Hillbilly Insurrection - Post Battle Damage Assessment

Wonder where that "Blue Lives Matter" crowd is now.

BTW, our far-RW relatives are eerily silent on social media. Not a single peep of condemnation, "OMG this is terrible," or "Trump needs to go."

Apparently, the Deplorable empathy and support for law enforcement officers was totally phony.
Apparently, the Deplorable empathy and support for law enforcement officers was totally phony.

And if you doubted that, all you need is this reminder from the Reichwing invasion of our state capitol in Lansing last March, during the start of the shutdowns due to the pandemic. Some of these boys were arrested months later in a plot to kidnap the governor.

And if you doubted that, all you need is this reminder from the Reichwing invasion of our state capitol in Lansing last March, during the start of the shutdowns due to the pandemic. Some of these boys were arrested months later in a plot to kidnap the governor.


Holy smoke, I almost forgot about the Hillbilly Insurrection in Michigan.

At this point, I see almost no fundamental difference between Mussolini's Black Shirts, Lenin's Bolsheviks, and Trump's Hillbilly Insurrectionists.

I say we re-open Obama's FEMA Death Camps to suppress this scourge of society!
Holy smoke, I almost forgot about the Hillbilly Insurrection in Michigan.

At this point, I see almost no fundamental difference between Mussolini's Black Shirts, Lenin's Bolsheviks, and Trump's Hillbilly Insurrectionists.

I say we re-open Obama's FEMA Death Camps to suppress this scourge of society!


Alaska is an American state. It is often as cold as Siberia. Let's see if maybe some time out in Alaskan gulags could chill out these stupid morons' ardor. Alaska has more than its share of crazy conspiracy idiots, so-called Libertarians, Secessionists, Cultists, disenchanted current and ex-military, and wannabe-individualists.
Holy smoke, I almost forgot about the Hillbilly Insurrection in Michigan.

At this point, I see almost no fundamental difference between Mussolini's Black Shirts, Lenin's Bolsheviks, and Trump's Hillbilly Insurrectionists.

I say we re-open Obama's FEMA Death Camps to suppress this scourge of society!

repurpose git'mo
'Hang Mike Pence!' Trump supporters intended to execute vice president during Capitol riots

Some of President Donald Trump's supporters apparently intended to kidnap Vice President Mike Pence and execute him if he didn't overturn their election loss.

The president's supporters stormed into the U.S. Capitol on Wednesday, as Pence presided over the congressional certification of Joe Biden's election win, and video captured some of them threatening to execute the vice president -- who Trump had singled out in a speech just minutes before they burst into the building.

"Hang Mike Pence, hang Mike Pence," the crowd chanted as alarms sounded after the mob broke into the Capitol.

Photographs show some rioters carrying flex cuffs used as restraints by law enforcement and a gallows set up outside the Capitol, and the vice president was taken to safety, along with lawmakers, congressional staffers and reporters, after the president's supporters broke in.

"I heard at least 3 different rioters at the Capitol say that they hoped to find Vice President Mike Pence and execute him by hanging him from a Capitol Hill tree as a traitor," reported Reuters photographer Jim Bourg. "It was a common line being repeated. Many more were just talking about how the VP should be executed."


lol anoymous sources from the same people who still think the covington kids were wrong and nathan phillips is a vietna, vet. ...
Okay, I am done giving that air force chick any slack.

She stormed our duly elected government with people who were attacking and murdering cops, who were screaming about tracking down and hanging the vice president, and who were engaged in acts of violence, vandalism, larceny.

She picked the wrong friends to riot with.

So you side with a person calling for the death and hanging of protestors?

holy fuck you unprepared cucks have a day of reckoning coming.
The JPP circus has already got too many clowns.

I backed you up on ph when they attacked you as a trump supporter on PH, not realizing you play the fucking trumpet. now you want to come after me you feckless apparatchik. fuck off my friend go blow your horn. hahahaHAHAHA
you should be careful what you wish for...... your nazi fascist desires may see you swinging from the gallows one day you fascist cunt

Aw look at little potty mouth Nancy. Learn a new word, did you, Incel? Since you have managed to devolve since your whiny-ass return, you'll enjoy the silence of my ignore list. Baamaa pii, giinagens. :laugh:
DID YOU ever count the number of cops injured at blm protests. of course you didnt' you duplicitous fuck!
That is funny that every post I have written to you has been measured and insult-free, but your lack of discipline and self-control just kicked in and revealed your personality flaws.
That is funny that every post I have written to you has been measured and insult-free, but your lack of discipline and self-control just kicked in and revealed your personality flaws.

has it been? if so my bad, I jumped the gun on you. my apologies, I get so many insults not stop its hard to keep up, I try to avoid insulting people unless they insult me. I felt like you have insulted me in the past but have no desire to look. if you say you haven't I will refrain from doing so, unless you do to me.

I am a counter puncher. I prefer intellectual debate, but am more than happy to scrap with douchebags. if I misremembered you, my bad. if I haven't I'll figure it out when more motivated.

either way. I acknowledged my potential error, we'll see going forward.
has it been? if so my bad, I jumped the gun on you. my apologies, I get so many insults not stop its hard to keep up, I try to avoid insulting people unless they insult me. I felt like you have insulted me in the past but have no desire to look. if you say you haven't I will refrain from doing so, unless you do to me.

I am a counter puncher. I prefer intellectual debate, but am more than happy to scrap with douchebags. if I misremembered you, my bad. if I haven't I'll figure it out when more motivated.

either way. I acknowledged my potential error, we'll see going forward.

You "felt" I insulted you in the past? Comical.
Aw look at little potty mouth Nancy. Learn a new word, did you, Incel? Since you have managed to devolve since your whiny-ass return, you'll enjoy the silence of my ignore list. Baamaa pii, giinagens. :laugh:

devolve? you and your ilk have threatened me, suggested I be put in camps, lied and insulted me, attacke me for no reason. you and I had a decent relationship coming back until you went off on me, now you whine when I put your ass in place?

hahahahahaha, if you never wanted some. you never should have started none.

I hear they call you "the owl woman" btw, cause they only want to bang you in the dark!~
You "felt" I insulted you in the past? Comical.

Meaning I could have sworn you did, but really don't care to prove it. therefore I apologize in advance and am taking your word for it. I don't need to look back to prove me right or wrong and we can move on. or not. your call.
Meaning I could have sworn you did, but really don't care to prove it. therefore I apologize in advance and am taking your word for it. I don't need to look back to prove me right or wrong and we can move on. or not. your call.

Okay, there is something really wrong with you. I will have to cut you loose now, chap.
Okay, there is something really wrong with you. I will have to cut you loose now, chap.

nah, if you were a rational person, you would have accepted my apology, but it seems you prefer discord here and your initial complaint was half baked.

If you haven't insutled me in the past and I misremembered you for someone else. I apologize, but given you holding on to this like a dog and a bone, I am thinking you are too much an immature little snowflake to be an adult and accept an apology, so you can fuck off now or move on, your call, I dont give a fuck.
No, the 99.9% of black protestors were fighting for their lives, asshole. And you know it.

Lol, saint George Floyd.
He was a lot like Jesus.
The Cops were a lot like Pontius Pilate.

Only one issue.

Saint Floyd is a rare occurrence.

Blacks are more likely to be killed by Black civilians than White cops.
Post Battle Damage Assessment of Trump's Hillbilly Insurrection

Police Officers Attacked with Metal Pipes, Chemical Irritants, Other Weapons
Trump-supporting rioters attacked Capitol Police officers with metal pipes, chemical irritants and other weapons, and that several officers were hospitalized with serious injuries. U.S. Capitol Police Chief Steven Sund said officers acted heroically during the attack on the Capitol and that the Capitol Police would be conducting a thorough review.

Smashed Windows, Vandalism, Congressional Offices Occupied & Trashed, Theft of Congressional Property
The hallowed grounds of the US Congress has come under attack before, Wednesday's chaos was the worst breach there since 1814. A mob of President Donald Trump's supporters -- egged on by the President himself -- stormed the Capitol in an attempt to stop the counting of electoral votes that would confirm President-elect Joe Biden's win. They smashed windows, trashed offices and occupied House and Senate chambers in one of the most jarring displays of insurrection in our nation's history.


hillbilly hey you dont know much do you meat head