Hillbilly Insurrection - Post Battle Damage Assessment

A police officer has died

Post Battle Damage Assessment of Trump's Hillbilly Insurrection

Police Officers Attacked with Metal Pipes, Chemical Irritants, Other Weapons
Trump-supporting rioters attacked Capitol Police officers with metal pipes, chemical irritants and other weapons, and that several officers were hospitalized with serious injuries. U.S. Capitol Police Chief Steven Sund said officers acted heroically during the attack on the Capitol and that the Capitol Police would be conducting a thorough review.

Smashed Windows, Vandalism, Congressional Offices Occupied & Trashed, Theft of Congressional Property
The hallowed grounds of the US Congress has come under attack before, Wednesday's chaos was the worst breach there since 1814. A mob of President Donald Trump's supporters -- egged on by the President himself -- stormed the Capitol in an attempt to stop the counting of electoral votes that would confirm President-elect Joe Biden's win. They smashed windows, trashed offices and occupied House and Senate chambers in one of the most jarring displays of insurrection in our nation's history.

A police officer has died as a result of the Hillbilly Insurrection

"U.S. Attorney for the District of Columbia will launch a federal murder investigation into the death of a Capitol Police officer who responded to the pro-Trump riots on Wednesday."
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Post Battle Damage Assessment of Trump's Hillbilly Insurrection

Police Officers Attacked with Metal Pipes, Chemical Irritants, Other Weapons
Trump-supporting rioters attacked Capitol Police officers with metal pipes, chemical irritants and other weapons, and that several officers were hospitalized with serious injuries. U.S. Capitol Police Chief Steven Sund said officers acted heroically during the attack on the Capitol and that the Capitol Police would be conducting a thorough review.

Smashed Windows, Vandalism, Congressional Offices Occupied & Trashed, Theft of Congressional Property
The hallowed grounds of the US Congress has come under attack before, Wednesday's chaos was the worst breach there since 1814. A mob of President Donald Trump's supporters -- egged on by the President himself -- stormed the Capitol in an attempt to stop the counting of electoral votes that would confirm President-elect Joe Biden's win. They smashed windows, trashed offices and occupied House and Senate chambers in one of the most jarring displays of insurrection in our nation's history.


Racist OP. Calling ppl hillbillies.
Hello Bull&Terrier,

throwing IED's and burning police stations is vandalism?

If there is a question about what something means it is helpful to resort to the definitions of words.

"van•dal•ism văn′dl-ĭz″əm►

Willful or malicious damage or destruction of the property of another."

Burning public property does indeed meet the definition of vandalism.
Hello Bull&Terrier,

If there is a question about what something means it is helpful to resort to the definitions of words.

"van•dal•ism văn′dl-ĭz″əm►

Willful or malicious damage or destruction of the property of another."

Burning public property does indeed meet the definition of vandalism.

so if I throw an IED into your grandmother's house, that's simple vandalism?

That's "vandalism" or should that kid have been shot?
Hello Bull&Terrier,

so if I throw an IED into your grandmother's house, that's simple vandalism?

That depends on if anyone is injured. If a dwelling is bombed it is "Willful or malicious damage or destruction of the property of another."

If someone is injured or killed, that is assault or murder.

More importantly, though, why would you do such a thing or even contemplate it?

I'll remind you that I only talk to people with whom I feel I can share a mutual respect.

You've just given me cause to seriously doubt that condition exists.

That's "vandalism" or should that kid have been shot?

That was a rambling video with no reference to when or where it was taken, obviously heavily edited. I have no idea which part of the video your are referring to, so I feel like I just wasted my time watching it.

Look. If you want to discuss politics on an academic level I am happy to engage.

If you want to try to bait me into some reason you perceive to unload on me and then make good on that intent I am going to cut if off and that will be that. I won't undo it or look back.

Sorry if I shatter some preconceived notion of a political ideology. What you'll get from me is (rare on this site) sincere posting. That is: if we continue to talk. Mind you, it does take two to have a conversation.
Hello Bull&Terrier,

That depends on if anyone is injured. If a dwelling is bombed it is "Willful or malicious damage or destruction of the property of another."

If someone is injured or killed, that is assault or murder.

More importantly, though, why would you do such a thing or even contemplate it?

I'll remind you that I only talk to people with whom I feel I can share a mutual respect.

You've just given me cause to seriously doubt that condition exists.

That was a rambling video with no reference to when or where it was taken, obviously heavily edited. I have no idea which part of the video your are referring to, so I feel like I just wasted my time watching it.

Look. If you want to discuss politics on an academic level I am happy to engage.

If you want to try to bait me into some reason you perceive to unload on me and then make good on that intent I am going to cut if off and that will be that. I won't undo it or look back.

Sorry if I shatter some preconceived notion of a political ideology. What you'll get from me is (rare on this site) sincere posting. That is: if we continue to talk. Mind you, it does take two to have a conversation.

Don't threaten not to talk to me, you talk all about respect and tolerance yet here you are thinking I'd be threatened if you stopped talking to me? I haven't attacked you personally nor did I insult you. If you can't handle differing opinions then run along.


here you go the context.

Tell me, why did the USAF vet deserve to get shot, or why not, and should this kid have received the same fate.

I literally just complimented you in another thread and you post this garbage at me? come on.

The video shows an antifa goon throwing an IED at a federal building, should he have been shot?

The IED explodes 8 seconds into the video. your claiming you don't have the attention span is specious at best.
Hello Bull&Terrier,

Don't threaten not to talk to me, you talk all about respect and tolerance yet here you are thinking I'd be threatened if you stopped talking to me? I haven't attacked you personally nor did I insult you. If you can't handle differing opinions then run along.


here you go the context.

Tell me, why did the USAF vet deserve to get shot, or why not, and should this kid have received the same fate.

I literally just complimented you in another thread and you post this garbage at me? come on.

The video shows an antifa goon throwing an IED at a federal building, should he have been shot?

The IED explodes 8 seconds into the video. your claiming you don't have the attention span is specious at best.

OK, I get it. You're determined to talk about the woman who was shot.

Sorry, I don't see the point. All we have is bits and pieces of information about that incident. The full story will come out after an investigation. Then we will be better informed and more able to form opinions on it. I cannot say at this point if it was a justified shooting or not.

My intent on the other point is simply to inform. It is my hope that we can share a mutual respect and be able to have lots of great and stirring discussions.
the organization called Black Lives Matter, not the movement, I mispoke, is a communist organization. the movement, is not.

Those people should be held to account for thier crimes

Please those who agree with me on the left link to you saying the same about antifa protestors behaving in a similar manner.

yup, I didn't think so.

Fighting for your life is not akin to fighting to overturn a free and fair election. Just stop, stupid.