Hillbilly Insurrection - Post Battle Damage Assessment

Post Battle Damage Assessment of Trump's Hillbilly Insurrection

Police Officers Attacked with Metal Pipes, Chemical Irritants, Other Weapons
Trump-supporting rioters attacked Capitol Police officers with metal pipes, chemical irritants and other weapons, and that several officers were hospitalized with serious injuries. U.S. Capitol Police Chief Steven Sund said officers acted heroically during the attack on the Capitol and that the Capitol Police would be conducting a thorough review.

Smashed Windows, Vandalism, Congressional Offices Occupied & Trashed, Theft of Congressional Property
The hallowed grounds of the US Congress has come under attack before, Wednesday's chaos was the worst breach there since 1814. A mob of President Donald Trump's supporters -- egged on by the President himself -- stormed the Capitol in an attempt to stop the counting of electoral votes that would confirm President-elect Joe Biden's win. They smashed windows, trashed offices and occupied House and Senate chambers in one of the most jarring displays of insurrection in our nation's history.


hey your buddies are starting to dog pile me, go cry to the mods and have me thread banned. ;)
Post Battle Damage Assessment of Trump's Hillbilly Insurrection

Police Officers Attacked with Metal Pipes, Chemical Irritants, Other Weapons
Trump-supporting rioters attacked Capitol Police officers with metal pipes, chemical irritants and other weapons, and that several officers were hospitalized with serious injuries. U.S. Capitol Police Chief Steven Sund said officers acted heroically during the attack on the Capitol and that the Capitol Police would be conducting a thorough review.

Smashed Windows, Vandalism, Congressional Offices Occupied & Trashed, Theft of Congressional Property
The hallowed grounds of the US Congress has come under attack before, Wednesday's chaos was the worst breach there since 1814. A mob of President Donald Trump's supporters -- egged on by the President himself -- stormed the Capitol in an attempt to stop the counting of electoral votes that would confirm President-elect Joe Biden's win. They smashed windows, trashed offices and occupied House and Senate chambers in one of the most jarring displays of insurrection in our nation's history.


But when you consider the benefits, I’m glad it happened. History will be glad it happened and democrats should declare January 6 a national holiday. It exposed trump, the Republican Party, and America in ways they would otherwise have never been exposed. The Republican Party has imploded and in some ways no longer exists. What’s left is a shrinking cult of morons, conspiracy theories, and traitors. No longer will anyone have to listen to republicans trying to push their non-existent “patriotism” in anyone’s face without being followed with LOL �� laughter and a history lesson.

The truth of racist policing in America was on vivid world-wide display that day for all to see. America made a mockery of itself.

The terrorism of the Right can no longer be denied, so republicans have completely embraced it, making choosing political sides of any argument easier to decide AND just how deep racism has infiltrated police departments and the military was exposed, giving authority to root out the scum and purge the ranks from it. The so-called war on terrorism has a new mission, “The Terror Walks Among Us.” Lock them up.

There is so much up side to the events of Hillbilly Insurection Day, these are just a few, that I couldn’t be happier that it happened.
But when you consider the benefits, I’m glad it happened. History will be glad it happened and democrats should declare January 6 a national holiday. It exposed trump, the Republican Party, and America in ways they would otherwise have never been exposed. The Republican Party has imploded and in some ways no longer exists. What’s left is a shrinking cult of morons, conspiracy theories, and traitors. No longer will anyone have to listen to republicans trying to push their non-existent “patriotism” in anyone’s face without being followed with LOL �� laughter and a history lesson.

The truth of racist policing in America was on vivid world-wide display that day for all to see. America made a mockery of itself.

The terrorism of the Right can no longer be denied, so republicans have completely embraced it, making choosing political sides of any argument easier to decide AND just how deep racism has infiltrated police departments and the military was exposed, giving authority to root out the scum and purge the ranks from it. The so-called war on terrorism has a new mission, “The Terror Walks Among Us.” Lock them up.

There is so much up side to the events of Hillbilly Insurection Day, these are just a few, that I couldn’t be happier that it happened.
I never imagined I would see the day when enemy forces breached our hallowed Capitol for the first time since 1815.

I feel guilty saying this, but I pray Republicans run the dim witted and pathologically dishonest Trumpf again in 2024.
Thanks, I was trying to find the metal, lead pipe reference.

Where do you find "lead pipe?" Leaded steel pipe which is what this typically refers to, has been illegal and out of use for nearly half-a-century now. Where do get this? Dig it up? Cut it out of some long abandoned building? Make a lucky find in a scrapyard? Just curious...
hey your buddies are starting to dog pile me, go cry to the mods and have me thread banned. ;)
Out of hundreds of threads I have posted, you are banned from only two. So who exactly is crying?

I encourage you to ask any Mod if I have ever PM'd them crying, whining, complaining. The answer will be no. And I have been here since 2006.

PS- on another tangent, I am in my 50s and I am tempted to join the Kiss Army.
It appears that I was right about you all along. Brainless


before you jump in realize twice now I have had dutch, owl, lvl and several other posters pick fights with me. which cypress is fine with. as soon as I responded he went and ratted to the mods to thread ban me.

Sorry you find my objection to that offensive.
Out of hundreds of threads I have posted, you are banned from only two. So who exactly is crying?

I encourage you to ask any Mod if I have ever PM'd them crying, whining, complaining. The answer will be no. And I have been here since 2006.

PS- on another tangent, I am in my 50s and I am tempted to join the Kiss Army.

how did you get me tb'd after your buddies attacked me?

I asked,

I was told you have to pm them.

so are they lying or you?
yes tehy are, which is why I separate the two.

going further, BLM the communist orgaization, run by commie white left wingers is not the same as the impetus behind the blm movement, the latter I support.

You don’t support BLM and that’s OK because it does not require the support of people who still hide behind “commie”

You are better suited for the laser beam pod beings.
You don’t support BLM and that’s OK because it does not require the support of people who still hide behind “commie”

You are better suited for the laser beam pod beings.

I support BLM the movement, I don't support the marxist Ideology of BLM the organization. I can support police reform and not support a marxist led organization.

The leader of the BLM org calls herself a "trained marxist". this is a fact.

I also dont support antifa, but I am anti fascist.

I didn't realize there was a litmus test.
before you jump in realize twice now I have had dutch, owl, lvl and several other posters pick fights with me. which cypress is fine with. as soon as I responded he went and ratted to the mods to thread ban me.

Sorry you find my objection to that offensive.

Add me to that list. Your comments are truly brainless and reveals what’s in your head in spite of your fingers trying to claim something different.
Add me to that list. Your comments are truly brainless and reveals what’s in your head in spite of your fingers trying to claim something different.

lol, I'll let you know when I care.

IF you want to hitch your wagon to psychos, cyber stalkers and creepy as fake marines, thats your choice. godspeed.
Where do you find "lead pipe?" Leaded steel pipe which is what this typically refers to, has been illegal and out of use for nearly half-a-century now. Where do get this? Dig it up? Cut it out of some long abandoned building? Make a lucky find in a scrapyard? Just curious...
Twitter, perhaps he brought it from home, it was an antique.