Holyroller rampage!!!

I think if you look into it, the KKK believes that the White Christian is the true supreem race as ordained by God and the reason for their activities are based on the desire to bring about what they belive to be the will of the Christian God.
"Welcome to the Ku Klux Klan!

Bringing a Message of Hope and Deliverance to White Christian America! A Message of Love NOT Hate!"

- KKK.com
"Pastor Thomas Robb served as national chaplain and eventually served as national organizer and editor of the White Patriot newspaper. In 1989, after 10 years of loyal service to the national office and after many more years than that in the movement over all, he became the national director of The Knights and implemented modern concepts of mass marketing reaching hundereds of thousands of white Christian people around the nation with the message of Christian Revival."

Jarod, they blow things up in the name of the "White Race"... not in the name of "God". I have seen documentaries where they pledge allegiance to the White Race, etc. They are not a fundie religious group.

Not every group that mentions religion is a fundie group, this one does not even come close to meeting that criteria.
"...we can thank God for the foresight our founding fathers had to recognize our right to freedom of speech. Without this precious amendment we would not be allowed to promote our Christian beliefs. Even though our founding fathers formed our nation as a Christian nation and government, this amendment is one more thorn in the side of those politicians who wish to silence us. God may continue to test our endurance, but he is going to bless us with victories and the necessary tools to win an ultimate victory for our people and faith."

"We envision an America once again guided by Biblical principles and laws. Whose laws better to follow than those of the creator of our universe? Who has a more perfect knowledge of good and evil, of right and wrong, of pain and pleasure than our creator Jesus Christ? Does it not make sense to then heed his advice and the advice of Biblical scholars inspired by God thousands of years ago?"

- http://www.kkk.bz/vision.htm
Once again,

Every person who prays is not fundamentalist. That they use prayers and religion to gain recruits doesn't change that they promote the Race above the Religion...

It is not a fundie religious group because there is something they promote above the religion. The first thing you think of when KKK is mentioned is not relgion, it is racism.
"We envision an America in which these anti-Christian behaviors are punished and serve as additional deterrents to anyone toying with the satanic notion of race mixing or homosexuality. We envision an America where our children can be raised in a wholesome environment."

- http://www.kkk.bz/vision.htm
I agree with Damo not a fundie group, but they are using religion for their purposes, just like politicians and such do all the time.
"Yes, we envision a White Christian America just like Washington, Jefferson, Adams, Paine, Lincoln, Webster, Madison, etc.

We inherited a Christian government and it is our duty to insure its return"

government and it is our duty to insure its return"

- http://www.kkk.bz/vision.htm
"It is well known that the Klan saved the white population of the South after the civil war. The Ku Klux Klan is known around the world for its support of white Christian civilization - the very reason for its existence. The original u Klux Klan consisted of men of honor and of Christian character. They were men of standing - fighting to protect their families and their support was widespread. Over 130 years later the Ku Klux Klan still has the reputation of standing up for White people."

You can keep putting forward prayer and it still doesn't prove that they are a fundie religious group.

Once again... I have seen prayer at a HS graduation, does that make the HS a fundie religious group?

They promote the Race above the Religion in reality... I have seen the pledge to the White race as they burned the American Flag...

"My Race is my Nation.." etc...

They are disgusting Racists, that happen to believe they are "Christian", but not a fundie Christian organization...
TO these people christanity and white supremacy are inseprable... to them, to be a white supremissisit is to be a fundamentalist.

They are fundy's, and yes they use it.

to them Christanity and white supremacy are inseprable.
I agree with Damo not a fundie group, but they are using religion for their purposes, just like politicians and such do all the time.
Exactly! Every group that mentions "Christian" is not a Christian fundamentalist group. If that were the case over 90% of every organization in the US would be "fundamentalist".
TO these people christanity and white supremacy are inseprable... to them, to be a white supremissisit is to be a fundamentalist.

They are fundy's, and yes they use it.

to them Christanity and white supremacy are inseprable.
Watch their meetings on the History Channel. The central theme is NOT RELIGION... That they promote their ideas through it on these sites does not mean that this is what they actually focus on.
You can keep putting forward prayer and it still doesn't prove that they are a fundie religious group.

Once again... I have seen prayer at a HS graduation, does that make the HS a fundie religious group?

They promote the Race above the Religion in reality... I have seen the pledge to the White race as they burned the American Flag...

"My Race is my Nation.." etc...

They are disgusting Racists, that happen to believe they are "Christian", but not a fundie Christian organization...

I am not putting forth prayer, I am showing, in there own words, how these people consider white supramacy to BE CHRISTANITY... Just like Jihadist's believe to be Muslam is to be anti-western!
A Fundie group will ALWAYS focus on religion. You can view their ceremonies on History Channel and Discovery, watch them. These people do not centralize their meetings, groups, etc on religion.

It underlies, but is not the Central Organizing Theme...

The Central Organizing Theme of this group is Racism, plain and simple. Watching their actual meetings on those shows give you a clear picture of that.
Watch their meetings on the History Channel. The central theme is NOT RELIGION... That they promote their ideas through it on these sites does not mean that this is what they actually focus on.

Just like AlQueda's central theem is not Religion, but anti-western hatrid!
"Yes, we envision a White Christian America just like Washington, Jefferson, Adams, Paine, Lincoln, Webster, Madison, etc.

We inherited a Christian government and it is our duty to insure its return"

government and it is our duty to insure its return"

- http://www.kkk.bz/vision.htm
And Jefferson had a black mistress I believe :)
The KKK are just fools controlled by hteir hatred and fear.
They may wear white outfits, but they are living in the dark side.