Hillary won't get the nomination

Considering that Tennessee was Gore's home state, a place he won '92 and '96 and a state that would have put him in the White House and not needed to win Florida it seems that Gore had a very poor strategy.

Here's how a political consultant gets fired, Cawacko:

October 2000:

"Vice President Gore, I think we should put a lot of money into tennessee, to try to win its 11 electoral votes, even though clinton-hatred and outrage at monica-gate runs rampant there, and it looks like its dragging you down there. I suggest we remove money and resources from Florida, which has 25 electoral votes, and is likely to be the one southern state you can definetly win.

Sound good?"
In fact, what state was it, where a congressman actually announced that he "could not guarantte the safety of THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES" in, were Bill Clinton to visit?

I can look it up, but it happened.

And if that doesn't tell the story, then nothing can.

The citizens of the south are so patriotic, that the president of the united states may be shot dead if he comes there. If he's a democrat.

South Carolina - Strom Thurmond
In fact, what state was it, where a congressman actually announced that he "could not guarantte the safety of THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES" in, were Bill Clinton to visit?

I can look it up, but it happened.

And if that doesn't tell the story, then nothing can.

The citizens of the south are so patriotic, that the president of the united states may be shot dead if he comes there. If he's a democrat.

Yeah, who was the wingnut republican in congress from one of the Carolinas who said someone ought to shoot president Clinton ?
Thank you Jarod!

You know, if Gore had won S Carolina, a state that the President of the United States is not safe in if he's a Democrat, he would have been President.

True, and if Gore had not "sighed" during one of the debates I belive he would have been president.
True, and if Gore had not "sighed" during one of the debates I belive he would have been president.

Wouldn't you just like to see what would happen if today, Senator Schumer announced that he could not guarantee the safety of george w bush in New york?

Just for fun.
Yeah, who was the wingnut republican in congress from one of the Carolinas who said someone ought to shoot president Clinton ?

I will bet you $1,000 you cannot find a quote where a member of Congress called for President Clinton to be shot. Like most things you just pulled this out of your ass but I'll wait with baited breath.
He was only Senator of one state. You keep dragging on this.

Simply. Not even one President has ever been elected without gaining the vote of the State they gained original prominence in politics in. Not one.

Bush and Daddy came from Conneticut and Taxachussets respectively, obviously losing both those states.

But they didn't rise in politics there.
I will bet you $1,000 you cannot find a quote where a member of Congress called for President Clinton to be shot. Like most things you just pulled this out of your ass but I'll wait with baited breath.

darned close if not there wacko:

Bill Clinton "better watch out if he comes down here
[to North Carolina]. He'd better have a bodyguard."
-stated by Jesse Helms in regards to Clinton's
supposive unpopularity with the North Carolina military.
According to Helms (and refuted by military personnel),
the military was likely to shoot Clinton if he came to
North Carolina.


what kind of bait did you use on your breath ?

Like all Republilcans he was trying to get the military to do his dirty work for him.
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darned close if not there wacko:

Bill Clinton "better watch out if he comes down here
[to North Carolina]. He'd better have a bodyguard."
-stated by Jesse Helms in regards to Clinton's
supposive unpopularity with the North Carolina military.
According to Helms (and refuted by military personnel),
the military was likely to shoot Clinton if he came to
North Carolina.


what kind of bait did you use on your breath ?

It was a stupid comment but he didn't call for him to be shot. He would have been kicked out of the Senate if that were the case.
Yes, I think Bill could win damn near every state right now. People look at the 90's and say "I want that again"... they would vote for him in a heartbeat. I don't like the guy and I would vote for him over any of the frontrunners in either party.

SF, you've got to be the most schizophrenic voter I've ever talked to. ;)

Let me see if I have this right; it seems very convoluted to me.

You say you want Dems to nominate moderate candidates. You think Clinton was a moderate, but you didn't like the guy. You said you would have supported Bill Bradley who is an unabashed progressive liberate because (according to you) Bradley was a moderate faking being a liberal. You wouldn't support a moderate like Al Gore because he was faking being a moderate, and actually was leftwing. And you wouldn't support Hillary because, despite of her fairly centrist voting record, she's a liberal pretending to be a moderate.

So, actual voting records aside, we have ascertained that we have one moderate who really is a moderate, two liberals faking being a moderate, one moderate faking being a liberal.

Is that the jist of it? :cof1:
Bottom Line.............

Unless the Democrats become Democrats once again...akin to the likes of Eisenhower/JFK...they will continue to lose...The Democratic party has been Hijacked by Socialist...Al Gore knows better he knows he would be 'Swiftboated' if he made another attempt! He is a happy camper playing with Hollywood...so he will continue playing.Hillary and or Obama will probably get the nod...but both will lose!

As for the Republicans I believe a dark horse will come onto the scene and take the Presidency!...Just my opinion mind ya!
The Democratic Party is the party of centrists with the DLC in full control.

The strategy of the party is to remain only slightly less evil than republicans in the hopes that liberals have nowhere else to go, thus they gain their votes by default. So no one should be surprised when many liberals refuse to be taken foir granted.