Holyroller rampage!!!

yeah i don't discriminate a holyroller is a holyroller... its not just christians I look all holyrollers the same, though christians i do like more b/c they don't fly planes into buildings...

If you want to lump them all together you need to call them fundimentalists. that's a term that applies to all relgions. Or fundi's for short. Holyroller only applies to a small christian segment while fundi applies to every religion. Plus holyrollers is an old term used by christian bashers back in the 70's.
Well out in the country where I live people are more religious and they are, oh I don't know, about a thousand times more courteous and careful as drivers than less religious people in the city.

Realllly bad attempt rob. I'm more amazed that anyone is even religious in San Fran.

Also think how many lives are saved by the holyroller Amish who don't drive cars at all. Don't let some vendetta cause of hate blind you to the bigger picture...

Amen on that thousand more time courteous part for sure. And true Christians are courteous no matter where they are, than the jerks that just claim to be Christians.
yeah i don't discriminate a holyroller is a holyroller... its not just christians I look all holyrollers the same, though christians i do like more b/c they don't fly planes into buildings...

In all fairness Rob...very few of them are smart enough to learn how.

I want to go on record as saying that I believe right wing Christians are equally as hateful as fanatical Muslims and that if they ever get smart enough to learn how to take off in a plane, they are going to show them how it's done.

I just don't feel you're giving them enough credit here.
In all fairness Rob...very few of them are smart enough to learn how.

I want to go on record as saying that I believe right wing Christians are equally as hateful as fanatical Muslims and that if they ever get smart enough to learn how to take off in a plane, they are going to show them how it's done.

I just don't feel you're giving them enough credit here.

LOL, coming from a girl that is cold as a witches titties?.....:cof1:
In all fairness Rob...very few of them are smart enough to learn how.

I want to go on record as saying that I believe right wing Christians are equally as hateful as fanatical Muslims and that if they ever get smart enough to learn how to take off in a plane, they are going to show them how it's done.

I just don't feel you're giving them enough credit here.

well the right wing christians are obviously smarter than muslims cause they don't fly planes into buildings. They also don't blow themselves up. The right wing christians want to censor and tell you how to dress and behave, not kill people. They plan to spend eternity in heaven looking down on all the people they hate burning in hell, and laughing about it. Sick and misguided yes, homicidal no.
In all fairness Rob...very few of them are smart enough to learn how.

I want to go on record as saying that I believe right wing Christians are equally as hateful as fanatical Muslims and that if they ever get smart enough to learn how to take off in a plane, they are going to show them how it's done.

I just don't feel you're giving them enough credit here.

they will aim for abortion clinics though.
But not in a suicide attempt... I guess that makes all the difference.

Now when one does this, almost 100% of the Christians in this nation go ballistic trashing the person. A muslim blows up a bus full of kids and what happens? His family gets paid money from foreign governments congratulating them on his "martyrdom"..

There seems to be a dichotomy of action.
On the bombing an abortion clinic Damo ? Hmm many of the "christians" support them and raise money for the legal defense of abortion DR killers and clinic bombers. Not as much support as the Islamic radicals give their "martyrs" but it is there.
On the bombing an abortion clinic Damo ? Hmm many of the "christians" support them and raise money for the legal defense of abortion DR killers and clinic bombers. Not as much support as the Islamic radicals give their "martyrs" but it is there.
"many"... What is your definition of many? Really, I have heard only condemnation from Christians of this action by other so-called "Christians" and this is from the perspective of somebody who is not a Christian.

And which foreign government is funding them? Do they pay the families of the kids who blow themselves up?
I never said foreign govts supported Abortion bombers. Perhaps many is a stretch, I will admit to being wrong on that. apologies. I will say some, because there are fringe Christain groups that do support abortion bombers though a minority I am sure.
I never said foreign govts supported Abortion bombers. Perhaps many is a stretch, I will admit to being wrong on that. apologies. I will say some, because there are fringe Christain groups that do support abortion bombers though a minority I am sure.
I agree. It isn't quite as mainstream as you find in the Muslim world.
AlQueda is the same as the KKK, both fundamentalist orginizations.
I have never seen the KKK speaking in tongues or blowing up abortion clinics because of the evil. The KKK may have christians as members, but it is not the central function of it. That is not an accurate assessment.
Put it this way, Jarod, the KKK blows things up for the "White Race" while a fundamentalist blows it up for "God"...

They are not the same type of organization.
In all fairness Rob...very few of them are smart enough to learn how.

I want to go on record as saying that I believe right wing Christians are equally as hateful as fanatical Muslims and that if they ever get smart enough to learn how to take off in a plane, they are going to show them how it's done.

I just don't feel you're giving them enough credit here.

I want to go on record saying that I believe that you are a true mental case ... :eek:
But we do have foreign religious groups supporting groups in this country. Jewish groups at least, and probably Catholic ones as well. but not in the Maryter manner as far as I know.
Speaking in Tongues... That is pretty entertaining. I have witnessed it. Same sounds during that get translated differently :)