Hillary Clinton: MAGA ‘cult members’ need ‘deprogramming’

Part of Britain's problem--a good part--is Britain itself. For example, I ordered a book from a British book store through Amazon UK. The book was like $18 US. It cost $28 US to get it shipped to the US from the UK because of all the export regulations, taxes, and paperwork. I got one sheet with the sale of the book on it, and six pages of UK government WTF paperwork necessary to export a fucking used book! How insane is that?

A book I ordered from Amazon France came with a single sheet of paper for the sale, and there were no additional charges to ship it to the US. There was even a hand written note on it, in French, thanking me for the order... Amazon Germany is the same way.

That does not change the fact, that CURRENTLY American companies are able to reduce COG's (Cost of Goods) greatly by using China and other foreign country labor and materials.

If you use tariffs to raise the prices of those items coming in to the US, that will results in the US companies raising prices greatly to the US consumer. If those goods have to be manufactured in the US that will lead to more jobs and even higher cost of goods, both of which will spur inflation even higher.

tariff is good.

you're brainwashed with globalist idiocy.

hence why you need deprogramming.

Quit typing in items. Explain why that ignorant stance you have is true. The vast majority of economists hate them. Intelligent politicians do not like them. Tariffs are paid for by the consumer. They take money out of the pockets of the consumer base with no payback. Ergo you are wrong as usual.
As the UK is finding out post Brexit, denying your country access to cheaper foreign made goods, or making those goods far more expensive, spikes inflation massively.

It is the basic law of supply and demand, that if you cut the supply or make it much more expensive, while then also requiring the US to tool up and manufacture the same good, as much higher wages, you are going to have massive inflation.

So are you pro inflation?

tariffs are not related to inflation.
Quit typing in items. Explain why that ignorant stance you have is true. The vast majority of economists hate them. Intelligent politicians do not like them. Tariffs are paid for by the consumer. They take money out of the pockets of the consumer base with no payback. Ergo you are wrong as usual.

tariffs are good to keep production capacity and jobs themselves in the country.

a race to the bottom is dumb, just to satify short term corporate profiteering.
tariffs are not related to inflation.

I am not interested in your attempt to create this semantic split over 'inflation' which i already debunked.

What is commonly being called 'Inflation' now that people are trying to attribute to Biden, is the rising prices on goods and services that has occurred WORLD WIDE, as a result of the manufacturing and work force shut down and the higher prices that result when the world wide economy was turned back on.

If you want to argue that is not properly called 'inflation', then whatever you call it, we can acknowledge that is what Biden is being blamed for.

Tariffs would create the same impact. So give it whatever name you want but when citizens see the cost of everything impacted shoot way up, when they have to be manufactured in the US at the US cost base, the citizens and news will call it 'inflation'.
I am not interested in your attempt to create this semantic split over 'inflation' which i already debunked.

What is commonly being called 'Inflation' now that people are trying to attribute to Biden, is the rising prices on goods and services that has occurred WORLD WIDE, as a result of the manufacturing and work force shut down and the higher prices that result when the world wide economy was turned back on.

If you want to argue that is not properly called 'inflation', then whatever you call it, we can acknowledge that is what Biden is being blamed for.

Tariffs would create the same impact. So give it whatever name you want but when citizens see the cost of everything impacted shoot way up, when they have to be manufactured in the US at the US cost base, the citizens and news will call it 'inflation'.

inflation is not just simply a rise in prices.
inflation is not just simply a rise in prices.

As i said, i am not interested in your semantic debate.

When you watch the news each night, and they focus on 'Inflation' and how people are judging the Biden Administration over it, they ARE specifically talking about the rising price of goods and services, out pacing the rising job numbers and wages and how that makes citizens feel poorer.

If goods and services prices had been going down, as Bidens economy saw the addition of more and better paying jobs, people would not be complaining about 'inflation'.

If tomorrow BIden used tariffs to basically shut all CHinese goods out of the US market, prices on Goods would soar, and the talk of the inflation Biden caused and the hardship on US families would be all we would hear.

I don't care if you want to say 'that should not be called inflation'. Call it what you want, The cause and effect is the same and Biden would get the blame.
That does not change the fact, that CURRENTLY American companies are able to reduce COG's (Cost of Goods) greatly by using China and other foreign country labor and materials.

If you use tariffs to raise the prices of those items coming in to the US, that will results in the US companies raising prices greatly to the US consumer. If those goods have to be manufactured in the US that will lead to more jobs and even higher cost of goods, both of which will spur inflation even higher.

That depends... Taiwanese companies are moving their manufacturing here. For example, Taiwan Semiconductor is building a huge fab plant here in Phoenix. The reason, unstated, is that such a plant is immune to a Chinese invasion of Taiwan...

TSC's biggest problem at the moment is they can't find enough qualified American workers to staff the plant...

you need deprogramming.

tell me how it's smart to send all the jobs away with globalist fanaticism or consider deprogramming for your inadequate cognitions..

why can't you answer that question?

If you posted anything but incoherent babbling, one might be able to provide some sort of answer.
That depends... Taiwanese companies are moving their manufacturing here. For example, Taiwan Semiconductor is building a huge fab plant here in Phoenix. The reason, unstated, is that such a plant is immune to a Chinese invasion of Taiwan...

TSC's biggest problem at the moment is they can't find enough qualified American workers to staff the plant.....

It does not 'depend' as no one is saying EVERY good and service.

The issue is that a vast, vast number of US businesses rely on chinese and other nation good and labor pricing to keep their COG's down for items they sell in America. If you suddenly use Tariffs to raise the cost of those goods, those companies will raise the price of what they sell to American's.

If you are ok with mass inflation, fine. If not, then this path needs to be re-evaluated.
It does not 'depend' as no one is saying EVERY good and service.

The issue is that a vast, vast number of US businesses rely on chinese and other nation good and labor pricing to keep their COG's down for items they sell in America. If you suddenly use Tariffs to raise the cost of those goods, those companies will raise the price of what they sell to American's.

If you are ok with mass inflation, fine. If not, then this path needs to be re-evaluated.

what will happen fuckface is the production will be picked up by american companies.

fuck you and fuck the ccp you shill for.
what will happen fuckface is the production will be picked up by american companies.

fuck you and fuck the ccp you shill for.

I said that you stupid ignorant fuck.

It will be picked up by US companies AT MUCH HIGHER COST TO US CITZENS who will then complain about inflation.

how can you be so stupid that you do not recognize that if you replace much cheaper goods and service with much more expensive, that the cost to citizens then goes way up.

You are one crying about 'Biden Inflation' in another thread, you empty wind bag.
I said that you stupid ignorant fuck.

It will be picked up by US companies AT MUCH HIGHER COST TO US CITZENS who will then complain about inflation.

how can you be so stupid that you do not recognize that if you replace much cheaper goods and service with much more expensive, that the cost to citizens then goes way up.

You are one crying about 'Biden Inflation' in another thread, you empty wind bag.

it;s worth it to keep those wages in the economy and circulating locally instead of sending those wages to geopolitical foes.

fuck you, chink.
it;s worth it to keep those wages in the economy and circulating locally instead of sending those wages to geopolitical foes.

fuck you, chink.

And yet you would be the first hypocrite screaming about pricing going up and wanting to blame a Dem POTUS if one was in power.

And despite your simple brain, things are not that simple. For instance as the prices go up in America for American goods, they become less competitive in the International market, still using that cheap labor and goods.

So then US companies start losing ability to sell outside the country, shrinking their markets and thus making them seek to rise prices more. Its a death spiral for business as the US becomes a closed market with every increasing labor costs to meet the ever increasing CoG's., It works short term but the system collapses long term.

But stupid people... gonna stupid.
And yet you would be the first hypocrite screaming about pricing going up and wanting to blame a Dem POTUS if one was in power.

And despite your simple brain, things are not that simple. For instance as the prices go up in America for American goods, they become less competitive in the International market, still using that cheap labor and goods.

So then US companies start losing ability to sell outside the country, shrinking their markets and thus making them seek to rise prices more. Its a death spiral for business as the US becomes a closed market with every increasing labor costs to meet the ever increasing CoG's., It works short term but the system collapses long term.

But stupid people... gonna stupid.


paying higher prices is good with americans if it means other americans are employed, and the rise of the yellow chink empire is stopped.

paying higher prices is good with americans if it means other americans are employed, and the rise of the yellow chink empire is stopped.

Again that is not how things work.

Let me dumb it down for you. Way down.

What happens as countries go more isolationist, and protect themselves from cheaper goods and service, by raising Tariffs, si that the prices in your COUNTRY shoot up, relative to other countries. That means , while in the short term you gain more jobs at home, by building those goods with more expensive labor, but you also LOSE the export for your goods. those jobs and those markets are lost to the USA.

Long term that costs us much more than the short sighted tariffs and isolationism benefited us.