Honestly,.......Q has been a massive success.

I think it's way worse for someone to be locked away in a cell by themselves for the rest of their lives than it is to have the state execute them.

If you really wanted to posture a tough line on criminals, you'd be calling for longer sentencing, banning cops from carrying firearms, and ending the death penalty.

Solitary confinement for 50+ years is a much harsher punishment than ordering the state to execute someone.

Agreed. OTOH, this isn't Hollywood. There are situations where lethal force must be used to save lives. To deny that is true is to deny reality.

Disagreed on your posturing.

Agreed. Death is easy, 50 years in a 6X8 foot room has harder. WTF does this have to do with police using lethal force when warranted?
Is this another one of your posts that Jesus would support? Yeah,.... you sure do know all about what he stood for and are in a strong position to school the rest of us. :rolleyes:

I'm not a christian, I don't give a fuck. I do know that fucksticks like you need to be washed from the gene pool. You're everything that's wrong with 30% of the country.
Agreed. OTOH, this isn't Hollywood. There are situations where lethal force must be used to save lives. To deny that is true is to deny reality.

That's a reality we accept in America because we've been brainwashed to.

In other countries, police killings are insanely rare. Only here do we employ the toxic machismo to demand our cops kill more often than they de-escalate.
What color is the sky in your world? One of the two of us is disconnected from reality. QAnon predicted there would be mass arrests based on evidence that has simply not appeared.

And there should have been. If a local cop fabricates probable cause to get a warrant against a drug dealer, that cop is going to prison.

For numerous others in higher law enforcement positions, they should all have been collared.
I'm not a christian, I don't give a fuck. I do know that fucksticks like you need to be washed from the gene pool. You're everything that's wrong with 30% of the country.

You are inciting violence against me. I will now send this to the FBI and under your own logic this post should be plenty enuff to charge and convict you. Enjoy your time in the pen, or in your case more of a Home coming. ;)
That's a reality we accept in America because we've been brainwashed to.

In other countries, police killings are insanely rare. Only here do we employ the toxic machismo to demand our cops kill more often than they de-escalate.

This isn't Europe, kid.

Your concept of brainwashing is brainwashing. LOL
You are inciting violence against me. I will now send this to the FBI and under your own logic this post should be plenty enuff to charge and convict you. Enjoy your time in the pen, or in your case more of a Home coming. ;)

That's my logic? I forgot where I had a 70-million strong twitter following and 10,000 people who would do my bidding at a rally. Is THAT why you're confused? You don't know what "incitement" means?
This isn't Europe, kid.

Your concept of brainwashing is brainwashing. LOL

No, it's not Europe. Do they have some other different species of human living there? Why is it you conservatives so easily dismiss their social programs and policing methods? Is this more of that "American exceptionalism" bullshit that was shoved up your ass in whatever backwater school district you grew up in?
Stone used massive in talking about an obscure right-wing group of crazies. Q and Qanon are small-time, tiny groups of anti-American amusing each other posting about their importance.
Sweetie; $100 says you'd think different about killing someone if they attacked you or yours. Some people need killing but we're a nation of laws and we should follow the law.

Guns are cheaper than more cops. Plus with guns of the streets, our cops have to have guns too. And in criminal gangs you need guns to protect your turf.
I blame the gun culture for the gun death. My home defense weapons aren't going outdoors unless someone invites me to their duck club.
It's guns on the streets, concealed carry w/o permit.

I wonder how police budgets in Europe compare to similar sized footprint and/or populations in the US.
Guns are cheaper than more cops. Plus with guns of the streets, our cops have to have guns too. And in criminal gangs you need guns to protect your turf.
I blame the gun culture for the gun death. My home defense weapons aren't going outdoors unless someone invites me to their duck club.
It's guns on the streets, concealed carry w/o permit.

I wonder how police budgets in Europe compare to similar sized footprint and/or populations in the US.

Of course you do. No doubt you also blame cars for over 30,000 auto fatalities every year and never the drivers.

It doesn't take a fucking lawyer to see what is wrong with your ideology, counselor.
Do you know why?

No, it's not Europe. Do they have some other different species of human living there? Why is it you conservatives so easily dismiss their social programs and policing methods? Is this more of that "American exceptionalism" bullshit that was shoved up your ass in whatever backwater school district you grew up in?

As far as I know, the Euros are just weaker versions of Americans, but the same species. Why do you ask?

Why do you so easily dismiss American methods in favor of European ones? Are you a racist? A Eurocentrist? Why do you think only the Euros are superior to all other cultures?

Donald Trump is a pedophile. He fucked Ivanka as a child, but because he has a buttondick, she was still a virgin until 10th grade.

Being both very transactional, like Daddy, and pretty smart, unlike Daddy, Ivanka turned a little sex into being the XO of TrumpCo.
Donald Trump is a pedophile. He fucked Ivanka as a child, but because he has a buttondick, she was still a virgin until 10th grade.

Being both very transactional, like Daddy, and pretty smart, unlike Daddy, Ivanka turned a little sex into being the XO of TrumpCo.

Thats quite a STORY. Surely you have hard corroborating evidence to back up your claims. wait,....you dont? This seems like a slam dunk case of slander. Screenshot saved and ready to send off to DJT legal team. If he is as broke as you claim he is he will need the funds that come from the sale of your house and the seizure of any other assets you may have. DJT says thanks....:cool:
Donald Trump is a pedophile. He fucked Ivanka as a child, but because he has a buttondick, she was still a virgin until 10th grade.

Being both very transactional, like Daddy, and pretty smart, unlike Daddy, Ivanka turned a little sex into being the XO of TrumpCo.

You are also CLEARLY in violation of the vaunted 12 B rule. See you after your ban.
You are also CLEARLY in violation of the vaunted 12 B rule. See you after your ban.

Did you report your own Pedo Joe video and the authors of all those Pedo Joe threads....or do you believe Trump is a God and never to be questioned?

If I'm punished for the very same thing you did, then I do know you are fucking the hired help. When your wife finds out, and she will, you'll wish you'd listened to me, son.
Did you report your own Pedo Joe video and the authors of all those Pedo Joe threads....or do you believe Trump is a God and never to be questioned?

If I'm punished for the very same thing you did, then I do know you are fucking the hired help. When your wife finds out, and she will, you'll wish you'd listened to me, son.

Thats another good story. At least somewhat entertaining. Not sure it will save you from 12 B though,....thats pretty serious stuff and this board does not need the grief associated with it. You should be more considerate and think of your fellow posters. We like this board and dont want it to have any problems.