you, TOP.


Toxic can only snipe about her; she's terrified to say anything to her directly. Ever notice how she does the same thing with me?

Toxic can only snipe about her; she's terrified to say anything to her directly. Ever notice how she does the same thing with me?

Also she doesn't reply directly so that when you respond to her comment she acts like it wasn't directed towards you and you're just butting in to a convo she is mysteriously having with someone else she didn't directly reply to.
Also she doesn't reply directly so that when you respond to her comment she acts like it wasn't directed towards you and you're just butting in to a convo she is mysteriously having with someone else she didn't directly reply to.

LOL -- good point! Yeah, that old "plausible deniability" thing -- it's not just for governments any more. Her floating cryptic remark tactic is also useful to pretend that she's not obsessed with you, but since you replied directly to her like most adults do -- *you're* the one with the problem. It would be clever if it wasn't so transparent and childish.

At any rate, I'm glad Oneuli's here and had the time to post.
Today, 09:06 PM
Another horse stable shit-slinger

This message is hidden because StarDumb is *still* on your ignore list.

...You and the rest of the dumbed-down Obots were duped.

Hopey Changey - how'd it work out for you?
OK, that was a little clearer. I at least have some notion what you were trying to say now.

As for how it worked out for me -- it worked out really well for me, thanks for asking. But that shouldn't come as a surprise, since it worked out well for most people. As you know, the Obama era was a time when unemployment rates fell, poverty rates fell, median real household incomes rose to a record high, median real family incomes rose to a record high, real wages rose to a record high, real GDP per capita rose to a record high, all the major stock indices experienced one of the best bull markets in American history, the federal budget deficit dropped by half, US approval ratings in other leading democracies improved, household debt as a share of GDP dropped dramatically, the death toll in Iraq and Afghanistan dropped to almost nothing, we went eight years without a major terrorist attack on America, murder rates declined, violent crime rates declined, property crime rates declined, teen pregnancy rates fell to a record low, the share of Americans without health insurance fell to a record low, drop-out rates fell to a record low, the share of the population with a college degree rose to a record high, inflation rates stayed near record lows for eight years, carbon emissions/GDP efficiency improved to record levels, the economy set a new record for consecutive months of job creation --then broke that record by a huge margin, the economy had one of its longest uninterrupted growth streaks in history, the incarceration rate started dropping for the first time in decades, discrimination against gays in marriage ended, etc.

How about you? How did that era of pretty much across-the-board improvement work out for you?
OK, that was a little clearer. I at least have some notion what you were trying to say now.

As for how it worked out for me -- it worked out really well for me, thanks for asking. But that shouldn't come as a surprise, since it worked out well for most people. As you know, the Obama era was a time when unemployment rates fell, poverty rates fell, median real household incomes rose to a record high, median real family incomes rose to a record high, real wages rose to a record high, real GDP per capita rose to a record high, all the major stock indices experienced one of the best bull markets in American history, the federal budget deficit dropped by half, US approval ratings in other leading democracies improved, household debt as a share of GDP dropped dramatically, the death toll in Iraq and Afghanistan dropped to almost nothing, we went eight years without a major terrorist attack on America, murder rates declined, violent crime rates declined, property crime rates declined, teen pregnancy rates fell to a record low, the share of Americans without health insurance fell to a record low, drop-out rates fell to a record low, the share of the population with a college degree rose to a record high, inflation rates stayed near record lows for eight years, carbon emissions/GDP efficiency improved to record levels, the economy set a new record for consecutive months of job creation --then broke that record by a huge margin, the economy had one of its longest uninterrupted growth streaks in history, the incarceration rate started dropping for the first time in decades, discrimination against gays in marriage ended, etc.

How about you? How did that era of pretty much across-the-board improvement work out for you?

*applause* I know that we and our family, neighbors, friends, and community all did much better during the Obama years than previously. So well, in fact, that my husband was able to retire at age 60 with a very comfortable portfolio of assets.

Apparently things didn't go so well for our friend Star; once again your far-too-wordy-yet-totally-accurate response scared her into silence.

OK, that was a little clearer. I at least have some notion what you were trying to say now.

As for how it worked out for me -- it worked out really well for me, thanks for asking. But that shouldn't come as a surprise, since it worked out well for most people. As you know, the Obama era was a time when unemployment rates fell, poverty rates fell, median real household incomes rose to a record high, median real family incomes rose to a record high, real wages rose to a record high, real GDP per capita rose to a record high, all the major stock indices experienced one of the best bull markets in American history, the federal budget deficit dropped by half, US approval ratings in other leading democracies improved, household debt as a share of GDP dropped dramatically, the death toll in Iraq and Afghanistan dropped to almost nothing, we went eight years without a major terrorist attack on America, murder rates declined, violent crime rates declined, property crime rates declined, teen pregnancy rates fell to a record low, the share of Americans without health insurance fell to a record low, drop-out rates fell to a record low, the share of the population with a college degree rose to a record high, inflation rates stayed near record lows for eight years, carbon emissions/GDP efficiency improved to record levels, the economy set a new record for consecutive months of job creation --then broke that record by a huge margin, the economy had one of its longest uninterrupted growth streaks in history, the incarceration rate started dropping for the first time in decades, discrimination against gays in marriage ended, etc.

How about you? How did that era of pretty much across-the-board improvement work out for you?
There was mass poverty and a war on businesses, evidenced by miles of empty commercial real estate.

The war on business led to no jobs and the GDP growth was abysmal. Obama was the Divider-In-Chief, most divisive President since polarization was measured. He sought to divide by race and class and dog-whistled for police assassinations from the White House. He apologized for America abroad and never defended us. His hatred for America, duh rich and white people was palpable. Then there was the legislative disaster called Obamacare along with all the worthless 'stimulus' plans. lol

The majority of Americans are doing MUCH better now, especially minorities. History will remember those years as a dark period in history. Without his incompetence, divisiveness and hatred for this country, we wouldn't have Trump right now. So it was a win/win, in the end. :-)
There was mass poverty and a war on businesses, evidenced by miles of empty commercial real estate.

The war on business led to no jobs and the GDP growth was abysmal. Obama was the Divider-In-Chief, most divisive President since polarization was measured. He sought to divide by race and class and dog-whistled for police assassinations from the White House. He apologized for America abroad and never defended us. His hatred for America, duh rich and white people was palpable. Then there was the legislative disaster called Obamacare along with all the worthless 'stimulus' plans. lol

The majority of Americans are doing MUCH better now, especially minorities. History will remember those years as a dark period in history. Without his incompetence, divisiveness and hatred for this country, we wouldn't have Trump right now. So it was a win/win, in the end. :-)

This is who you need tending to you, Stargazer:

It wasn't an argument.

It was an observation.

Jeez...does everything have to be explained to you?
Why did you choose Nurse Ratched? What are you trying to insinuate?
Did you have a nice trip to the shore? Guess I should have led with that, but;)