Hiding Threads (for Damocles)

cancel2 2022

This is really directed at Damocles and is a request to be able to just hide threads completely that are initiated by certain posters. It would be great if the Ignore Author could be extended to automatically hide all threads by that poster. To be able to just make trolls vanish would be just incredible.
this would be ideal and it's something we have thought about but sadly I dont' think there is a practical way to do this. I agree it would be awesome though
Good grief, just don't open them, how friggin hard is that, just skip past the thread, I do it to Tom's threads all the time!
Good grief, just don't open them, how friggin hard is that, just skip past the thread, I do it to Tom's threads all the time!

How about 8 threads on the first page of the off topic forum that are solely created to troll a certain poster? You still have to see the titles about RAPE and PEDOPHILIA and excessive threads about England, guns etc.
How about 8 threads on the first page of the off topic forum that are solely created to troll a certain poster? You still have to see the titles about RAPE and PEDOPHILIA and excessive threads about England, guns etc.

Yeah but Rancid loves Legion so she overlooks his trolling.

I find her comments rich given she spent an inordinate amount of time trying to get me banned
Good grief, just don't open them, how friggin hard is that, just skip past the thread, I do it to Tom's threads all the time!

Oh ok, so if I started to say that you were just a cheap hooker turning tricks on the street corner when you met Bud, you'd be fine with that? So why didn't you tell your bessie mate Darla to put me on ignore then, when she was calling me a rapist and a paedophile?
Good grief, just don't open them, how friggin hard is that, just skip past the thread, I do it to Tom's threads all the time!

Why didn't Zappa take that advice when he claimed that certain parties were making sexual innuendoes about his daughter? Why did he go apeshit when he was put on forced ignore with ILA?
Why didn't Zappa take that advice when he claimed that certain parties were making sexual innuendoes about his daughter? Why did he go apeshit when he was put on forced ignore with ILA?

Hey, Zappa, Tom's got questions for you.
Oh ok, so if I started to say that you were just a cheap hooker turning tricks on the street corner when you met Bud, you'd be fine with that? So why didn't you tell your bessie mate Darla to put me on ignore then, when she was calling me a rapist and a paedophile?
I don't care what you say about Bud and myself, knock yourself out. I can put you back on ignore.

Tom, Darla doesn't post here, anymore, please get over her, I know it's hard, but come on, man, she isn't coming back here.
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I don't care what you say about Bud and myself, knock yourself out. I can put you back on ignore.

Tom, Darla doesn't post here, anymore, please get over her, I know it's hard, but come on, man, she isn't coming back here.

I do find it incredibly odd how you can see a clear case of racist and misogynistic behaviour but choose to say bugger all about it?
I don't care what you say about Bud and myself, knock yourself out. I can put you back on ignore.

Tom, Darla doesn't post here, anymore, please get over her, I know it's hard, but come on, man, she isn't coming back here.

I know it must be hard on you to defend your racism enabling and so you just choose to ignore it; but that doesn't change the fact that you ignore racism from those you "agree with" and just want to post your dissatisfaction when you feel you have support for your hypocrisy.

Plus her pulling the strings on Rune, essentially means she is posting; but that she's just using a "ghost writer".
I know it must be hard on your to defend your racism enabling and so you just choose to ignore it; but that doesn't change the fact that you ignore racism from those you "agree with" and just want to post your dissatisfaction when you feel you have support for your hypocrisy.

Plus her pulling the strings on Rune, essentially means she is posting; but that she's just using a "ghost writer".

True dat!!
this would be ideal and it's something we have thought about but sadly I dont' think there is a practical way to do this. I agree it would be awesome though

The old AOL board had a feature like that; but it might have been a little different.

Don't remember exactly.
Good grief, just don't open them, how friggin hard is that, just skip past the thread, I do it to Tom's threads all the time!

And yet; in the past, you were the worst one to be complaining.
Looks like Darla leaving has caused you to lose the support you so desperately needed.
Tom, just so you don't whine yourself to death I will put something in my signature.

It's strange that Tubby Tommy and Right-o don't seem to mind when conservatives utter repeated sexual slurs about people's family members, isn't it?