Hillbilly Insurrection - Post Battle Damage Assessment

I support BLM the movement, I don't support the marxist Ideology of BLM the organization. I can support police reform and not support a marxist led organization.

The leader of the BLM org calls herself a "trained marxist". this is a fact.

I also dont support antifa, but I am anti fascist.

I didn't realize there was a litmus test.

Again, your head is clashing with your fingers. You don’t support BLM, nor its goals. Your attempt to hide behind “Marxist” is weak as doodoo. No doubt you thought Dr. King was a Marxist, but it ends up in the garbage dump of brainless and easily ignored ‘thought’ where it belongs and on the wrong side of history.

Your capitalist belief system provides no solution for the civil and humanitarian goals of BLM which have existed virtually the same FOR OVER 400 YEARS. You don’t care about that, nor do you care about the victims who have died and suffered for the color of their skin. I get that, just stop pretending that you do. You aren’t needed, nor are you wanted among a growing chorus of millions of humanitarian voices all over the world who truly believe in the goals of BLM through its organization.

Don’t want you among us so you can attack spiritual and conscious white people because of your affinity for labels.

Thanks, but no thanks.
how did you get me tb'd after your buddies attacked me?

I asked,

I was told you have to pm them.

so are they lying or you?

This is obviously becoming an obsession with you.
I have pm'd mods less than five times in my entire history on this forum to request a retroactive ban.

I reject your premise that requesting a retroactive ban amounts to whining and crying.

I have about 700 threads on this board you can post on, and I have never dog piled you, cursed you, insulted you. For the most part, I do not even read your posts because they seem to be mostly about personal grievances, which I have no interest in. For the record, I try to avoid reading Dutch Uncle's posts when he is insulting you.
Again, your head is clashing with your fingers. You don’t support BLM, nor its goals. Your attempt to hide behind “Marxist” is weak as doodoo. No doubt you thought Dr. King was a Marxist, but it ends up in the garbage dump of brainless and easily ignored ‘thought’ where it belongs and on the wrong side of history.

Your capitalist belief system provides no solution for the civil and humanitarian goals of BLM which have existed virtually the same FOR OVER 400 YEARS. You don’t care about that, nor do you care about the victims who have died and suffered for the color of their skin. I get that, just stop pretending that you do. You aren’t needed, nor are you wanted among a growing chorus of millions of humanitarian voices all over the world who truly believe in the goals of BLM through its organization.

Don’t want you among us so you can attack spiritual and conscious white people because of your affinity for labels.

Thanks, but no thanks.

1. I marched, you didn't, don't act like you have. and even if you have don't pretend you speak for all.

2. My police reform applied to all, but I am happy to get the reforms through the movement known as black lives matter. I don't need to support an organization that at its core according one of its co-founders is a trained marxist.

3. I see the problem here, you are "socialism first" through "BLM" as you attack capitalism.

4. I don't care? No sir, it is you who doesnt care demanding I pass some sort of litmus test to be allowed to be for police reform. you want a small tent. well guess what you collectivist types don't hold the rights to police reform, we all do.

5. kings socialism didn't prevent him from seeking allies from those who were not. Is BLM a social justics issue for you or a "we need socialism" platform for you?

6. most people today, if you ask them have no idea its an organization but think its a movement. which it is. do you think diblasio et al painted the name of the movement or the organization in front of trump tower? it started as a movement that your marxists wanted to co-opt
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Black... 2013 through May,nearly 500,000 tweets a day.

7. you dont get to tell me what I can and cant do. if you want to join me for police reform, stand next to me. if you want to tell me I cant stand next to you for police reform, who is the problem here? me or you?

8. Fuck your "no true scotsman", true believer litmus test, you hurt the cause, you don't help it.

9. finally, My affinity for labels? you just rejected me cause I don't carry the label of "antifa" or support the marxist organization that co-opted the BLM movement, lol and the last "white person" I "attacked" was on one of the early riot nights down here in union square. he through a brick at us protecting a happened to be black owned business, I "returned" his brick and he ran away bleeding.

I remember when I told that story on another forum the day after it happened. It was strange watching folks like you saying the rich white kid was a "peaceful protestor" and that destroying a black owned business by a white liberal is justified for the BLM movement. do you follow that same sort of nonsense? now that you are opening up to me it seems you may very well. So lets here it.
Apparently Trump thought this would change the outcome of the election.

Not just Trump, but all the idiots who believed the fantasy of a civil war....the very people Trump later threw under a bus. Dozens, if not hundreds are facing Federal convictions for the assault.
This is obviously becoming an obsession with you.
I have pm'd mods less than five times in my entire history on this forum to request a retroactive ban.

I reject your premise that requesting a retroactive ban amounts to whining and crying.

I have about 700 threads on this board you can post on, and I have never dog piled you, cursed you, insulted you. For the most part, I do not even read your posts because they seem to be mostly about personal grievances, which I have no interest in. For the record, I try to avoid reading Dutch Uncle's posts when he is insulting you.

So wait, are you saying you did not request to phan that I be retroactively tb'd from those two threads? If so I apologize. I thought you had, who then tb'd me from those threads while leaving those others who follow me around hurling insults in that thread?

So in one thread you tell me you have biases towards your friends which is why you did not ask that lvl and dutch or owl be banned...... now you are claiming you don't read that sociopaths posts?

Anyway. if you want your threads to not contain shit, reel in your shit friends. simple as that homie. Coming at me and ignoring your instigating buddies simple shows you are no where near the altruistic poster you claim to be.

finally, so you requested it 5 times in your entire history. what was my offense to you, that your friends instigating wasnt offensive?
guys who had a certain look, black clothes, scarves covering the face, and who were just called antifa even though there is no real organization called antifa, who broke the law should be punished as much as these thugs or anyone who looted and threw bricks during the BLM protests. who is against that?

Dude, you are lying by deception. Antifa exists as a movement.

Antifa (/ænˈtiːfə, ˈænti(ˈ)fɑː/) is a left-wing anti-fascist and anti-racist political movement in the United States. It is highly decentralized and comprises an array of autonomous groups that aim to achieve their objectives through the use of both nonviolent and violent direct action rather than through policy reform.[1][2][3] Much of antifa political activism is nonviolent, involving poster and flyer campaigns, mutual aid, delivering speeches, marching in protest, and community organizing.[4][5][6] They also engage in protest tactics, seeking to combat fascists and racists such as neo-Nazis, white supremacists, and other far-right extremists, and differing from other leftist opposition movements by their willingness to directly confront far-right activists, and in some cases law enforcement.[2] This may involve digital activism, doxing, harassment, physical violence, and property damage against those whom they identify as belonging to the far right.
what if washington dc had open carry? how many would have died?

A better question would have been "How much court case time and money would have been saved if Trump's Terrorists were armed and had to be taken down by the Natl Guard?"

Look for the silver lining. ;)
[h=2]This message is hidden because Bull&Terrier is on your ignore list.[/h]
oh the horror, some asshole with a big e-mouth puts me on ignore. another "gives it but cant take it" feckless cunt. lol

You fucked up the phrasing again. It should read "A JPP member put an asshole with a big e-mouth and mental illness on ignore".

It's legal but I don't do it.

Don't you leave for prison tomorrow? Friday through Sunday?
'Hang Mike Pence!' Trump supporters intended to execute vice president during Capitol riots

Some of President Donald Trump's supporters apparently intended to kidnap Vice President Mike Pence and execute him if he didn't overturn their election loss.

The president's supporters stormed into the U.S. Capitol on Wednesday, as Pence presided over the congressional certification of Joe Biden's election win, and video captured some of them threatening to execute the vice president -- who Trump had singled out in a speech just minutes before they burst into the building.

"Hang Mike Pence, hang Mike Pence," the crowd chanted as alarms sounded after the mob broke into the Capitol.

Photographs show some rioters carrying flex cuffs used as restraints by law enforcement and a gallows set up outside the Capitol, and the vice president was taken to safety, along with lawmakers, congressional staffers and reporters, after the president's supporters broke in.

"I heard at least 3 different rioters at the Capitol say that they hoped to find Vice President Mike Pence and execute him by hanging him from a Capitol Hill tree as a traitor," reported Reuters photographer Jim Bourg. "It was a common line being repeated. Many more were just talking about how the VP should be executed."


They were just doing as Trump ordered. Now that Trump has thrown all of them under the bus, how long before they start seeking revenge for the betrayal?
lol anoymous sources from the same people who still think the covington kids were wrong and nathan phillips is a vietna, vet. ...

Remember how you ridiculed others with your Nazi Grammarism? LOL

Everyone was in the wrong that day; the "covington kids", Phillips and the Black Hebrews. It's fine to protest, but wrong to attack others like you so often do.
This is obviously becoming an obsession with you.
I have pm'd mods less than five times in my entire history on this forum to request a retroactive ban.

I reject your premise that requesting a retroactive ban amounts to whining and crying.

I have about 700 threads on this board you can post on, and I have never dog piled you, cursed you, insulted you. For the most part, I do not even read your posts because they seem to be mostly about personal grievances, which I have no interest in. For the record, I try to avoid reading Dutch Uncle's posts when he is insulting you.

B&S is a paranoid psychotic. I suspect he is in prison on weekends, probably for something minor like violating a restraining order. Yes, he is obsessive, angry and delusional.
You fucked up the phrasing again. It should read "A JPP member put an asshole with a big e-mouth and mental illness on ignore".

It's legal but I don't do it.

Don't you leave for prison tomorrow? Friday through Sunday?


As an officer, as you claimed, wouldn't it be disrespectful to disregard cypress wanting you not to shit on his thread, or phan's request we keep this shit in the war room?

Honor and integrity. gets some.
B&S is a paranoid psychotic. I suspect he is in prison on weekends, probably for something minor like violating a restraining order. Yes, he is obsessive, angry and delusional.


As an officer, as you claimed, wouldn't it be disrespectful to disregard cypress wanting you not to shit on his thread, or phan's request we keep this shit in the war room?

Honor and integrity. gets some.
So wait, are you saying you did not request to phan that I be retroactively tb'd from those two threads? If so I apologize. I thought you had, who then tb'd me from those threads while leaving those others who follow me around hurling insults in that thread?

So in one thread you tell me you have biases towards your friends which is why you did not ask that lvl and dutch or owl be banned...... now you are claiming you don't read that sociopaths posts?

Anyway. if you want your threads to not contain shit, reel in your shit friends. simple as that homie. Coming at me and ignoring your instigating buddies simple shows you are no where near the altruistic poster you claim to be.

finally, so you requested it 5 times in your entire history. what was my offense to you, that your friends instigating wasnt offensive?
I am getting off this merry go round at the next stop, but I asked Phan to ban you from two of my threads you were stinking up with off topic grudges and grievances.
Dude, you are lying by deception. Antifa exists as a movement.

Antifa (/ænˈtiːfə, ˈænti(ˈ)fɑː/) is a left-wing anti-fascist and anti-racist political movement in the United States. It is highly decentralized and comprises an array of autonomous groups that aim to achieve their objectives through the use of both nonviolent and violent direct action rather than through policy reform.[1][2][3] Much of antifa political activism is nonviolent, involving poster and flyer campaigns, mutual aid, delivering speeches, marching in protest, and community organizing.[4][5][6] They also engage in protest tactics, seeking to combat fascists and racists such as neo-Nazis, white supremacists, and other far-right extremists, and differing from other leftist opposition movements by their willingness to directly confront far-right activists, and in some cases law enforcement.[2] This may involve digital activism, doxing, harassment, physical violence, and property damage against those whom they identify as belonging to the far right.

it is so shadowy and unknown you cannot just say every time some white guy does something stupid, who is not a white supremacist, has to be antifa. that is the point. they have no known leadership, unlike the proud boys, the oathtakers and those other thuggish, fascist white boys. if they have no known leaders, no known agenda that can be attributed to them, no membership base, how can you say they exist as other groups do who have all those other qualities...if they are a movement, then tell me their agenda. what is their goal?