Hiding Threads (for Damocles)

If you feel you have done nothing wrong and are not violating the rules then you should keep on keeping on.

Or are you too big a pussy and are now Grinds JPP bitch?

I suspect you will stop yet claim some sort of victory to hide your being fisted. But hey maybe you will prove me wrong and man up for once. Show us what ya got big guy.

Want to bet he doesn't do it again, seeing as how he's now been soundly spanked; but I'll bet he tries to be really vague and sneaky about it and then someone will jump up and defend him. :p
With the latest versions of vbulletin writing a comprehensive ignore system is nearly impossible. I wrote and used such a system for the 3.x versions of vbulletin, but I have yet to figure out a way to get it done with the newest version. The coding is entirely different. I wonder if Watermark could do it?
If you feel you have done nothing wrong and are not violating the rules then you should keep on keeping on.

Or are you too big a pussy and are now Grinds JPP bitch?

I suspect you will stop yet claim some sort of victory to hide your being fisted. But hey maybe you will prove me wrong and man up for once. Show us what ya got big guy.


More tough talk from the chickenshit too scared to debate me.

ILA is so obsessed with me he's gone back to trolling me specifically!

With the latest versions of vbulletin writing a comprehensive ignore system is nearly impossible. I wrote and used such a system for the 3.x versions of vbulletin, but I have yet to figure out a way to get it done with the newest version. The coding is entirely different. I wonder if Watermark could do it?

In the link I provided the hack was done as it built the new posts search results. Not comprehensive. But not a hardship for those wanting it.
Want to bet he doesn't do it again, seeing as how he's now been soundly spanked; but I'll bet he tries to be really vague and sneaky about it and then someone will jump up and defend him. :p

OH, he's just regrouping and trying to find a way to both whine and say it again.

Same old cowardly ignorance from USF.

For YEARS now he's been too scared to talk TO me.

But boy howdy, he sure does love to talk ABOUT me.

Frankly, I don't blame him...when I think back on the beatings he used to take!
Isn't it ironic that the conservatives are begging Daddy Damocles to shield the tender eyes of his ideological offspring from the traumatic microaggression of (gasp) having to see a thread title.

The horror!

They may hate Big Government, but they sure love some Big Damoment. :rofl2:

More tough talk from the chickenshit too scared to debate me.

ILA is so obsessed with me he's gone back to trolling me specifically!


Why are you such an arsehole? I have disliked ILA as much as anyone, however he did try to engage you one to one in APP and you refused point blank.
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Why are you such an arsehole? I have disliked ILA as much as any but, I am also fair, and he did try to engage you one to one in APP and you refused pointblank.

I remember that. And now the hypocrite is claiming ILA is too afraid to debate him.
