How can Christianity become so hate driven.


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If trans, gays and women who had abortions were sitting on one side of a church and MAGA Christians were sitting on the other side of the church. Who do you think Jesus would sit with and choose to talk to. I know the answer to this, but no MAGA will admit it. The bible means less and less to me as time goes on, ,If Jesus didn't say it or do it. IT is not Christian. The Old Testament is ugly, cruel, violent, ridiculous and as time goes by less and less of it speaks to me.
If trans, gays and women who had abortions were sitting on one side of a church and MAGA Christians were sitting on the other side of the church. Who do you think Jesus would sit with and choose to talk to. I know the answer to this, but no MAGA will admit it. The bible means less and less to me as time goes on, ,If Jesus didn't say it or do it. IT is not Christian. The Old Testament is ugly, cruel, violent, ridiculous and as time goes by less and less of it speaks to me.

If trans, gays and women who had abortions were sitting on one side of a church and MAGA Christians were sitting on the other side of the church. Who do you think Jesus would sit with and choose to talk to. I know the answer to this, but no MAGA will admit it. The bible means less and less to me as time goes on, ,If Jesus didn't say it or do it. IT is not Christian. The Old Testament is ugly, cruel, violent, ridiculous and as time goes by less and less of it speaks to me.

The Christians would go to the other side of the church and minister to the sinners to help them see where God wants them
If trans, gays and women who had abortions were sitting on one side of a church and MAGA Christians were sitting on the other side of the church. Who do you think Jesus would sit with and choose to talk to. I know the answer to this, but no MAGA will admit it. The bible means less and less to me as time goes on, ,If Jesus didn't say it or do it. IT is not Christian. The Old Testament is ugly, cruel, violent, ridiculous and as time goes by less and less of it speaks to me.

There would be no point in Jesus sitting with the Christians because they don't need help.

Of course he would be sitting with the degenerates to preach to them and get them to change their ways.

That is what Jesus did.

He didn't spend his time with the righteous but He spent it with the sinners.
How can Christianety become so hate driven..

I think it has something to do with the unwarranted arrogance and lies from board atheists......why do you hate believers so much that you need to come here and preach your beliefs?.....
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If trans, gays and women who had abortions were sitting on one side of a church and MAGA Christians were sitting on the other side of the church. Who do you think Jesus would sit with and choose to talk to.

if they are all sitting in church, they're all sitting and talking with him..........the ones who wouldn't be are the ones who choose not to be there......
If trans, gays and women who had abortions were sitting on one side of a church and MAGA Christians were sitting on the other side of the church. Who do you think Jesus would sit with and choose to talk to. I know the answer to this, but no MAGA will admit it. The bible means less and less to me as time goes on, ,If Jesus didn't say it or do it. IT is not Christian. The Old Testament is ugly, cruel, violent, ridiculous and as time goes by less and less of it speaks to me.

"Many come in my name but they aren't mine"!trumpprayedover1_hdv.jpg
There would be no point in Jesus sitting with the Christians because they don't need help.

Of course he would be sitting with the degenerates to preach to them and get them to change their ways.

That is what Jesus did.

He didn't spend his time with the righteous but He spent it with the sinners.

Since everyone are sinners, tell us why he picked the gays trans and women who had abortions top be with. Under the circumstance your answer is nonsense. . Funny, he would sit with the gay, trans and women who have abortions because comparing apples to apples , they are more moral and good and honest than the MAGA"s. The MAGA's are 100% hate based cruel ugly and mean. What they are above everything else are totally fake Christians, Who interpret the bible with a hateful, ugly soul. Look at their list of sinners they are concerned about and then compare it to their response to the bibles main message, a message that is made hundreds of times more than what they build their whole Christian basis on. That is our responsibility to take care of the needy.
Matthew 19:21-24 King James Version (KJV)
Jesus said unto him, If thou wilt be perfect, go and sell that thou hast, and give to the poor, and thou shalt have treasure in heaven: and come and follow me. But when the young man heard that saying, he went away sorrowful: for he had great possessions. Then said Jesus unto his disciples, Verily I say unto you, That a rich man shall hardly enter into the kingdom of heaven. And again I say unto you, It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle, than for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of God.
The Christians would go to the other side of the church and minister to the sinners to help them see where God wants them

This. If they were following the teaching of Christ the Christians would minister to those on the "other" side of the church. This would likely, ironically so, be considered "hatred" by leftists.
This. If they were following the teaching of Christ the Christians would minister to those on the "other" side of the church. This would likely, ironically so, be considered "hatred" by leftists.

So Christians would go to Muslims and Jews and Hindus to tell them their God is wrong?