Horrible, lying new McCain ad

Yeah, I agree. I said it earlier as well. I do not think he meant anything by it. There is nothing in his past that shows such a pattern.

I'm just glad that it is such an inane thing, it should be gone by tomorrow.

Funny how, it's tomorrow, and none other than Damocles is still talking about it.
"I'm not saying that yesterday the McCain campaign jumped the shark...but I have my fingers crossed that they may have. And if they did, or soon do, then they are done because the fact is John McCain cannot withstand media scrutiny."

I have a feeling that yesterday was a little bigger than some are making out. Since the Palin pick, the McCain camp has been riding a weird, magical wave that us lefties are befuddled by, but which has completely energized the right and thrown the media for a loop.

Yesterday felt like the 1st time he blinked since then, and he blinked in a way that could not only have a potential (albeit small) backfire with voters, but a wake-up call for the press, as well.

It seems like McCain hasn't been pushed in ages; I have been anxiously awaiting the moment when he goes all terse & tempermental with some pushy reporter. Maybe they'll push a little more now; it's coming....

I think so. And I wonder if they will finally notice that Obama is out there doing the tough interviews, and McCain is doing The View. Face it, McCain is almost as much in hiding from real reporters as Palin. Not quite, but he's not out there like Obama is. Funny how I don't see Obama getting any credit for that.