Horrible, lying new McCain ad


New member
They show Palin making her lipstick joke at the convention, with the text "Palin on Palin."

Cut to Obama, with the text "Obama on Palin," saying "you can put lipstick on a pig, but it's still a pig." No context.

Can they do ANYTHING but lie & misrepresent?

There's a link on the Foxnews homepage, if you want to check it out...
I just watched the ad and am not a fan. I don't like it. It attempts to make her a victim which does not help her.

From a partisan perspective though Onceler the McCain campaign is not the only one playing this game. You can go back to McCain's comment about leaving troops in Iraq for 100 years if they were not in harm's way. Obama took those out of context stating McCain wants to continue war in Iraq for up to 100 years.

I'm not giving the two wrongs make a right argument. I'm stating it's an unfortunate tactic being used by both campaigns and is an unfortunate tactic used by almost every political campaign.

I know there were high hopes at the beggining when both candidates stated they want an issues driven campaign. While nice in theory that's not American politics.

I'll end with I don't like McCain's new ad.
They show Palin making her lipstick joke at the convention, with the text "Palin on Palin."

Cut to Obama, with the text "Obama on Palin," saying "you can put lipstick on a pig, but it's still a pig." No context.

Can they do ANYTHING but lie & misrepresent?

There's a link on the Foxnews homepage, if you want to check it out...

I have not seen this ad... but it sounds like a big mistake. This will backlash. Hillary tried to play the victim card when it didn't apply and it backfired on her. This should as well.
They show Palin making her lipstick joke at the convention, with the text "Palin on Palin."

Cut to Obama, with the text "Obama on Palin," saying "you can put lipstick on a pig, but it's still a pig." No context.

Can they do ANYTHING but lie & misrepresent?

There's a link on the Foxnews homepage, if you want to check it out...
I doubt this ad was made or even seriously considered. :cof1:
They show Palin making her lipstick joke at the convention, with the text "Palin on Palin."

Cut to Obama, with the text "Obama on Palin," saying "you can put lipstick on a pig, but it's still a pig." No context.

Can they do ANYTHING but lie & misrepresent?

There's a link on the Foxnews homepage, if you want to check it out...

I heard the quote about the pig---we are not dumb enough to need a reference of what he is talking about.

All he did was lose votes outside of his circles.
Obama's on TV right now, absolutely shredding McCain on this. He's making them look like fools...

I learned this in my racing days. A bike going around the track by itself can look really fast. When you actually race somebody--the truth comes out.

Wait until the debates start--then we will see who get the popular support.

What you think is stupid--is usually wisdom.
I learned this in my racing days. A bike going around the track by itself can look really fast. When you actually race somebody--the truth comes out.

Wait until the debates start--then we will see who get the popular support.

What you think is stupid--is usually wisdom.


Once the debates are finished, Americans will see Barack bin Bama for the incompetent asshole he is. McCain will win with at least 51% of the popular vote. The EC will be closer, but then again, we may be surprised. McCain could carry Michigan, Pennsylvania, and other typically blue States.
Poor little victim. Lets vote for her as vice President. Then she can be victimized by all the assholes in the middle east.
They have a link about it on johnmccain.com, it is solely a youtube phenomena.

To be clear (which means LORAX should read this carefully) I have not seen the ad. As I stated before, it is a dumb idea, whether it is only on the web or not.

That said, Obama is an idiot for trying that analogy (rather poorly at that...almost like Bush bumbling through one). No matter how many times it has been used in the past, no matter that we all know what he meant..... he should have been intelligent enough to know that the two comments would be tied together by someone (if not McCain then a 527).
To be clear (which means LORAX should read this carefully) I have not seen the ad. As I stated before, it is a dumb idea, whether it is only on the web or not.

That said, Obama is an idiot for trying that analogy (rather poorly at that...almost like Bush bumbling through one). No matter how many times it has been used in the past, no matter that we all know what he meant..... he should have been intelligent enough to know that the two comments would be tied together by someone (if not McCain then a 527).

Who cares? When is our media going to talk about the damned issues? When is our media going to force the candidates to talk about the issues? When is our media going to serve the public and have informative discussions, this means no repukes no dems, informative discussions with non partisan economists, scientists, social workers, health care experts? Why the hell are we talking about lipstick, pitbulls and pigs?? This is such bullshit.