Hiding Threads (for Damocles)

I gave IHA a number of opportunities to debate me, and yes, the coward ran away.

No one "remembers" that except you. You refused each and every one of his debate challenges in APP. You had your chance to be civil with him and you rejected it and were insulting towards him.

I honestly think you are psychotic. No one in their right mind could believe a lie as much as you. You can actually sit there with a straight face and tell me I am a weak minded such and such for saying bullshit about your claims and then literally the next day you claim someone else's claim is bullshit and you don't even see hypocrisy in it.
No one "remembers" that except you. You refused each and every one of his debate challenges in APP. You had your chance to be civil with him and you rejected it and were insulting towards him.

I honestly think you are psychotic. No one in their right mind could believe a lie as much as you. You can actually sit there with a straight face and tell me I am a weak minded such and such for saying bullshit about your claims and then literally the next day you claim someone else's claim is bullshit and you don't even see hypocrisy in it.


IHA has refused each and every one of my debate challenges.

He had his chances and he tucked tail and ran.

He's been insulting to me from day one, he had his chance to discuss things with civility and he blew it.
Because you dont. You call names and throw tangents.
All these refusals to actually talk about something are telling.
If he's such a dolt it should be child's play.

He doesn't want to debate in APP; because he needs to have his support team help him and he can't have that happen in an APP debate.

IHA has refused each and every one of my debate challenges.

He had his chances and he tucked tail and ran.

He's been insulting to me from day one, he had his chance to discuss things with civility and he blew it.

Did you accept any of his debate challenges?

IHA has refused each and every one of my debate challenges.

He had his chances and he tucked tail and ran.

He's been insulting to me from day one, he had his chance to discuss things with civility and he blew it.

Are you fucking insane? I guess you must be to tell so many porkies, what the fuck is wrong with you?
I'd still prefer the comprehensive system that I rewrote for the older version. You could ignore somebody and it just did all of it. You didn't have to ignore specific threads, etc.

Please hurry, Daddy Damocles. Your ideological offspring's tender sensibilities are suffering multiple microaggressions! They need their safe space!