Hillary won't get the nomination

What that the D party would start looking more heavily at their issues in order to take away the power of Nader? Yeah... That would be a bad thing, forcing the party they want to vote for to take their issues more seriously. They should ignore their issues and just vote the way you want them to. Because voting third party can't make any difference.

Right, and that's exactly what happened too! You can see by how they all lined up to give bush anything he wanted.
What that the D party would start looking more heavily at their issues in order to take away the power of Nader? Yeah... That would be a bad thing, forcing the party they want to vote for to take their issues more seriously. They should ignore their issues and just vote the way you want them to. Because voting third party can't make any difference.

You're completely ignoring the consequences.

I don't discount that it can make a difference. I just think it is subtle, not nearly as powerful as you seem to think and is COMPLETELY shadowed by the negative impact of their actions.

As I keep saying: the principles that Nader holds dear, for the most part, were set back for many, many years. I'm sure that wasn't the goal of dreamers who voted for him, but it is the consequence. People who DEAL IN REALITY understand that.
You're completely ignoring the consequences.

I don't discount that it can make a difference. I just think it is subtle, not nearly as powerful as you seem to think and is COMPLETELY shadowed by the negative impact of their actions.

As I keep saying: the principles that Nader holds dear, for the most part, were set back for many, many years. I'm sure that wasn't the goal of dreamers who voted for him, but it is the consequence. People who DEAL IN REALITY understand that.
A short-term loss will often bring a long-term victory while voting for the least "evil" will never bring your issues to the fore.

Darla ,cippie and orno are KGB ho's...they use them then throw them away when their usefullness is over...!...Thats a fact jack!:shock:
You're completely ignoring the consequences.

I don't discount that it can make a difference. I just think it is subtle, not nearly as powerful as you seem to think and is COMPLETELY shadowed by the negative impact of their actions.

As I keep saying: the principles that Nader holds dear, for the most part, were set back for many, many years. I'm sure that wasn't the goal of dreamers who voted for him, but it is the consequence. People who DEAL IN REALITY understand that.

what say you about Clinton winning in 92 only due to Ross perot? Same thing no?
A short-term loss will often bring a long-term victory while voting for the least "evil" will never bring your issues to the fore.

What proof do you have of that?

I think whatever small influence Nader voters exerted in 2000 has already disappated. And we still have Iraq, and will for years to come, as well as its many consequences. Not to mention other issues Nader voters likely believed in, such as the environment.

You sound like a total dreamer; your sense of perspective is completely wacked on this...
I'll bet you she not only gets the nomination but will be the next President. I used to think she was too polarizing but I think now she can overcome that.

I'll go on the assumption that the more left-leaning people on this board represent the feelings of other liberal Democrats in that Hillary is not their first choice. Be that as it may on election day when the options are Hillary vs. some Republican I believe those Democrats considering voting third party will ultimately hold their noses and vote for Hillary which will give her the support she needs to win.

I will vote for Edwards in the primary, but if Senator Clinton is the democratic nominee against any one of the current Republican canidates... Ill vote for Senator Clinton.
Yes because that's obviously Nader's fault and not GW Bush's or the Democrats and Republicans in Congress who authorized the war.

This is ridiculous.

Well Warren, they have to blame someone and you sure as hell won't get them to take responsibility for their own party, their own parties nominee or their own parties leadership.... no.... instead, they will just blame Nader. No personal responsibility that way.

But if you even so dare as to mention that had they simply put up a moderate rather than Gore, that they could have also picked up those extra votes that way. But hey... blame Nader and those who voted for them... its just easier that way.
what say you about Clinton winning in 92 only due to Ross perot? Same thing no?

Not true, if you do the math. Those who voted for Perot were not all pre-disposed to vote only for Bush had it not been for Perot. Meaning, Perot drained about equal votes from Bush and Clinton. Nader is a superliberal, he drained votes almost exclusivly from Gore and Kerry.
Are they speaking more strongly towards those issues in this election cycle? I think they are.

Name the issues.

On war, I have to say no. On the environment, that's Gore, and plus, you know, scientific evidence. On health care, that's not Nadar. That's the people. A good case of, let me see where my people are going, so I can lead them.
What proof do you have of that?

I think whatever small influence Nader voters exerted in 2000 has already disappated. And we still have Iraq, and will for years to come, as well as its many consequences. Not to mention other issues Nader voters likely believed in, such as the environment.

You sound like a total dreamer; your sense of perspective is completely wacked on this...
And I think yours is. If you ignore your issues to vote for something else your issues will not be in the fore by definition.

First I hear they are "throw away" votes and now you say that they can't effect the party that they left. I think you are being disingenuous. The left took them so seriously that during a Presidency when they pretty much gave Bush everything he wanted they stopped ANWR. They continued to block more drilling off the coasts... and so forth.

Ignoring their influence on the party's reaction to their loss is disingenuous garbage.
Not true, if you do the math. Those who voted for Perot were not all pre-disposed to vote only for Bush had it not been for Perot. Meaning, Perot drained about equal votes from Bush and Clinton. Nader is a superliberal, he drained votes almost exclusivly from Gore and Kerry.
Not "equal", Perot drained some from Clinton, but not "equal".
Nader's influence is done.

Getting back to the original premise, his voters WASTED their chance. They could have put this country on an entirely different track in 2000, and the principles they likely hold dear would have been promoted more, instead of taking the beating they have.

Bush for 8 years, along with the Iraq War & a complete assault on the environment. I wonder what 3rd party Nader voters would consider an adequate payoff for such a consequence?
Well Warren, they have to blame someone and you sure as hell won't get them to take responsibility for their own party, their own parties nominee or their own parties leadership.... no.... instead, they will just blame Nader. No personal responsibility that way.

But if you even so dare as to mention that had they simply put up a moderate rather than Gore, that they could have also picked up those extra votes that way. But hey... blame Nader and those who voted for them... its just easier that way.

I agree with this perception 100%. Any more moderate candidate would have beaten Bush then.
Name the issues.

On war, I have to say no. On the environment, that's Gore, and plus, you know, scientific evidence. On health care, that's not Nadar. That's the people. A good case of, let me see where my people are going, so I can lead them.
As I pointed out, I think that it was because of this message sent that they actually showed a tiny bit of spine and on the environment specifically stood up to Bush whom they otherwise pretty much gave what he wanted all the way through. Shoot, even after they took power....