Holyroller rampage!!!


Junior Member
SAN FRANCISCO, California (AP) -- The driver in a hit-and-run rampage that killed one man and injured more than a dozen people was mentally unstable and feeling stress from a recent arranged marriage, according to relatives.

Omeed A. Popal, 29, was taken into custody Tuesday following a rampage that terrorized pedestrians, bicyclists and motorists. Authorities believe it began more than an hour earlier when his black Honda Pilot fatally struck a man in the East Bay area.

"He drove on sidewalks, streets, hit people on crosswalks. It runs the gamut," said police spokesman Sgt. Neville Gittens.

"He thought the devil was coming to him," said Zargona Ramish, who went to the family's home Tuesday afternoon while Popal's relatives were speaking with police. "He is a very good person. He is not like that. What's wrong with him?"

Another cousin, Hamid Nekrawesh, said a recent arranged marriage in Afghanistan, where his family is from, may have contributed to Popal's problems.


I know he's a holyroller b/c anyone who has an "arrainged marriage" is a holyroller...

these people are nuts, we must stop them, how many people have to get run over for us to realize the disease of holyrollerism
Unually the hollyrollers do dammage in a more suttle way. They are almost always from Alabama or South Carolina and they are morally supierior to others.. but angery at all the fun they missed out by being so superior!
Let's see. He's from afganistan. He had an arranged marriage. Does the term muslim come to mind?

Got to put a damper on that idea. People might think it was terror related or something.

Move along, nothing to see here folks, its only swamp gas.
Let's see. He's from afganistan. He had an arranged marriage. Does the term muslim come to mind?

Got to put a damper on that idea. People might think it was terror related or something.

Move along, nothing to see here folks, its only swamp gas.

so muslims are holyrollers too... religion is religion... a muslim is just as much a holyroller as a christian, no more no less.
You do not understand the term holyroller Rob, all christians are not holyrolers. Study on it a bit.
Unually the hollyrollers do dammage in a more suttle way. They are almost always from Alabama or South Carolina and they are morally supierior to others.. but angery at all the fun they missed out by being so superior!

"I do feel sorry for those sooo filled with hate." :confused:
why did he run them over Klaatu? your right it was very hateful.

Dawg ... this was directed to "JAROD" ... he knows what Im talking about.. but then again ... were talkin about "JAROD" hmmm .....

but as far as your HOLYROLLER posts ... they've gotten old dude .. try some new material ....
Dawg ... this was directed to "JAROD" ... he knows what Im talking about.. but then again ... were talkin about "JAROD" hmmm .....

but as far as your HOLYROLLER posts ... they've gotten old dude .. try some new material ....

ok... how's the storm that god's wrath has laid on you folks down there?? are you holding up ok? :pke:
Well out in the country where I live people are more religious and they are, oh I don't know, about a thousand times more courteous and careful as drivers than less religious people in the city.

Realllly bad attempt rob. I'm more amazed that anyone is even religious in San Fran.

Also think how many lives are saved by the holyroller Amish who don't drive cars at all. Don't let some vendetta cause of hate blind you to the bigger picture...
Well out in the country where I live people are more religious and they are, oh I don't know, about a thousand times more courteous and careful as drivers than less religious people in the city.

Realllly bad attempt rob. I'm more amazed that anyone is even religious in San Fran.

Also think how many lives are saved by the holyroller Amish who don't drive cars at all. Don't let some vendetta cause of hate blind you to the bigger picture...

So i take it you have more arrainged marriages out in Ohio? Believe it or not there are religious people in SF.

When are you posting pics?
So i take it you have more arrainged marriages out in Ohio? Believe it or not there are religious people in SF.

When are you posting pics?
Rob, you're talking about an Afghani (muslim) holyroller. You realize that the typical (Christian) holyrollers you go after have really nothing to do with Islamic religious people and are likely more opposed to them than you are?
Oh Rob and if you're gonna post as a Liberal Democrat, remember that in this case the blame is not on religion but on the SUV. You see that beast of pollution trumps the typical Liberal's hate for religion and is the worser of 2 evils.

Notice the link below is "SUV rampage", it's the SUV's fault, clear?

Please stick to the Liberal Dem playbook or don't post at all.
Liberal Dano
Rob, you're talking about an Afghani (muslim) holyroller. You realize that the typical (Christian) holyrollers you go after have really nothing to do with Islamic religious people and are likely more opposed to them than you are?

yeah i don't discriminate a holyroller is a holyroller... its not just christians I look all holyrollers the same, though christians i do like more b/c they don't fly planes into buildings...