Horrible, lying new McCain ad

They show Palin making her lipstick joke at the convention, with the text "Palin on Palin."

Cut to Obama, with the text "Obama on Palin," saying "you can put lipstick on a pig, but it's still a pig." No context.

Can they do ANYTHING but lie & misrepresent?

There's a link on the Foxnews homepage, if you want to check it out...

Who cares? When is our media going to talk about the damned issues? When is our media going to force the candidates to talk about the issues? When is our media going to serve the public and have informative discussions, this means no repukes no dems, informative discussions with non partisan economists, scientists, social workers, health care experts? Why the hell are we talking about lipstick, pitbulls and pigs?? This is such bullshit.

I could not agree with you more.... as for discussing this issue in particular... look no farther than emo boy... for once again he has started a thread on how outraged he is about this all important topic.
Who cares? When is our media going to talk about the damned issues? When is our media going to force the candidates to talk about the issues? When is our media going to serve the public and have informative discussions, this means no repukes no dems, informative discussions with non partisan economists, scientists, social workers, health care experts? Why the hell are we talking about lipstick, pitbulls and pigs?? This is such bullshit.

I agree completely. I'm beginning to feel extremely cheated as a member of the voting public.
Who cares? When is our media going to talk about the damned issues? When is our media going to force the candidates to talk about the issues? When is our media going to serve the public and have informative discussions, this means no repukes no dems, informative discussions with non partisan economists, scientists, social workers, health care experts? Why the hell are we talking about lipstick, pitbulls and pigs?? This is such bullshit.

Its not going to happen. The media could care less about who wins or who loses. They don't care about issues because talking about issues makes for lousy ratings.

The media sees everything in terms of entertainment. From elections to natural disastors, they show us what will gain them the biggest market share. That means playing to the lowest common denominator. If it involves sex, violence or scandal they are all over it. But real answers and issues won't keep a lot of people from using the remote to change the channel.
I could not agree with you more.... as for discussing this issue in particular... look no farther than emo boy... for once again he has started a thread on how outraged he is about this all important topic.

Onceler started a thread about the continued slimy tactics of LowLife McCain, in avoiding a debate on substance. Which is what the old man is desperate to do.
Who cares? When is our media going to talk about the damned issues? When is our media going to force the candidates to talk about the issues? When is our media going to serve the public and have informative discussions, this means no repukes no dems, informative discussions with non partisan economists, scientists, social workers, health care experts? Why the hell are we talking about lipstick, pitbulls and pigs?? This is such bullshit.

No the media except for PBS is all owned by the national enquirer.

Soloutions to lots of the problems we face might impact sponsors and owners.

The best they can offer is a few hot air pit balloons like Billo and such.
They show Palin making her lipstick joke at the convention, with the text "Palin on Palin."

Cut to Obama, with the text "Obama on Palin," saying "you can put lipstick on a pig, but it's still a pig." No context.

Can they do ANYTHING but lie & misrepresent?

There's a link on the Foxnews homepage, if you want to check it out...

"Horrible", "Lying", and "McCain" are redundant.
"Horrible", "Lying", and "McCain" are redundant.

Yep and you might as well throw Republican in there as well. As a general rule. there are a few good republicans, although I cannot understand why they are still Republicans.
Must be that Republican Gene thing.
The ad was stupid and boneheaded, and McCain should have never approved it. That said, it isn't going to cause a 'backlash' or erase any of the gains made in the past two weeks by the McCain campaign. The whole "lipstick pig" thing will blow over, and we'll move on to more substantive things. For the record, I don't think Obama intended Palin as the target of his 'lipstick' comment, but I do think it was a clever use of wording by his speech writers. The best response would have been for Palin to give a statement, saying she didn't think Obama was calling her a pig, and let that be the end of it.
The ad was stupid and boneheaded, and McCain should have never approved it. That said, it isn't going to cause a 'backlash' or erase any of the gains made in the past two weeks by the McCain campaign. The whole "lipstick pig" thing will blow over, and we'll move on to more substantive things. For the record, I don't think Obama intended Palin as the target of his 'lipstick' comment, but I do think it was a clever use of wording by his speech writers. The best response would have been for Palin to give a statement, saying she didn't think Obama was calling her a pig, and let that be the end of it.
Yup. And let the weirdos go at it.

I think it would be incredibly hard to pretend that Barack wouldn't have seen double meaning in the phrase, but really... In the long run it just isn't that important.
Yep and you might as well throw Republican in there as well. As a general rule. there are a few good republicans, although I cannot understand why they are still Republicans.
Must be that Republican Gene thing.

And this is your problem in a nutshell. You are a partisan, an extreme partisan. No matter what a Republican might say, do, or advocate, you will be opposed to it, because it is coming from a Republican. But guess what? No matter who you elect president, no matter how many seats in Congress your party controls, they are going to have to deal with Republicans to get anything accomplished. My suggestion would be, find a way to overcome your partisan hatred for Republicans, because they aren't going away in your lifetime. Look for ways both parties can work together, rather than continuing to foment partisan hate and divisiveness. I am a right-winger, and I am partisan, but even I realize neither side is going to ever have a monopoly on power and control, and in order to get anything accomplished in the way of our problems, it will take bipartisan effort on both sides. I'm willing to accept that, why can't you?
Dixie I am not partisan, I just despise most Republicans. :D

It is not their party it is because of their actions.

I also dispise many democrats.
Just not as many.
negative campaigning works and there are plenty of stupid americans out there that will fall for this ad. I think you are all wrong with how this will play out.
negative campaigning works and there are plenty of stupid americans out there that will fall for this ad. I think you are all wrong with how this will play out.
I was thinking about this on the way home, while I listened to a D Lawyer on the radio give a football analogy.

He made a few points...

1. That he found it hard to believe that Obama didn't think about the double meaning of the phrase before he uttered it.
2. He believed the pause was when Obama was arguing in his head about saying it or not.
3. He thought that this was team Obama (football analogy that he used) stepping over the line of scrimmage and trying to step back while McCain called for the snap and caught them over.
4. Continuing the analogy he said that he thought that Obama making a big deal of it was like arguing with the refs and can net him 15 more yards if he didn't quit it.

This is a guy who is a Moderate D, he has yet to decide who he is voting for, but tends to defend Obama with every breath. I know people on the other side like this. Sometimes it is hard to break a habit.

It interested me that he thought of it this way, and so far most calls that I have heard have been like this.

Personally, I have yet to see Obama make direct attacks like that, even left-handed.

I don't believe that he was trying to go there, but I think the crowd immediately made the link because of their reaction to it.
I was thinking about this on the way home, while I listened to a D Lawyer on the radio give a football analogy.

He made a few points...

1. That he found it hard to believe that Obama didn't think about the double meaning of the phrase before he uttered it.
2. He believed the pause was when Obama was arguing in his head about saying it or not.
3. He thought that this was team Obama (football analogy that he used) stepping over the line of scrimmage and trying to step back while McCain called for the snap and caught them over.
4. Continuing the analogy he said that he thought that Obama making a big deal of it was like arguing with the refs and can net him 15 more yards if he didn't quit it.

This is a guy who is a Moderate D, he has yet to decide who he is voting for, but tends to defend Obama with every breath. I know people on the other side like this. Sometimes it is hard to break a habit.

It interested me that he thought of it this way, and so far most calls that I have heard have been like this.

Personally, I have yet to see Obama make direct attacks like that, even left-handed.

I don't believe that he was trying to go there, but I think the crowd immediately made the link because of their reaction to it.

Well, the moderate D lawyer is moderately retarded. The same people that brought you "Obama called Palin a pig" are now bringing you this:

[nomedia="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-R_YDOBi8-s"]YouTube - Broadcast Yourself.[/nomedia]

It's a fucking joke. The entirety of the McCain campaign is a fucking joke.

Even Mark Halperin is calling bullshit on the pig nonsense and that motherfucker is a goddamned idiot that will repeat any McCain talking point that he hears.
They have a link about it on johnmccain.com, it is solely a youtube phenomena.
It IS solely a webad but EVERY news show in the US carried it today and McCain new good and well they would. It is a lie, it is EXACTLY what McCain said earlier in the year and I believe he was talking about Hillary's healthcare plan. But as I said if you want to reach the stupidest common denominator you run ads like this, because as the last two presidential elections have shown, stupid people vote.
It IS solely a webad but EVERY news show in the US carried it today and McCain new good and well they would. It is a lie, it is EXACTLY what McCain said earlier in the year and I believe he was talking about Hillary's healthcare plan. But as I said if you want to reach the stupidest common denominator you run ads like this, because as the last two presidential elections have shown, stupid people vote.
I equate it to the "5 Million dollars is rich" crap put out by the other side. Both tribes are heavily working towards that vote.

Crap, even after making the joke McCain said in the very next sentence. "They are going to take me out of context and use that against me" (paraphrasing). Then continued in a more realistic vein. Yet I've seen it in ads...


This election it seems more obvious to me, but I think it comes from knowing I'm not voting for either of them so I see the election differently than I ever have before.
Who cares? When is our media going to talk about the damned issues? When is our media going to force the candidates to talk about the issues? When is our media going to serve the public and have informative discussions, this means no repukes no dems, informative discussions with non partisan economists, scientists, social workers, health care experts? Why the hell are we talking about lipstick, pitbulls and pigs?? This is such bullshit.
They are not going to talk about the issues. They are shooting for the large number of stupid people that vote, there are stupid people on both sides, 52 million on the republican side, but on the dems as well. We are going to talk about pigs and lipstick and pretend that it meant something it didn't. But John McCain, the former Prisoner of War, would never do anything dishonest to win his campaign, and those of you that would accuse his campaign of dishonesty, are attacking this valiant former Prisoner of War and should be ashamed of yourself.