Hoarding classified docs will put you in jail

... but she wasn't the President.

This is another stupid thread started by an undereducated leftist who is totally ignorant of how classified information works.

The President has full authority over all Executive branch documents. The President is the classifying authority. There is no higher classifying authority above the President that can impugn him. I know, I know, undereducated leftists simply cannot grasp this. I can't help you there.

In any event, there does not exist anyone who can override the (even former) President's authority over documents that fell within his purview. That's what comes with being the President.

You complain about uneducated lefties while proving you are an uneducated righty who only understands part 1 of the law.

While yes the POTUS is the ultimate classification and declassification authority when it comes to Executive branch documents, that still exists within a NECESSARY process.

What that means is NO ONE can stop the POTUS from doing:

- Step 1 - choosing a doc to declassify
- Step 2 - then ordering the process to be completed so that the doc will IN FACT become declassified

That is the POTUS full right and no one can stop him doing that. it is a power no one can contest.

But as Trump's own WH lawyers and Mark Meadows himself argued on behalf of Trump, who sent them in to court in the only 3 precedent cases, if Step 2 is not done, then nothing is declassified.

In all three cases below Trump used his Step 1 power and gave verbal announcement (on Tv news) or written announcement (Twitter official POTUS writing) that certain doc's were declassified. POTUS flexed his Step 1 power and no one could counter that. But then when the Media said 'awesome, here is a FOIA request... we want those documents', and Trump and his WH Counsel and Mark Meadows did not want to hand them over they went to court and argued successfully that since Step 2 was not followed thru on and done, then Step 1 is meaningless. Nothing was in FACT declassified.

Trump and his lawyers and Meadows won all 3 precedent cases.

- James Madison Project v. U.S. Dep't of Justice
- LEOPOLD et al v. U.S. DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE et al, No. 1:2019cv01278 - Document 86 (D.D.C. 2020)
- The New York Times, et al., v. Central Intelligence Agency

So ya, before lecturing others about being uneducated you should seriously educate yourself.
(1) An FBI agent is not a President. Authority over Executive Branch documents is vested in a President, not an FBI agent or an agency beneath the President. She illegally possessed classified documents; Trump legally possessed declassified documents.

(2) Hillary Clinton, Joe Biden, and Mike Pence all illegally possessed classified documents... buuuuuut NONE of them are going to prison...... hmmmmmmmm....... Two tiers of justice, much?

the problem you have is your are wrong.

Trump DID NOT legally possess declassified documents as they were not declassified. He also did not legally possess the gov't doc's which do not require any classification for them to be illegal for him to have and keep.

So apply the proper facts and see if you can still find a double standard and you will see you cannot.

Trump did not receive any charges for the dozens of boxes he gave back when asked, just as Pence and Biden did not. Had that have been all the documents it would have been case closed with the same outcome for all three.

Trump went on to a unique step Pence and Biden did not. He lied under oath, obstructed justice and tried to steal documents. That is what drew charges.

it would make no sense to charge Pence and Biden with that as they did not do that.
Hollywood lawyer paid off over $2M of Hunter Biden’s delinquent taxes

A prominent Hollywood lawyer helped Hunter Biden pay off his $2 million tax bill, the NYT reports

Wealthy entertainment attorney Kevin Morris — who once negotiated a reported $550 million landmark licensing deal for the creators of the hit animated show "South Park" — has been financially supporting Biden, according to the Times.

Morris loaned Hunter Biden more than $2 million, which the president's son used to support his family and pay back delinquent taxes amid a federal investigation into Hunter Biden's tax affairs, the newspaper reported, citing four anonymous people familiar with the matter.


Dismissal from military service is the officer equivalent of NJP (Non-Judicial Punishment, a misdemeanor in the military) and getting an other than honorable discharge for enlisted. Bagman was dismissed for using illegal drugs, a crime in the military. I never said it was a felony, only that he had a prior criminal conviction for drug use and that is dismissal from military service. And, yes, that was a criminal act he committed to be tossed out of the military.

What you do not have is any proof that any single court in America has used a "dismissal from military service" as a 'Prior' in sentencing to make the charge more serious and not considered a first offense, which then gets lenience.

So while you wrongly scream unfair inconsistent treatment re Trump, Pence, Biden, what you argue in this instance is for a brand new precedent to be set with Hunter where the Court diverges from every other sentencing and says 'we will count the dismissal of military service as a prior and implement a harsher sentence'.

You are literally saying Hunter is getting special treatment because they treat him like everyone else and you are calling for a special 'Hunter Biden sentencing precedent' to make it, what you are suggesting fair.

Can you understand why people increasingly see you as unhinged and a joke?
What you do not have is any proof that any single court in America has used a "dismissal from military service" as a 'Prior' in sentencing to make the charge more serious and not considered a first offense, which then gets lenience.

So while you wrongly scream unfair inconsistent treatment re Trump, Pence, Biden, what you argue in this instance is for a brand new precedent to be set with Hunter where the Court diverges from every other sentencing and says 'we will count the dismissal of military service as a prior and implement a harsher sentence'.

You are literally saying Hunter is getting special treatment because they treat him like everyone else and you are calling for a special 'Hunter Biden sentencing precedent' to make it, what you are suggesting fair.

Can you understand why people increasingly see you as unhinged and a joke?

Way to move the goal posts. Bagman had a prior, and military charges do count.


So, the prosecutor should have known Bagman had a prior for drug use, even if it was a minor offense. That Bagman had TWO charges for tax evasion screams felony and prison time. That's common for that offense, especially when the amount owed is over $1 million dollars. Nothing about what he was given was normal or fair. Bagman got special treatment.
Way to move the goal posts. Bagman had a prior, and military charges do count.


So, the prosecutor should have known Bagman had a prior for drug use, even if it was a minor offense. That Bagman had TWO charges for tax evasion screams felony and prison time. That's common for that offense, especially when the amount owed is over $1 million dollars. Nothing about what he was given was normal or fair. Bagman got special treatment.

lol. You are the one trying desperately to move the goal posts.

Give me a case where a person like Hunter, a first time offender with no criminal record, sees his "dismissal from Military service" brought in as an equivalent to a prior first offense so the judge can then apply a harsher sentence.

You are trying to use all sorts of math to equate Hunter to others different situation in an attempt to move the goal posts from the reality you do not like. A reality that says the punishment Hunter is getting is perfectly in line with what you would expect or even more harsh for a guy who had already paid the taxes back and was a first time offender with no priors.
You dont know where they came from.
They are from his sentator years. Senators can only view documents alone in a SCIF or in their office under DIRECT observation of a National archive employee that has clearance. No cell phones or recording devices are allowed. Once viewed in the office the documents are returned to a locked pouch and returned to the archive. YOU TELL ME where he was most likely to acquire classified documents as a Senator. Keep in mind Sandy Berger also smuggled documents out of a SCIF.
There's an FBI agent who hoarded classified documents like Trump — and she's going to prison

"A former FBI intelligence analyst from Dodge City, Kansas, who kept hundreds of classified documents at her home, including in her bathroom, was sentenced to nearly four years in prison by a federal judge in Kansas City on Wednesday for violating the same part of the Espionage Act that former President Donald Trump is accused of breaking," reported Jonathan Shorman.

'I cannot fathom why you would jeopardize our nation by leaving these types of documents in your bathtub,' [U.S. District Court Judge Stephen] Bough said," the report continued. "Bough, ordered the former analyst, Kendra Kingsbury, to spend three years and 10 months in prison followed by three years of supervised release. He ordered her to surrender to federal authorities to begin her prison sentence on July 21.

According to prosecutors, Kingsbury's home stash of both papers and CDs included national security secrets, including information about al-Qaeda associates in Africa, as well as information about open FBI investigations.

This case is remarkably similar to that against Trump, who is accused of storing highly classified national defense information, including attack plans against Iran, in boxes left in unsecured rooms at his country club, at various points in a ballroom, and a bathroom. Trump is further accused of having his personal valet and body man, Walt Nauta, move the boxes around to conceal them after government subpoenas, and even from his own attorneys. Nauta has also been charged in the case.

Unless you're Joe Biden.

Or Hillary Clinton.

One nation, two VERY different standards of law.
(1) An FBI agent is not a President. Authority over Executive Branch documents is vested in a President, not an FBI agent or an agency beneath the President. She illegally possessed classified documents; Trump legally possessed declassified documents.

(2) Hillary Clinton, Joe Biden, and Mike Pence all illegally possessed classified documents... buuuuuut NONE of them are going to prison...... hmmmmmmmm....... Two tiers of justice, much?
They are from his sentator years. Senators can only view documents alone in a SCIF or in their office under DIRECT observation of a National archive employee that has clearance. No cell phones or recording devices are allowed. Once viewed in the office the documents are returned to a locked pouch and returned to the archive. YOU TELL ME where he was most likely to acquire classified documents as a Senator. Keep in mind Sandy Berger also smuggled documents out of a SCIF.

Your personal opinion, means nothing. He returned everything, trump refused and lied. Big difference.
(1) An FBI agent is not a President. Authority over Executive Branch documents is vested in a President, not an FBI agent or an agency beneath the President. She illegally possessed classified documents; Trump legally possessed declassified documents.

(2) Hillary Clinton, Joe Biden, and Mike Pence all illegally possessed classified documents... buuuuuut NONE of them are going to prison...... hmmmmmmmm....... Two tiers of justice, much?

you just cant stop spreading lies, handjob.
Hillary was not found to be guilty of anything, and as to this President, you got nothing.

Comey flat out said she was guilty as sin - but above the law.

As for Xi's man - as a Senator he had no right to remove documents from the SCIF - he STOLE the top secret documents he retained for 14 years in 7 different locations - in two states. Documents specifically tied to China and to Ukraine - both countries that Biden has taken massive bribes from.
Comey flat out said she was guilty as sin - but above the law.

As for Xi's man - as a Senator he had no right to remove documents from the SCIF - he STOLE the top secret documents he retained for 14 years in 7 different locations - in two states. Documents specifically tied to China and to Ukraine - both countries that Biden has taken massive bribes from.

Never ever happened. Why would she be above the law, during a republican administration. Your spewing sheer lunacy
the problem you have is your are wrong.
This is your problem, not mine.

Trump DID NOT legally possess declassified documents
Yes he did.

as they were not declassified.
Yes they were.

He also did not legally possess the gov't doc's which do not require any classification for them to be illegal for him to have and keep.
They were legal for him to possess. You are attempting to tell me that President Trump did NOT have the unilateral right to define his own presidential records as he saw fit. If that is the case, then you need to answer two questions for me:

(1) Who is this executive power that supersedes the office of President?
(2) Where is this superseding executive power outlined in the Constitution?

So apply the proper facts and see if you can still find a double standard and you will see you cannot.
I already applied the truth. Donald Trump was President, so he was the top executive. He had every right to possess his documents. Clinton, Biden, and Pence were NOT President, so they didn't have any right to possess the documents they possessed.

Trump did not receive any charges for the dozens of boxes he gave back when asked, just as Pence and Biden did not. Had that have been all the documents it would have been case closed with the same outcome for all three.
Nope. He would've still been charged anyway. The weaponized DOJ is not looking to prosecute a criminal for a crime. They are interfering with an election. The Uniparty HATE free and fair elections.

Trump went on to a unique step Pence and Biden did not. He lied under oath, obstructed justice and tried to steal documents. That is what drew charges.
Trump did none of those things. They were HIS documents, he has told the truth the whole time, and he hasn't obstructed anything.

it would make no sense to charge Pence and Biden with that as they did not do that.
They definitely stole documents, as those documents weren't theirs to possess. They weren't the President.