Hillbilly Insurrection - Post Battle Damage Assessment

For real. At first I tried to engage with him as though he was sincere and possessed some rationality. I see now that he's just another low-level attention-whoring troll.

No you didn't I disagree with you so now you hate me. lol

you idiots are so closed minded and tribal.
No you didn't I disagree with you so now you hate me. lol
you idiots are so closed minded and tribal.

Don't flatter yourself, troll. I don't bother with hating anonymous Internet plonks like you. I do like laughing at the irony of a Cultist calling others "idiot" and "tribal," though. :laugh:
No, the 99.9% of black protestors were fighting for their lives, asshole. And you know it.

Most of the BLM protests were co-opted by white rich kid "antifa" activists. its the reds throwing bombs not the black folk.

in this case it was a white kid who's grandma turned him in.

are you really this purposefully ignorant?
Don't flatter yourself, troll. I don't bother with hating anonymous Internet plonks like you. I do like laughing at the irony of a Cultist calling others "idiot" and "tribal," though. :laugh:

What cult am I in?

see thats your problem you act like an asshole then blame me for your behavior. I had been nothing but nice to you, you decided I had the wrong views, gave me views I didn't have and sided with a sociopath harrassing helping people harrass my wife and kids.

So I gave you a chance, you made me your enemy and you went full scumbag.

you clearly hate me and that's ok. I've been hated by far more respectable people than you. have a great day!

  • ull&Terrier
    Pure Gameness

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    Pure Gameness

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  • Today, 10:29 AM
    Pure Gameness

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oh the horror, some asshole with a big e-mouth puts me on ignore. another "gives it but cant take it" feckless cunt. lol
'Hang Mike Pence!' Trump supporters intended to execute vice president during Capitol riots

Some of President Donald Trump's supporters apparently intended to kidnap Vice President Mike Pence and execute him if he didn't overturn their election loss.

The president's supporters stormed into the U.S. Capitol on Wednesday, as Pence presided over the congressional certification of Joe Biden's election win, and video captured some of them threatening to execute the vice president -- who Trump had singled out in a speech just minutes before they burst into the building.

"Hang Mike Pence, hang Mike Pence," the crowd chanted as alarms sounded after the mob broke into the Capitol.

Photographs show some rioters carrying flex cuffs used as restraints by law enforcement and a gallows set up outside the Capitol, and the vice president was taken to safety, along with lawmakers, congressional staffers and reporters, after the president's supporters broke in.

"I heard at least 3 different rioters at the Capitol say that they hoped to find Vice President Mike Pence and execute him by hanging him from a Capitol Hill tree as a traitor," reported Reuters photographer Jim Bourg. "It was a common line being repeated. Many more were just talking about how the VP should be executed."

'Hang Mike Pence!' Trump supporters intended to execute vice president during Capitol riots

Some of President Donald Trump's supporters apparently intended to kidnap Vice President Mike Pence and execute him if he didn't overturn their election loss.

The president's supporters stormed into the U.S. Capitol on Wednesday, as Pence presided over the congressional certification of Joe Biden's election win, and video captured some of them threatening to execute the vice president -- who Trump had singled out in a speech just minutes before they burst into the building.

"Hang Mike Pence, hang Mike Pence," the crowd chanted as alarms sounded after the mob broke into the Capitol.

Photographs show some rioters carrying flex cuffs used as restraints by law enforcement and a gallows set up outside the Capitol, and the vice president was taken to safety, along with lawmakers, congressional staffers and reporters, after the president's supporters broke in.

"I heard at least 3 different rioters at the Capitol say that they hoped to find Vice President Mike Pence and execute him by hanging him from a Capitol Hill tree as a traitor," reported Reuters photographer Jim Bourg. "It was a common line being repeated. Many more were just talking about how the VP should be executed."


Gods. We need some hangings all right -- of these insurrectionists.
Gods. We need some hangings all right -- of these insurrectionists.

Okay, I am done giving that air force chick any slack.

She stormed our duly elected government with people who were attacking and murdering cops, who were screaming about tracking down and hanging the vice president, and who were engaged in acts of violence, vandalism, larceny.

She picked the wrong friends to riot with.
Post Battle Damage Assessment of Trump's Hillbilly Insurrection

Police Officers Attacked with Metal Pipes, Chemical Irritants, Other Weapons
Trump-supporting rioters attacked Capitol Police officers with metal pipes, chemical irritants and other weapons, and that several officers were hospitalized with serious injuries. U.S. Capitol Police Chief Steven Sund said officers acted heroically during the attack on the Capitol and that the Capitol Police would be conducting a thorough review.

Smashed Windows, Vandalism, Congressional Offices Occupied & Trashed, Theft of Congressional Property
The hallowed grounds of the US Congress has come under attack before, Wednesday's chaos was the worst breach there since 1814. A mob of President Donald Trump's supporters -- egged on by the President himself -- stormed the Capitol in an attempt to stop the counting of electoral votes that would confirm President-elect Joe Biden's win. They smashed windows, trashed offices and occupied House and Senate chambers in one of the most jarring displays of insurrection in our nation's history.

The latest post battle damage assessment is that 50 police officers were injured because of Trump's Hillbilly Insurrection.
The latest post battle damage assessment is that 50 police officers were injured because of Trump's Hillbilly Insurrection.

Wonder where that "Blue Lives Matter" crowd is now.

BTW, our far-RW relatives are eerily silent on social media. Not a single peep of condemnation, "OMG this is terrible," or "Trump needs to go."
And furthermore...
