Hillary won't get the nomination

There's not a single Democrat who's ever said we should nationalize the healthcare system.

Healthcare will always be delivered by doctors, hopsitals, and nurses who work for private entities. Insurance companies don't provide healthcare. They are a middleman that simply pays healthcare providers.

We're talking about how healthcare providers get paid. That's not socialism, no matter how many times you stomp your feet and pound the table trying to proclaim it so. The conservative parties in New Zealand, UK, Canada, France, Sweden, Japan, Netherlands, all support universal health insurance. They hardly consider themselves socialists.
Ever? None of them ever said it? What was that Hillarycare debacle all about?

And no, it isn't socialism. It is corporate welfare, on an even larger scale than the crappy Pill Bill.
There's not a single Democrat who's ever said we should nationalize the healthcare system. .

I'd be careful with loose cannon statements like that. I'm pretty sure Kuchinich advocates something beyond what the frontrunners are suggesting. He criticized our system as being "for profit" and stated that true change wasn't possible until this central idea changed. Sounds like another industry would move from private to public.

You must not get out much. I know at least a dozen self identified socialists who regularly vote Democrat. We can haggle about the definition of socialist and you can reach for your Manifesto to grab the most extreme definition, but it doesn't change the facts of the situation.

Great one...albeit the fact remains that cippie,darla,orno and el blacko are just closet Communists..they are just to chicken to admit it!:cof1:
We need to have the end of healthcare for profit in the United States and the beginning of a healthcare system which helps those who don’t work or can’t work, which helps workers, small businesses, manufacturers.

Kuchinich is da bomb.
-Karl Marx, Cypress
You must not get out much. I know at least a dozen self identified socialists who regularly vote Democrat. We can haggle about the definition of socialist and you can reach for your Manifesto to grab the most extreme definition, but it doesn't change the facts of the situation.

Please stop inventing imaginary people in your mind. I've never met a Democrat who wants the federal government to own and operate this countries manufacturing, production, and distribution capacity.

Ornot is probably the closest approximation to a socialist I've ever talked to, and I don't think even he has ever suggested we get rid of private capital and private ownership of capital and production.
Here is what I think. I think you are again projecting. You see this as the only reason to vote third party.

I think that a vote for a third party, when you normally would vote for your own party, sends a message. Especially if that third party makes a better than expected showing. People will actually work to get the votes back that they lost to that third party, especially when the votes are so close nowadays.

I think that I don't tell people how I vote at cocktail parties and could care less if they think I am "better" than they are.

I won't vote for somebody who suggests even larger and huger spending while we pile on more and more debt regardless of "rolling back" that 2% of taxes that is supposed to make the difference. I won't vote Democrat, none of them suggest curtailing spending. Only making up for it with more taxation.

I won't vote for another solely religious conservative. Even if they are the only R choice on the ballot and my vote will make another Democrat win...

I'd be careful with loose cannon statements like that. I'm pretty sure Kuchinich advocates something beyond what the frontrunners are suggesting. He criticized our system as being "for profit" and stated that true change wasn't possible until this central idea changed. Sounds like another industry would move from private to public.

Its about how private healthcare providers get paid. Kucinich has not said one word about a government takeover of hospitals, clinics, and doctor's offices.
Please stop inventing imaginary people in your mind. I've never met a Democrat who wants the federal government to own and operate this countries manufacturing, production, and distribution capacity.

Ornot is probably the closest approximation to a socialist I've ever talked to, and I don't think even he has ever suggested we get rid of private capital and private ownership of capital and production.

Sometimes I think if you get him drunk, he might suggest it. I plan on testing my theory when he visits ny, if he ever does. I will let everyone know, by sending out a "socialist alert" PM.
Its about how private healthcare providers get paid. Kucinich has not said one word about a government takeover of hospitals, clinics, and doctor's offices.
They just can't make a profit.

It isn't about how they get paid. It's about how they are "greedy".
They just can't make a profit.

It isn't about how they get paid. It's about how they are "greedy".

Give me a break.

It's about disincentivizing the rejection of claims.

Don't even stand there and start to pretend that people don't die in this country because the health insurance industry has a BIG incentive to turn down claims for care, even, if not especially, life-saving care.
With every election, we are given a choice between 2 different directions the country can go in. That's it. Unless a 3rd party is polling in any sort of competitive territory, that's what we have.

Whatever small "message" Nader voters sent to the Democrats & to the electorate, it has been disproportionately outweighed by the devastating consequences of their decision to sit out the process of deciding between the 2 viable options, which include setting back the principles of their candidate for many years, as well as all of the damage associated with the Iraq War.

To me, it's unforgiveable. As a country, we may never recover from the past 8 years. Beyond that, I don't know how you explain to the family of someone who died in Iraq how you were voting to "send a message."
Give me a break.

It's about disincentivizing the rejection of claims.

Don't even stand there and start to pretend that people don't die in this country because the health insurance industry has a BIG incentive to turn down claims for care, even, if not especially, life-saving care.
Like I said..

His plan does actually speak to the cost though.

They do this because they are "greedy", hence "incentivized", towards killing people for profit. My point was concise and correct. Don't stand there and pretend you couldn't read it.
It's morally bankrupt to blame Nader voters for the irrational voting system that you yourself never say anything about dismantling. A system that allows a person to win whenever a majority dislikes him is the problem.
We need to have the end of healthcare for profit in the United States and the beginning of a healthcare system which helps those who don’t work or can’t work, which helps workers, small businesses, manufacturers.

Kuchinich is da bomb.
-Karl Marx, Cypress

Warren, you don't know what you're talking about. Pulling a quote off "the google", is not the same as actually informing yourself.

Kucinich is againt for-profit insurance for healthcare. They don't deliver actual healthcare. They're just middlemen who pay doctors and hospitals.

Kucinich is not going to take over my doctor's office, and turn her into a federal government employee. She's going to run her office to make a profit. And that's cool. I want my doctor to be rich and happy.
It's morally bankrupt to blame Nader voters for the irrational voting system that you yourself never say anything about dismantling. A system that allows a person to win whenever a majority dislikes him is the problem.

Why can't I blame Nader voters?

I knew what was going to happen because of their influence. Why didn't they know? Were they stupid?
With every election, we are given a choice between 2 different directions the country can go in. That's it. Unless a 3rd party is polling in any sort of competitive territory, that's what we have.

Whatever small "message" Nader voters sent to the Democrats & to the electorate, it has been disproportionately outweighed by the devastating consequences of their decision to sit out the process of deciding between the 2 viable options, which include setting back the principles of their candidate for many years, as well as all of the damage associated with the Iraq War.

To me, it's unforgiveable. As a country, we may never recover from the past 8 years. Beyond that, I don't know how you explain to the family of someone who died in Iraq how you were voting to "send a message."

I look at it another way.

Basically – You move ur position to fit your voters.

Or you don’t win because we vote 3rd party.. And worse your opposition wins

Anyone that would want to stifle 3rd party voting is beyond me.

This thread is nothing more than 'Doom and Gloom' mis-information then a quick backpeddle...then more doom and gloom...ahh the Commie party is alive and well...stupid as it may be...we all have moved on except for the few idiots who think Marxism will return!:rolleyes:
Why can't I blame Nader voters?

I knew what was going to happen because of their influence. Why didn't they know? Were they stupid?
What that the D party would start looking more heavily at their issues in order to take away the power of Nader? Yeah... That would be a bad thing, forcing the party they want to vote for to take their issues more seriously. They should ignore their issues and just vote the way you want them to. Because voting third party can't make any difference.