How Affordable Is The Affordable Care Act?

Because with government there is no correlation with cost and benefits. Most socialist countries ban private insurers. The ones that have them only the truly rich can afford
Not sure I understand you yet. Medicare might not be the answer for everyone. But...younger/healthier people who don't want to spend $600/month on premiums can purchase a public plan that affords them their annual checkups, and is there in case of a catastrophic event.
A Sample Of America’s Coming Progressive Single Payer Healthcare System

If you want an example of a single payer health care system there is no need to look to England or Canada. America already has a single payer system. It is called the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA). To get an idea how it works Google “Veterans Affairs Scandal.” As of today you will get over 700,000 hits.

This is the type of system the so called “progressives” want to force on all Americans. Because of courageous whistle blowers the whole ugly system has been exposed but nothing of consequence has been done. It is estimated that at most three employees have been fired in a scandal that has badly affected hundreds of thousands of our nation’s heroes.

One of the tricks used by the VA bureaucrats to make themselves look superior while veterans received inferior care was to log their appointment time as the time he or she desired when in fact the veterans had in reality waited an average of 115 days. By this trickery they were able to report to Washington, D.C. an average wait time of 24 days. Thereby enabling the VA employees to receive performance bonuses while veterans in some cases died.
You can't point to the poor quality of care, without pointing to the funding cuts pushed through by Bushco, and Congressional Republicans under Obama's tenure.

Healthcare isn't free. Add to that the insurmountable burden on the VA due to Bush's wars of aggression.
ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo......check it OUT!! Lil' Goober's stretchin' his psychic-prediction legs!!!!!


Ya' know.....if you'd spend a little-more time doing research......before shootin'-off your wouldn't sound like such a damned, clueless fool.


You know Goober if you'd spend a little more time researching the CONSTITUTION, you might, just might find out that the federal government has no constitutional authority to be involved in the healthcare system to begin with.

Furthermore Goober, it's irrelevant which method of single payer the government uses, the loot still comes out of the taxpayer's pockets. Either incompetent government gets ripped off by private insurance companies, or incompetent government all by itself attempts to direct the disaster and no matter what, it will add trillions to the national debt just like every other unconstitutional operation the feds are involved in.

Apparently You and Jon Stewart can't read. If y'all could, you'd know the only thing "first class" about VA healthcare is it's first class fuck over of America's vets. I've posted the evidence Goober, get a Republican to read it to you.


That's OK Goober, I never expect you to read and understand genius.:rofl2:

So, what say you about Jefferson's righteous opinion that if the general welfare clause authorized the government to do whatever it wanted in the name of the general welfare, no other enumerations of government powers would be necessary. It would reduce the entire Constitution to a single clause.?:dunno: I'll wait for your explanation.:rofl2::cof1:
You do understand that an 'option' allows you to purchase Medicare?

"Purchase Medicare." At what cost darlin? Medicare is a featured fact involved in the explosive NATIONAL DEBT. Is the government going to charge enough for it's "public option" to reduce the national debt darlin? Or is the plan to just add more deficit payments to the national debt? I'll await your answer.

Now I understand why so many here pity Bobo.

Leftist morons have always attempted and failed to ridicule genius darlin. I just consider the source of the moronic idiocy.
You can't point to the poor quality of care, without pointing to the funding cuts pushed through by Bushco, and Congressional Republicans under Obama's tenure.

Healthcare isn't free. Add to that the insurmountable burden on the VA due to Bush's wars of aggression.

Facts please! Just the facts! Post some facts darlin instead of the DNC talking points, OK?
Ya' know.....if you'd spend a little-more time doing research......before shootin'-off your wouldn't sound like such a damned, clueless fool.

Again, if you'd spend a little more time researching the CONSTITUTION you might, just might begin to understand that you have NO rational or honest arguments and you're simply a brain-dead progressive anti-Constitution moron and asshole!
"Purchase Medicare." At what cost darlin? Medicare is a featured fact involved in the explosive NATIONAL DEBT. Is the government going to charge enough for it's "public option" to reduce the national debt darlin? Or is the plan to just add more deficit payments to the national debt? I'll await your answer.

Leftist morons have always attempted and failed to ridicule genius darlin. I just consider the source of the moronic idiocy.

I too, am beginning to pity you. Medicare accounts for about 14% of the natl debt. By allowing an influx of premium dollars, coupled with a change in the overall risk demographic, you'll actually see a reduction in Medicare shortfalls.
Facts please! Just the facts! Post some facts darlin instead of the DNC talking points, OK?
I see. So Bush didn't start an unnecessary war in Iraq, adding thousands to the risk pool of the V.A?

Republicans haven't been pushing through cuts to the V.A?

Go ahead darlin....refute those facts if you can.