Horrible, lying new McCain ad

It IS solely a webad but EVERY news show in the US carried it today and McCain new good and well they would. It is a lie, it is EXACTLY what McCain said earlier in the year and I believe he was talking about Hillary's healthcare plan. But as I said if you want to reach the stupidest common denominator you run ads like this, because as the last two presidential elections have shown, stupid people vote.

McCain has found a glitch in the system, a sort of campaign cheat code. Instead of paying for airtime he releases what are essentially video press releases, throws them up on youtube and the media's obsession with web video and web 2.0 bullshit takes it from there. Free air time. It's a pretty good racket he's got going and I can't quite blame him. The only thing I don't understand is why the media keeps doing it.
Yeah well it is time for Obama to play the same game. You wanna talk about character talk about McCain using his political clout to get his wife out of a theft and illegal drug charge. That shows character as well and it is time to post a webad about it. If it was my Girlfriend or Damo's wife either of them would have gotten prosecuted. If it was Lady T she would have been prosecuted AND gotten jail time. But because it is Cindy McCain she gets to tell us how she a victim of pain pills. It was the pills that victimized her. She has NO RESPONSIBLITY and so should not have to suffer the same consequences a non-elite woman would have had to endure.
McCain has found a glitch in the system, a sort of campaign cheat code. Instead of paying for airtime he releases what are essentially video press releases, throws them up on youtube and the media's obsession with web video and web 2.0 bullshit takes it from there. Free air time. It's a pretty good racket he's got going and I can't quite blame him. The only thing I don't understand is why the media keeps doing it.
The give and take is catnip to them. They just can't stop themselves.
for the record I don't think anything was meant by the pig comment. He could have just as easily said hamster or crocodile.
They show Palin making her lipstick joke at the convention, with the text "Palin on Palin."

Cut to Obama, with the text "Obama on Palin," saying "you can put lipstick on a pig, but it's still a pig." No context.

Can they do ANYTHING but lie & misrepresent?

There's a link on the Foxnews homepage, if you want to check it out...

quit being a pussy.
for the record I don't think anything was meant by the pig comment. He could have just as easily said hamster or crocodile.
Yeah, I agree. I said it earlier as well. I do not think he meant anything by it. There is nothing in his past that shows such a pattern.

I'm just glad that it is such an inane thing, it should be gone by tomorrow.
Dixie I am not partisan, I just despise most Republicans. :D

It is not their party it is because of their actions.

I also dispise many democrats.
Just not as many.

See the thing is, you ARE partisan. It's just one of those things people don't always like to admit. But I am partisan as well, that isn't my point. Whether you believe me or not, the vast majority of my personal friends, the people I am closest to and love the most, are liberal in their political ideology. I don't "despise" them for what they believe... I don't agree with them, but I don't despise them or hate them. You hate. You despise. And you base this solely on your partisan viewpoint, nothing more.

Now, what is the difference between you and I? Why is it that two people who are partisan, can have such a different outlook on others? How can you think Republicans have some genealogical flaw which makes them despicable as people, and I have lifelong Democrat Liberal friends so dear to me? I think it's 'tolerance' and understanding that individuals are all different. You seem to be intolerant of Republicans, for no other reason than, they don't share your views. Yet, there are Democrats who don't share your views as well. In fact, very few people on the planet will agree with you 100% of the time, that is just a fact of life. I accept this fact, and it doesn't effect my opinion of someone, if they don't share my political views. I might disagree with what their views are, I might argue with them or even call them "pinhead" but I don't hate them for what they believe or despise them for their views.

The reason I have taken the time to point this out, is because what you are doing is akin to racist or sexist bigotry, it is precisely the mindset of someone who is consumed with ignorant hatred for an entire group of people, rather than tolerance and understanding. I hope you will take a moment to reflect on what I am saying, but whether you do or not, it was important to say it.
It's "horrible", I have it on high authority.

What can I tell you? Shameless lies bug me.

McCain has a new one out, about how Obama pushed legislation to teach sex education to (gasp!) kindergartners, and how that isn't what we want for "our families."

Only problem is that Obama didn't sponsor it, and it was regarding sexual predators, not sex education.

But that's cool; lies are cool, like, super cool. A Republican Congresswoman hit the floor just today to decry Obama's "sexism" for calling Palin a pig.

But you're right; it's nothing. Lies are just silly little things.
You will feel great when you lose the election "because the other guy lied" I hope you feel good knowing how fucked you are .. but at least you didn't use "NEGATIVE CAMPAIGNING!!"
You will feel great when you lose the election "because the other guy lied" I hope you feel good knowing how fucked you are .. but at least you didn't use "NEGATIVE CAMPAIGNING!!"

Nah, I won't. This has gone on for awhile now (yes, since the beginning of time, but I remember the Reagan/Carter & Reagan/Mondale campaigns, and they were nothing like what we've seen in the past 3-4 election cycles). It isn't just with elections, either; it's become the m.o. for policy decisions & other Washington business, and much more blatant than it was a decade or 2 ago.

The thing is, if Obama became that guy, and put out one lie after another in order to distract, I wouldn't give a shit if he got elected or not. Kind of a Catch-22 there.
Nah, I won't. This has gone on for awhile now (yes, since the beginning of time, but I remember the Reagan/Carter & Reagan/Mondale campaigns, and they were nothing like what we've seen in the past 3-4 election cycles). It isn't just with elections, either; it's become the m.o. for policy decisions & other Washington business, and much more blatant than it was a decade or 2 ago.

The thing is, if Obama became that guy, and put out one lie after another in order to distract, I wouldn't give a shit if he got elected or not. Kind of a Catch-22 there.

Really well said, and I agree. There are some encouraging signs that the media has finally been shamed (I believe by the internet) into saying, well we'll lie down for you just so far, but when you start pissing on us and, (and this second part is key, because they really don't mind McCain and Bush pissing on them) if other people notice you pissing on us, we're going to push back.

I'm not saying that yesterday the McCain campaign jumped the shark...but I have my fingers crossed that they may have. And if they did, or soon do, then they are done because the fact is John McCain cannot withstand media scrutiny.
"I'm not saying that yesterday the McCain campaign jumped the shark...but I have my fingers crossed that they may have. And if they did, or soon do, then they are done because the fact is John McCain cannot withstand media scrutiny."

I have a feeling that yesterday was a little bigger than some are making out. Since the Palin pick, the McCain camp has been riding a weird, magical wave that us lefties are befuddled by, but which has completely energized the right and thrown the media for a loop.

Yesterday felt like the 1st time he blinked since then, and he blinked in a way that could not only have a potential (albeit small) backfire with voters, but a wake-up call for the press, as well.

It seems like McCain hasn't been pushed in ages; I have been anxiously awaiting the moment when he goes all terse & tempermental with some pushy reporter. Maybe they'll push a little more now; it's coming....
They show Palin making her lipstick joke at the convention, with the text "Palin on Palin."

Cut to Obama, with the text "Obama on Palin," saying "you can put lipstick on a pig, but it's still a pig." No context.

Can they do ANYTHING but lie & misrepresent?

There's a link on the Foxnews homepage, if you want to check it out...

HoHOHOHO HAhahahaha

I can't help it---It is just too funny that you think McCain lies more than your god--obama.

Give me a break man---you blind.

Name one thing Obama said, and I can most likely find a quote from him that says the opposite.

Obama is getting beat by a woman--and he can't stand that. Why? He suffers from some mental illness that makes him despise his "typical white mother")--his wife is his replacement mother. Not picking hillery, typical white woman, lipstick on a pig.

The guy is sick.
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HoHOHOHO HAhahahaha

I can't help it---It is just too funny that you think McCain lies more than your god--obama.

Give me a break man---you blind.

Name one thing Obama said, and I can most likely find a quote from him that says the opposite.

Obama is getting beat by a woman--and he can't stand that. Why? He suffers from some mental illness that makes him despise his "typical white mother")--his wife is his replacement mother. Not picking hillery, typical white woman, lipstick on a pig.

The guy is sick.

Cawacko, take a look at this post. I don't know how long you had SJ on IA for, probably years, knowing you, but "HoHOHOHO HAhahahaha" was actually an SJ staple.

It's him.